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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 17 Review(s)
Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/28/2004
Hi! I was cheerfully rereading this chapter, and I noticed something about your translation of 'Faramir': you translate it as 'adequate jewel' which relies on the the root "far" in Sindarin meaning 'adequate'. Now, I have no idea if the Professor set that down as canon, but I have seen an alternate theory where the root is pulled from "faron" which means 'hunter' in Sindarin.
Just a random thought to throw out there. Here's a few more thoughts: possible names for Faramir:

I know, lotta 'hunter' in there, but that seems to be the majority of his activity with the Eored, and so that would make an impression. Of course, you've hinted (or rather, Gandalf hinted) that 'saving' Eomer would help -- I'm eagerly awaiting Eomer's travels with the Eored to see what happens!! Could be all sorts of name-inspiration there...

Author Reply: Cheerfully rereading. :) That makes my day.

Anyway, that's neat with the "hunter" angle. As far as I know Faramir's name is never translated as canon, more fodder for the fanwriters, I guess. :D Those are cool choices and they definitely add a new dimension. Which, thanks!! I can only come up with so much myself!!

I'm also considering having his students name him--I know, cutesy, but still, it might be nice. Especially with Faramir's aforementioned fears of being a father.
Eomer's getting there soon. Hee, I gotta leave enough time for the students to bond with the teacher. Next chapter, lots of Faramir, Gaer, students and Ranger Games! :D

lol, basically...Gaer's a pest.

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/19/2004
Ok, I know I'm REALLY bad for taking this long to review. Sorry...... :(

I think Eowyn's decision to leave is one based one sound reasoning. I agree that it will help her discover who she is as a woman, and perhaps she'll come to really like Gondor during her future visit and not be so apprehensive about her future with Faramir. Good for both of them. :)

I love Eomer. I was cracking up when you had him telling Arwen, "They come to me." I can't wait until he meets Lothiriel. :)

I'm anxiously awaiting the next update. I want to see more of Faramir's adventures with the Rohirrim, as well as what Eowyn is going to do next.

Author Reply: Hee! Lothiriel's going to be fun. I can't wait until Eomer's the one being hunted down--this is one girl who does come and hee, doesn't take no for an answer. Poor guy. He's going to buddy up to Faramir, all, "protect me!" and then...Faramir gets his revenge! Ha! :D

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/19/2004
Whoever said that the reviews for this fic are almost as good as the fic itself is right! :D I can't help but to get involved.

In responce to Lackwit, you wrote:
"BTW, I never found Eowyn to be as paticularly angelic and wise as Arwen was portrayed in the book. I thought she was more realistic and flaky. I mean, running off to almost certain death over Aragorn spurning her? He had a good reason and she just met him, she couldn't have been that attatched. So I think this is reasonably within character to add some selfishness."

I think the good Professor was using a particularly medieval device with Eowyn, in that 'Love At First Sight' or a reasonable facsimile thereof, and a desperate action resulting from 'heartbreak' are very characteristic of medieval concepts of romance. I didn't even question it in the books. Anyway, a certain one-dimensionalism is standard in medieval literature, since most were intended to be allegorical. Eowyn's love/hero-worship is perfectly normal from a medievalist prospective. In fact, I found the whole Aragorn mess very 'Elaine/Lady of Shallot', but with Tolkien's own spin (take Arthurian legend, mix well with an excess of Norse Studies, remold according to one's needs). At least Eowyn got to live! (And she got Faramir, lucky girl!! :D)

So, I rather find her actions in the book acceptable since they're mainly directed by the Professor's own intents in writing a story of classically epic proportions, entertwining his own areas of expertise.

However, that's not to say that I don't ADORE your more realistic portrayal of Eowyn, as it fulfills a very different goal: a realistic transformation of a woman from child to adult. Heck, I even like the movieverse-Faramir better than the book-Faramir, because he seems more REAL in the movie (honey, ain't NOONE gonna be able to resist a Ring that speaks into your head and promises you everything you've ever wanted!) ;). But I just wanted to point out that one can't really say that Eowyn's actions are a failing in the book; rather that they serve a very specific purpose and fulfill a particular standard.


Author Reply: True, true. Personally, though, I can't help an eyeroll everytime. Maybe it's because I was never impressed with Aragorn. Dunno why, I guess my girlhood wasn't full of dreams of marrying Kings and becoming Queen. :) I'd rather be Aragorn than marry him.

Hee, I bet you came looking to see if I'd updated. Sorry. It's Eowyn's fault, she's dragging her toes. Really, Faramir's all ready to go. It's like in Better Than Sex, he's dressed in two seconds and she'd trying on all her clothes and running a bath and stuff. Seriously, Gaer's panting away like a puppy who just got a new friend.

LOL, that sounded a bit dirty. Gaer/Faramir would be pretty neat, though, if I could do it. Ha! Throw in Halorl and you'd have a party! Eomer would be squicky. I can't read Eomer/Faramir. Makes me giggle which is unfortunate cause they're hot.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/7/2004
This has nothing to do with this chapter, but if you remember a few reviews back I asked you who Morwen Steelsheen was? Well I found a reference in the Encyclopedia of Arda and here's the link!:

I had no idea she was Eowyn's grandmother!

RAKSHA THE DEMONReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004
Oops. That last review, pointing out that I mentioned Eomer's deserving to prove his worthiness for Lothiriel's hand by serving as a sailor when I reviewed an earlier chapter, was by me. Forgot to put my name on the form I guess.

Must go and put my head back on my shoulders.

Reviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004

Here's a quote from my Review of Chapter 51 - go to the last sentence!

"But I'm getting a little tired of the Rohirrim's attitude towards Faramir as Eowyn's prospective bridegroom. It started out as an amusing, and not inaccurate, extrapolation on Eomer's natural instinct to protect his sister. Now the masculine one-upmanship and teasing seems to have become more mean-spirited; and frankly, I hope Faramir is going to kick some Rohirric butt in terms of showing off his own skills. I'm surprised that Aragorn didn't mention to Eomer that he wouldn't want his Steward insulted, but this Aragorn is indulging his own interests and passions rather than thinking like the King he has just started to be. I wonder how the Rohirrim would feel if Prince Imrahil and his sons constantly teased and belittled Eomer when he eventually became interested in Lothiriel of Dol Amroth, rather than offering him friendship, not to mention requiring him to drop his responsibilities to his domain and come prove himself as a sailor in Dol Amroth."

Proof that great minds, i.e. mine and SoundofHorns', think alike!

There's a great story somewhere in fanfic that has a seasick Eomer on board a Dol Amroth ship with Lothiriel's brothers...I'll have to find it. It was a very short story...

Can't wait for Eomer to come upon Faramir with a devoted group of young Rohirric boys who he's teaching Stealth!COmbat to and who think he's the greatest thing since Eorl the Young.

Forgot to mention that I liked the scenes with Arwen; and the puppy is adorable. Aragorn had better start getting on the puppy's good side too!

MichelleReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004
Hi there...I don't have time to leave a detailed review but I wanted to give you a couple of logistical comments.

1. I'm not sure how you intend the suggestion that Rohan is bigger than Gondor. "Beyond the Snowbourn, the horizon had no end, no boundaries of any kind to steady him and he felt briefly dizzy and very small looking out over so much space. Gondor was well bracketed, safely enclosed in mountains and the shores of the Anduin. It is so small…Faramir had never thought of his homeland as being tiny, but it was in comparison." But the fact is, it's not. I'm not sure--perhaps you mean that Gondor appears small in comparison, or perhaps that Faramir has not seen much of Gondor (both of which I think would be incorrect). In any case, I have here very roughly outlined the borders of Gondor (blue) and Rohan (red) at the beginning of the Fourth Age.

2. The singular of "Rohirrim" is "Rohir". Just thought you might like to know. :-)

Author Reply: I think it was meant as what Faramir sees daily in Gondor--the City, the river, Ithilien, etc. The way they traveled would have been no more than the distance from Minas Tirith to Osgiliath and yet he's in these huge, impressive mountains. It would seem gigantic--the view, etc. I think most of Faramir's excursions would have dealt with the land to the east, which is much flatter than riding straight up into the White Mountains, which are very close to Edoras. Naturally he would be a little impressed. Not to say he'd never gone into the mountains in Gondor, but the majority would have been the flatter Pelennor and the hilly Ithilien.

Thanks for the "Rohir" that's shorter and, bonus, correct. Lol

LauraReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004
Lovely. Truely. I don't usually leave reviews because I seriously don't have the time. I'm only reading two fanfiction stories right now -- this story (and I look for updates every single day) and Promise Remembered (HP story on I don't have time for anything else.

Btw, the description of Faramir hunting was so very vivid and moving. Well done.

Please keep writing. You have real talent. If you're only 20 now (Happy Birthday), I think we can expect big things from you in future.

Author Reply: Thanks! I liked writing Faramir in the woods--it feels more natural to his character. Lots more as he teaches "stealth" to the young Rohirrim.

I love writing this. It's very stress-relieving and a welcome break. I'm just glad so many people love it!

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004
Oh, forgot- intriguing scenes between Arwen and Eomer. The arm wrestling was hilarious, but what exactly was happening with him during the dance?

Author Reply: Hee! I liked the arm wrestling, too.

I felt the elvish music was like in Rivendell--it jumped out and wrapped him in a dream. Wasn't it the same with Legolas and the Fellowship in Lorien before Haldir came? Frodo got swept away? Or maybe I'm making that up, lol.

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004
Happy birthday- good hobbitses :)

I hope you plan a lot of Faramir with the eored- this was great. Plenty of sweaty, testostorone-charged hairballs to shake up our city boy. Actually, I particularly liked the hunting scene with the boys, as well as the archery in a previous chapter. Engaging and hell, I love rangers.

BTW, I think I enjoy the reviews of this fic as much as the story itself. Some excellent discussion going on. To an extent I agree with Raksha- Eowyn seems a bit immature and self-centered at times. I haven't gotten the sense that she has been as strong a support to Eomer the king as I would have expected from her. Eomer OTOH is such a very lonely man in this story, no wonder he clings to the memory of brother and sister together forever.

I am not convinced that it makes sense that a woman who followed such strict duty for almost a quarter of her young life would abandon her king out of pique or that it would even seriously occur to her to do. Rohan has just come out of 5 years of neglect and battle, and rebuilding will be a huge job for a young king who was not raised to be one and has little family support. Eowyn is still the Lady of the Golden Hall, and in medieval culture the lady played a significant role in support of her lord/liege; like it or not, a gilded cage was central to her life (helping run Meduseld would have been a lot of work). Not to mention that due to medieval logistics taking off in a snit like that would not have been very practical.

Mind you, a visit to Gondor is not at all unreasonable (just Eowyn's current reasons are unworthy).

SoH, you have redeemed Arwen. Her explanation for her attitude was heartbreaking and believable, and certainly in keeping with her not so happy fate as envisioned by Tolkein. Rusco needs to give her lots of facelicking more often. BTW, I have always loved the character of Elrond and have always wondered why he has never *cursed* the Valar for all the short sticks they have thrown his way over the ages.

Now rescue Aragorn! He's another one who is acting rather immature- he also has the blood of Westernesse and should be able to get a pretty good idea of what's really bothering his wife.

Are you serious that Gaer's interpretations of Faramir's name are true? Interesting! I actually thought you had made them up because they are creepily accurate.
“terrible sight-fear-destruction” :his birthright and the reaction of those who find out about it
“Outlaw, enemy-deceiver” : his exploits as a ranger in Ithilien

An excellent chapter- keep it up.

Author Reply: Eowyn will get more mature as time goes on. Hmm, what's that saying? Rome wasn't built in a day. And I'm guessing neither was Minas Tirith and a young woman doesn't become a fully mature and wise woman in one, either. :) So, yeah, but not much more immaturity! I promise! (

BTW, I never found Eowyn to be as paticularly angelic and wise as Arwen was portrayed in the book. I thought she was more realistic and flaky. I mean, running off to almost certain death over Aragorn spurning her? He had a good reason and she just met him, she couldn't have been that attatched. So I think this is reasonably within character to add some selfishness. Frodo never wrote anything that would show that Eowyn thought about how her brother would feel when she left Edoras. That's selfish to me, to leave him famililess without a word.

Gaer's interpretations are true. Every one and they are rather creepy. I was astonished when I thought to look it up. Actually I did this before even starting the chapter and Faramir's name became the inspiration for a lot of it.

Ah, good, you like Arwen again. :D Good because she's in this a lot, lol.
Aragorn shows his maturity next chapter with a short verbal smackdown to Eowyn's idea. :D Good King.

Author Reply: In further creepiness, check out Thorn's name. BTW, I was aware of the rune, but not the depth of this and how it ends up in my story. Lots of uh, creepiness in the way that as soon as Faramir gets this horse many of the things mentioned about the rune show up in the story--fire, selfishness, etc.

Also I find interesting, Brémel translates into Bramble, another word for this rune. (Faramir totally screwed it)

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