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Sons of Fellowship  by Conquistadora 9 Review(s)
mystarlightReviewed Chapter: 37 on 12/20/2019
Thorin is a great king. Action and characters so well written I can picture them easily like a movie.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/22/2004
Ai! I am so far behind on reviewing this and it is my favorite!! During the summer I don't have access to a computer daily, and it is KILLING me!!! Ah well, enough of to review this chapter -

I really like Thorin - firm, no nonsense, large and IN CHARGE, no doubt about it! He was fair and meted out some good, old-fashioned justice, especially to that jerk Nain!

I can only feel relief at Legolas' decision to leave...and come back in a year or three when life and limb would not be so threatened! Time to cut the losses before they become too great...besides, Gimli will be in Aglarond without his father, and the two friends can visit to their hearts' content! It is just a shame that the dwarfs as a whole couldn't quit living in the past, and make more reasonable judgments.

Great chapter - I could really get a sense of Legolas' discouragement as he was talking with the man and petting Briar. Poor elf!


Author Reply:
"Divide and conquer" is still the best strategy now that the direct assault is flagging. :) Aglarond will probably be a better environment.

Reviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/9/2004
You must let us see Legolas' return home and his report to Thranduil. There is no way Thranduil would not figure out that Legolas left his guards behind or that more happened in the mountain. Not the details certainly, but he could read his son well enough to know all was not perfect--heck, logic would tell him that. And one final "return" would be too funny in your well written prose. Please include it.

Author Reply:
Well, I'll see what I can do. :) I was considering that as a second epilogue, but we'll see if time and inspiration allow.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/9/2004
I was glad to see such a quick update on this! What a nasty situation... just your description of the forge makes me all tense; I'm pretty sure I would not have matched Legolas' level of forbearance of the insults.

I'm glad that Scatha had Legolas to tend to him; it's so like the Elf to tend to Scatha before his own wounds.

It's good that Thorin Stonehelm is laying down the law. Too bad he didn't do it sooner. It's clear that he takes the responsibility very seriously.

Looking forward to the next update!

- Barbara

P.S. A couple typos:
unworthy miscreant who imperiled the life Thranduil’s son -> life of
it did not phase many of the worn ponies -> faze many

Author Reply:
Thanks! ;) Typos fixed.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/8/2004
Well, I'm glad that at least Thorin is angry over the treatment of Legolas. And I'm happy to see him actually doing something about it! Perhaps, if he would have told his people from the beginning what he did now, all of this could have been avoided. And he's certainly right to compare how Gimli was treated by Thranduil and the Elves to how Legolas has been treated by the dwarves. I'm so mad at those thick-headed, stubborn, proud and irrating dwarves! Well, at least the ones that treated Legolas badly.

But, I really don't think giving Nain twenty-eight lashes nor locking him up till Leggy leaves is going to build any lasting relationships between Nain's house and the Elves. In fact, it just may make things worse. I hope no one retaliates! :O

Poor Scatha, I bet his tail is throbbing. Leave it to Legolas though, to take care of his hurts before his own. *sigh* He's so kindhearted. He'd have to be to put up with the way he's been treated! I sure hope his hand doesn't get infected...although...I certainly wouldn't mind. Heh, heh! ;)

And it's no wonder Legolas has had just about all he can take. Poor him, he really tried so hard too. I hope things take a turn for the better before he leaves. I'd be saddened to see him fail in befriending the dwarves. Hurry and make something good happen so he won't leave. Despite his horrid treatment, I want the dwarves to realize they shouldn't have treated Legolas as they did. He deserves much better for we all know what a kind soul he is.

Uh oh, I just thought of something. Now that Leggy seems to have given up and resigned himself to leave, you think he's going to free Scatha? Oooh, Thorin would be really mad then!

Can't wait for the next chappy! ;) If I don't catch your update by Saturday, I'll have to wait six whole days before I can read it! :( We're off on vacation Sunday. So ya see, you gotta hurry! LOL :)

Author Reply:
OK, here ya go! I think I'm in more of a hurry to finish it than you are to read it. They finally sent me my summer homework (now that summer is almost gone), asking me to read The Iliad. I just got it today. Whoa-ho! Nobody told me it was 600 pages!

Don't think Elves can get infected, at least if that falls under their immunity to disease. That would certainly be nice. :)

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/8/2004
im so sorry about the other review, i pressed enter before i typed anything. My bad.
on to the review, i think that the punishment is a little to harsh, but then again, Nain is acting totally mean and everything. So i guess he deserves it.
I think its so sad that the dwarves are being so rude enough to actually make Legolas want to leave a few days after he came. More soon, please.

Author Reply:
No problem. ;) I've seen it before.
The world used to be a tougher place. I had originally intended to give him thirty at most, but luckily for Nain I could only drag Legolas' name out to twenty-eight letters.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/8/2004
Oh, no, he's going to leave! I liked the Legolas-Gimli interaction, but they will be able to visit each other in Gondor and Rohan and of course there's always Valinor. I suppose this story is winding down to a close now that Legolas is getting ready to leave Erebor.

Thorin is being quite stern--good for him, though many Dwarves aren't likely to thank him. At least Thranduil will know that the *official* response of the Mountain was friendly.

Author Reply:
I never could stand it when it was the other hoodlums in my work/study group who made a bad grade for all of us, so I feel for Thorin. Yes, I'm afraid we're winding down to a quick close now that my fanfic days are seriously numbered. Homework, shopping, packing, reading! Oh well, it's been fun. :)

LamielReviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/8/2004
My, Thorin is in a snit, isn't he? Actually I like seeing him lay down the law, and certainly he would have to be forceful in commanding all those cantankerous Dwarves. 28 lashes sounds awful, to my modern sensibilities, but I guess it really isn't so bad considering the times they were living in. Still, I wonder how Legolas would react, if he finds out. My guess is that he'd want to leave all the sooner, so as to limit the time Nain spends in prison.

Yet somehow I can't believe that Legolas is really going to leave like this. Certainly it seems the best thing to do, given the current mood, but I think he's tougher than that. This is a challenge, after all, and it isn't in him to admit defeat. But it will be difficult, because he's going to have to overcome his own wounded pride. Wasn't it Gandalf who said that Elves and Dwarves were really very much alike? At least in their pride. I don't think Legolas will ever win the wholehearted friendship of the Mountain, but it would be nice if he could leave on somewhat more amicable terms.

I like these more action packed chapters. A bit less angst, a bit more plot development, as is common when writing Dwarves, I find. Of course I still love all the description that you manage to give, but it's none the worse for being mixed with the action.

Author Reply:
Dwarves are a tough bunch, so I wouldn't worry much about Nain. I think Gandalf was on to something there. ;)

Reviewed Chapter: 37 on 7/8/2004
Outstanding. Love the parallel/contrast between the two councils (elven and dwarven). Legolas is going to loose it when he hears about the lashes. I don't think elves would approve of such things but Thranduil might if he heard what happened. I am very interested to see how it ends.

Author Reply:
Thanks. :)
Well, they might. After all, they've been known to employ even capital punishment, so I don't think a good beating for severe offences would be unthinkable, especially since they heal so well. They probably wouldn't have sentenced quite so much for this particular incident, but those are Dwarves for you. ;)

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