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The Ashes of Twilight  by Tinuviel ylf maegden 4 Review(s)
The One RingReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/17/2004
That was awsome! Goin' on to the next!!! WooHoo!!!!

RosieLuvsHerChainsawReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
oooooh! this gives me goose bumps! you are truely talented when it comes to writting *rubs goose bumps*

Author Reply: Ooh...I'll do it again! Thanks, Rosie.

Lasse-LantaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/15/2004
How beautifully poetic is your writing. How very interesting that you draw parralles (sp?) between Luthien and Arwen, not just thoughs everyone sees, but also the suble ones, the mirroring of their sorrows and joys. I can not read all the chapters tonight (silly how RL interferes, isn't it *g*), but I will be restless until I can finish.

Author Reply: Blessed be! Thanks be so much for your wonderful comments on my story. I am trying to draw a common connection between the two characters, and in the end it will be apparant why. Thanks so much again! *Does dance of mirth, and hopes to Eru no one saw*

ScealdmaegdenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/27/2004
Love it love it love it! Continue onward my beloved sister!

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