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With Friends Like These  by Jay of Lasgalen 12 Review(s)
RhapsodyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/8/2004
Argh no.. no more next button.. what to do next.. I will join the legion of people who await your next chapter then.

Elronds last words.. did you mean George Bush senior? In a way I can imagine that. Poor Elladan, guilty by obmission, he told the Ada's that Elrohir and Legolas went hunting? But well, I can see the possible mischief they can cause in the kitchen. Well done Jay, I enjoyed this story immensly!

Author Reply: It was GB junior - apparently he has twin daughters. I read it somewhere, and it just seemed so right!

There will be another chapter, possibly two, but this story is winding down now. I can't cope with so many stories on the go at once! Thank you so much for reading the whole of this (rather long) story, and reviewing so faithfully! I have plenty of ideas for new stories already (sigh) - the problem is finding time to write them all!

LKKReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/5/2004
Wow. Are the kids really going to get away with going to the Trollshaws without anyone finding out? They should be grateful if they do.

I worry that even though Elrohir knows his actions were foolish, the basic problem behind his actions isn't resolved. He still hasn't established himself as a person separate from Elladan. Until he does, Elrohir still might be inclined to behave irresponsibly. :(

I liked the Bush quote at the end. It did seem highly appropriate! LOL

Author Reply: Well, I think they might get away with it - seeing as they survive to the next story ...

Elrohir is usually very sensible. He knows what he did was stupid, and he's beginning to realise that he doesn't really want to be apart from Elladan that much. All he asks is a little space of his own ...

It says something sad about me when I read a satirical political quote and simply think 'Elrond would say something like that!!'

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/4/2004
rather war than twins huh? I would believe it. Thanks for continuing this tale is is most enjoyable, but won't the proverbial hit the fan when the fathers find out where thier sons really went? other shoe material I reckon.

Author Reply: The twins and Legolas are living in dread that their parents will find out the truth. They think they're in trouble now - how much worse can it be? ;)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/3/2004
I was laughing at Elrohir's 'little lord' reaction to the guard - they'll break him down to size one day, when he is in training!

Hmm...why do I suspect that their fathers do know what they have done? Maybe not. Clearly, disappointing their parents is quite a blow to them, but suitable punishment helps too. And I agree about Elladan - sins of commission or sins of omission -they are wise to punish both.

Of course, knowing this trio, they'll manage to either get into some mischief while being punished or do something sweet or heroic.

Author Reply: The twins will one day be in command of these troops, so learning now is a start. They don't abuse the position, so shouldn't be resented too much. Elrond's and Thranduil's disappointment over what they do know is bad enough, so it may be as well for them to never find out the whole truth. A case of 'what they don't know won't hurt them'.

DotReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/3/2004
They still don’t know!! Surely the two fathers aren’t going to remain oblivious to what REALLY happened…??

Poor Elladan just seemed to be having no luck at all – those darn guards are everywhere! But I just loved Elrohir in son-of-the-lord mode. That’ll teach the guard to call them ‘younglings’.

I loved the reunion between the twins. That moment when they are just completely honest with each other was lovely to witness.

LOL at Elladan hearing all about the troll. “But – trolls don’t have babies! Do they?” You know, that’s an image I didn’t really need first thing on a Sunday morning…;-) It seems that Elrohir and Legolas seem quite recovered from their troll experience and can look back on it with amazement now. I guess it’s better that they don’t dwell too much on what could have happened.

Facing a ‘grim’ Elrond and Thranduil would *not* be a pleasant experience, I would imagine. I felt particularly bad for Elrohir because he’s already realised himself what he’s done wrong. “I am most disappointed in you.” Ah yes, I think we’ve all had that speech at one time or another – it does hurt more than a parent’s anger. There’s really a sense of the different styles of both fathers. Elrohir is most affected by Elrond’s disappointment, but Thranduil clearly dreads anything happening to all that is left of his family – and this is what would get through to Legolas. Very clever, these adars. But how nice that their sons can go away still reassured of their fathers’ love for them.

That last part with Elrond and Thranduil discussing punishments to try and come up with the most appropriate was fascinating – clearly their sons are so different that a punishment for one wouldn’t be for another. I guess it is only fair to include Elladan as well – he’d probably help out anyway.

I still can’t believe that Thranduil and Elrond don’t know the truth! But of course, how could they unless their sons admitted their deeds… Apparently they didn’t notice that Elrohir and especially Legolas looked a little wet from flailing around an angry river. Are they really never going to find out? I admit, it is possible. Not that I want the young elves to be in trouble, mind you. Or see Elrond and Thranduil in full flow. Oh alright, then… I really, really do…:-)

Author Reply: I implied previously that the parents never did find out where they went - not for a very long time, anyway. And would Elrohir and Legolas have survived if Elrond and Thranduil had found out?

It was perhaps more natural for Legolas to hug his father at the end of the lecture - as you say, they only have each other. Elrohir, that little bit older, was rather surprised to find himself doing the same thing! Elrohir also feels guilty about everything - I think he's going to have to find someone to confess to soon.

The punishment will be suitably dull and dirty - and they'll miss the feast! I imagine that the cooks will find a few treats for them, and the three will manage to have some fun as well.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/3/2004
Well - I think they got off quite lightly. (Love the way the adars compared notes - and that a suitable punishment for Legolas wouldn't do for Elrohir. Also that Elladan got roped in for communal guilt, even though he wasn't there because he knew that the other two had been out. A bit of a dangerous principle, really, since knowing is not the same as doing, but probably inevitable with the twins.) Elrond has a clear understanding of the trials of twinship - unsurprisingly, and both adars are very good at making their sons feel ashamed of their behaviour while still being sure of their love.

The only question is - will Elrond and Thranduil find out what really happened? Because wandering around Imladris at night is just a teensy bit different to trying to find trolls and crossing the Bruinen. A teensy difference that might change a night of scullery work to a century of chains.

I liked seeing Elrohir act authoritative with the guard. They might not use their position much (and they would be hated if they did), but it is still part of who they are and they need to be able to don it, like formal robes, at suitable moments.

As to the final comment - bet Elrond wouldn't. (Rather go to war again, that is.) He is far too sensible and has seen far too much of the fallout from war. George Bush might. That says a lot about him, too.

Author Reply: I think it wasn't easy to find a punishment suitable for all three, but scullery duty should do it! Elladan may be let off lightly and get a slightly less unpleasant task, but Elrond knows he knew what they were up to. If it was discovered they'd been to the Trollshaws, things would have been worse - do elves have cess pits?

The twins will, one day, help to run Imladris, and will command some of these guards - so they have to start somewhere.

I read that comment a few weeks ago, and couldn't wait to find an opportunity for Elrond to say it! I really don't think he'd be without his sons for anything, though.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/2/2004
lol.. I loved the closing remark:-D Well at least their father's know exactly how to deal with them. I absolutely hate it when my parents tell me that they are disappointed in me. I would almost prefer getting yelled at:-) But at least both princes are safe at home now:-D Great chapter.. Looking forward to more~

Author Reply: It seemed a very Elrondish sort of comment. The 'disappointed' speech and an unpleasant task will work wonders as well. Thanks for the review!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/2/2004
Great chapter. Ahhh the wrath of the fathers. There is absoultely nothing worse on earth than the 'I am disappointed in you' speech. And I think it would be particularly effective delivered by Thranduil and Elrond. One or the other would be scary. Both together? Oh geez! I liked the last line. I can definitely see Elrond saying that!

Author Reply: I read that line in a satirical magazine. I couldn't wait to use it for Elrond!

Poor Elrohir and Legolas - this was far more effective than shouting for both of them. Add to that a dirty, unpleasant task, and they'll all think twice next time.

CreashunsReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/2/2004
Great Chapter as Usual!
Hmmm, What will the punishments be when Elrond and Thranduil find
out what their Son's have really been up to???? Interesting....

Author Reply: Well, maybe Elrond and Thranduil will never find out - after all, Elrohir and Legolas survive to live to a ripe old age!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/2/2004
As a parent myself, I loved the image of Elrond and Thranduil weighing the merits of possible punishments to determine the most appropriate penalty for their particular offspring. And it's so funny that Legolas was a prissy elf even at that age! ;)

I would predict that Thranduil, at least, will soon find out what really happened with the trolls and the river; Legolas doesn't seem to be particularly good at keeping secrets from his father. But perhaps Elrond will never know?

Author Reply: I implied in a previous story that Elrond and Thranduil never found out about the troll hunt, so I have to be careful here! And the punishments - what works for one won't for another. But peeling veg and washing dishes - and missing the feast - should do it.

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