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The White Horse and the White Banner  by Chigger

Chapter 11 – Recovery

The next day, Athelwyn was rewarded for her loving care when Ceorl awoke with a cool brow. He was aware of his surroundings the entire day, conversing calmly with his mother and acquainting himself with the new addition to the family.

Beleg, for his part, took an immediate liking to Ceorl and protested loudly when Athelwyn gently lifted him from his place on the bed to put him outside.

They spent the day in simple happiness, Athelwyn continuing her task of caring for her son while Beleg lay on his new friend’s chest, sleeping contentedly.

The following day, they were interrupted by a soft rap on the door. Beleg awoke swiftly with a low growl. His hackles rising slightly, he leapt from the bed, ran to the door and stopped, half crouched beneath a table, waiting.

Athelwyn laughed. Obviously what the Elf had said was true. Beleg would make a wonderful guard dog. She just hoped that whoever was outside the door met with his approval.

She unlatched the door and opened it cautiously, one eye on the small watch dog crouched stealthily on the floor. She was relieved to find that it was Legolas himself who stood there, a slight smile gracing his features.

Beleg plopped down on his haunches with a grunt and scratched his ear indifferently, then sauntered carelessly from the room and back to Ceorl. "Good morning!" Athelwyn greeted her friend, opening the door wider and allowing him in. "How are you today?"

"I am well, my lady. I came to see how you were getting along with Beleg," he answered, gallantly presenting her with a bouquet of wild flowers with a graceful bow.

"Oh, thank you, my friend," she exclaimed, happy as a maiden. "I shall get a vase for them. You may go see Ceorl if you like. He is awake, I believe. The poor boy, he is always tired, yet he remained awake and untroubled all of yesterday."

"I am relieved to hear that," Legolas replied, holding the urn steady as she placed the flowers in it. "How has he been lately?"

"His sickness is all but vanished and his shivering has ceased. He slept peacefully last night, with never a moan nor a cry. This morning he awoke and requested breakfast. It would seem that his appetite is returning, for he finished all that I placed before him."

"Wonderful," Legolas replied happily, rearranging the bouquet slightly before placing the arrangement in the middle of the table. "There," he said finally, satisfied with their placement, "shall we go see Ceorl, now?"

Together they entered Ceorl’s room. They found Beleg again lying on his friend’s chest, resting his head on his giant paws, breathing deeply. As Ceorl looked up at his visitors, his smile was overtaken by surprise and he struggled painfully to sit up. Beleg tumbled from his place, rolling over to the side of the bed with an impatient whine, his ears laid back in annoyance. Legolas went swiftly to the young man’s side and pushed him gently back. "Never mind, my friend," he said softly, fixing the rumpled blanket before lifting the whining pup from the bed and depositing him on the floor with a gentle pat. "You are still wounded and should lie quiet," Legolas reprimanded amiably although firmly.

"But Prince Legolas," Ceorl protested, "it is not proper that I should lie supine while you stand erect before me!"

"I shall forgive you," Legolas answered.

"Prince Legolas?" Athelwyn asked, looking from one to the other in confusion. "Prince of what?"

"Northern Lasgalen and Elven Ithilien, my lady," Legolas replied with a small bow, throwing Ceorl a slightly aggravated glance.

"You did not know, mother?" Ceorl questioned, slightly amused.

"No, I did not. That fact seemed to have passed me by."

"Do not concern yourself over it," Legolas assured her, holding a chair for her as she sat down.

He pulled up a chair from across the room and they conversed pleasantly as the morning waned. When the sun had passed over its zenith, Ceorl’s stomach rumbled loudly. He grinned sheepishly and turned to his mother. "Is there anything to eat?" he asked eagerly.

"I am sure I can find something for you, my son," she replied happily. She looked over at Legolas who held Beleg in his lap, stroking the soft head gently. "Would you care for some refreshment, my friend?" she asked.

"No thank you, my lady."

"Are you sure? I would love to cook for you and there is more than enough to share."

He smiled up at her. "If you put it that way, my lady, and if it would not be too much trouble, I would rather enjoy some of your cooking."

"Excellent! Come Beleg," she summoned, "let us fetch some meat."

At the word meat, Beleg jumped from Legolas’ lap and followed her docilely from the room, his tail wagging happily.


Legolas dismounted before Athelwyn’s door. Ceorl was almost fully recovered, though he remained in bed by order of his mother, and Legolas had come to bid them farewell; he and his Elves were leaving for Ithilien that morning.

He heard noise outback and, walking round, found Beleg chasing chickens around the yard. Smiling, he reached out and grabbed the young dog’s generous ruff, pulling him playfully yet firmly to him. "What are you doing, young one?" he questioned in his own language. "Hm? Scaring chickens? Really Beleg, you should know better. Athelwyn would not be happy if you ate one of them."

The puppy growled playfully as he attempted to grasp either of Legolas’ hands in his sharp teeth. Legolas stood and released his hold on the pup as Athelwyn opened the rear door of the house. "Legolas! How are you today, my friend? Come, Beleg," she commanded, pointing to the ground beside her.

"I am well, my lady, but I have come to bid you farewell. My Elves and I are leaving for home today."

"I am sorry to hear that," she replied regretfully, bending down to rub Beleg’s head as he placed himself beside her. "Ceorl will want to see you before you go. Come."

He followed her through the house and into Ceorl’s room. "Good morning, my Lord," Ceorl greeted him as they entered.

"Rhún man, Ceorl. I trust you are resting well?"

"Quite well, thank you. Am I correct in assuming that you are here to bid us farewell?" he questioned, noting the small changes in the attire of their fair visitor.

"Regretfully so. My Elves are eager to return home to their families."

"I understand. Kindly impart to them my sincere gratitude for their selfless assistance in battle. We would surely have fallen had you not been there."

"I will tell them for you," Legolas promised, "although doubtless they know not who you are," he added with a grin.

"Are your Elves awaiting you?" Athelwyn interrupted practically.

"They were assembling when I left them, my lady. By now they will have gathered themselves together and are, no doubt, waiting."

She smiled up at him. "Then you must go to them. After all, they have been waiting long enough for the return home and we must not keep them any longer. Farewell, my friend."

"Farewell, my lady," he answered, bowing over her hand. "Farewell, Ceorl. Heed the advice of your mother and remain in bed until you have fully recovered."

"I will obey, my Lord," he answered, placing his hand over his heart. "Farewell," he added, holding out his hand.

As they clasped wrists, Legolas smiled down at his young charge. "Keep well, mellon nîn." As he left, he ruffled Beleg’s ears affectionately. "Be good," he commanded the young dog in Sindarin before he passed through the door. They listened in silence as they heard him mount his horse and canter toward the gate.

Farewell, my friend, Ceorl called out silently, and to our next meeting.


Ceorl stepped outside and stretched. After being in bed for so long, his old strength was somewhat lacking, his face had paled and he found it difficult to stand alone. He had been out of bed the day before, but his mother insisted he take things slowly and would not allow him from the house. He sat down suddenly on the front stoop and closed his eyes, simply enjoying the morning sun on his face. He shivered slightly in the warmth. All he wanted now was to take a walk.

With permission from his mother, he started out, Beleg by his side. The puppy was growing with amazing speed and he already acted the part of a wolf, slinking stealthily through the streets before running happily back to Ceorl, smiling up at him, his tongue lolling out. It was actually quite comic as the young pup was somewhat less in stature than a full-grown wolf. It was as a child playing grown-up.

Ceorl’s steps soon led him to the palace where he stopped, unsure of what he should do. He longed to enter, but he feared to face his friends just yet. The matter was decided for him when Belecthor, his arm still bandaged, but out of the sling, turned the corner of the palace and spotted him. "Ceorl!" he cried happily, walking swiftly towards him. Beleg crouched slightly and growled as the young Lord approached. Ceorl pushed the eager dog back gently with his foot.

"How long have you been about, Ceorl?" Belecthor asked as he stopped before his friend.

"A few days, my Lord. I have only been allowed from my bed since yesterday and today I felt that taking a walk would do me good."

"No doubt," Belecthor said with a grin. "Then why do you remain outside, my friend? Everyone would love to see you inside." He took Ceorl’s arm and tried to lead him into the palace but his friend resisted.

"I cannot, my Lord. I have barely the strength to stand here now; how can a soldier of the Mark show himself to the Royal Family of Rohan in such a condition?"

"They-want-to-see-you," Belecthor repeated, placing emphasis on each word. "Now come. You will be fine. If you are as weak as you say, then you must come in and rest before you collapse. Come."

Ceorl allowed his friend to pull him gently into Meduseld, Beleg following closely behind. They entered the parlor where they found the entire family assembled. Annariel was tending to her husband who sat with his leg propped up on a small stool and both girls were reading.

"Ceorl!" Narion exclaimed happily as the boys entered. Morwen and Hirilian looked up quickly from their books. At the sight of their friend, pale and obviously weak, both girls leapt swiftly to their feet and rushed to him.

Beleg eyed the approaching girls suspiciously, but Ceorl did not appear concerned, so the young pup contented himself with following as closely upon Ceorl’s heels as he could. Ceorl allowed himself to be led to a chair and sat down wearily, beginning to wonder if taking a walk had been the best thing for him. He looked beseechingly up at Hirilian as she bent over him, rearranging the pillows in the chair in an attempt to make him more comfortable.

Had she actually read his letter and seen him off? Or was it merely coincidence? If she had read the letter and if she had seen him off, what would be her answer? Would she turn him away? Was she being kind now simply as a façade, a show in front of her family?

Sensing his mental tumult, she smiled serenely down at him, answering all his questions with one simple, honest smile. Relieved, he sunk down in his chair. She had gotten his letter; she had seen him off; she would not turn him away.

Beleg, after searching every nook and cranny in the room, placed himself at Ceorl’s feet with a sigh, his head on his paws. He perked his large ears and tilted his head as his master conversed pleasantly with the strangers in the room. They seemed friendly enough, he decided, rolling onto his side, his head propped against Ceorl’s chair. Still, he kept a close eye on them. It wouldn’t do to let his master come to any harm, now would it?


Rhún man ~ Good morning

Thank you, Éomer, for your continued readership. The feedback does a lot for this story.

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