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A Walk to Remember  by LOTRFaith

Disclaimer: See default chapter

Chapter 24

Catch me as I fall

Say you're here and it's all over now
Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself

This truth drives me
Into madness

I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

(Whisper – Evanescence)


Hands were holding him down... Touching where they should not... Rubbing what they should not...

The prince writhed, trying to get away...

“Daro!” He screamed, pushing at the unseen hands. “Daro!” (Stop)

“Legolas! Wake up!”

“No!” Legolas screamed, pushing the offending hands away.

“Legolas! It’s me, Thalion.”

All the sudden the youngest prince wilted, throwing his arms to protect his head against unseen boots kicking. “Ada.” He whispered. “Don’t let them hurt me.”

Thalion froze upon hearing the words... How clearly he could remember a much younger Legolas saying that. The young Legolas had escaped his nanny and had fled outside to the garden. It had turned dark while he was outside and the trees, just starting to get their leaves back, had loomed above him scaring the elfling.

The tiny elfling had thrown his arms over his head protectively and had cried out for his Ada.

It had been several days before they could convince the elfling that the trees were really trees not wraiths truing to get him.

But now as the much older Legolas threw his arms over his head, Thalion could not help but feel the same exact helplessness as he had before. The fact that he knew he should do something but had no idea what frightened him.

He could easily command several thousands elves, while in the midst of a battle, but this, this weakness in his blood just looking at his writhing, terrified brother hurt just as physically as it did emotionally.

He could do nothing for his little brother. He could comfort the pain, wipe the tears away, but he could not kill who did this to his little brother. He could not feel the pounding rush of blood that would course through his veins as he watched the vile creature die at his hands.

But no... He was denied all of it and was literally forced by his conscious to take his turn in watching the nightmares erupt and feel the helplessness that he felt now.

He gently drew his sobbing, unconscious, not so little brother into his arms and began to croon a soft lullaby. It was the only one that seemed to calm him.

*”Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you from all around you
I will be here don’t you cry.

‘Cause you’ll be in my heart.
Yes you’ll be in my heart
From this day on now and forever more.”*

As he always did, the prince sighed and the lines on his face slowly soothed away. There was still tension in the frail body, but there was also a peace in his face.

After a few moments of peace the young prince slowly began to blink. “Ada?” He whispered, his voice ragged from the screaming and the still aching lung.

“No.” Thalion soothed. “It’s me, Thalion.”

“Why are you here?” Legolas coughed.

Shushing him, Thalion reached over and grabbed a glass of water. Gently setting it against the prince’s lips he carefully let some water trickle down the other’s throat.

Swallowing instinctively Legolas managed to get several mouthfuls down before accidentally swallowing to fast and started to choke. Coughing, he pressed an arm around his chest in hopes that the pressure would relieve.

Knowing that Thalion was looking on rather worried, he fought to keep his breath even and the rasp away. “Thalion?”

“I’m tired.” He paused taking another breath. “I’m tired of being here.” He took another breath. “I want to be in my room.” He turned pleading eyes upward. “Please? I want to be in my room, with my things.”

Thalion hesitated. “You’ll have to ask Ada and Galion.”

Legolas nodded weakly. He was trying so hard not to give into all the pain and start screaming... He knew that Thalion was already worried about him and he didn’t want him to be anything more that just worried. “Can you get them for me?” He coughed again. “No wait.” He swallowed. “Ada is doing court, so don’t get him.” He smiled. “But I don’t think Galion is busy. Go get him.”

Thalion tsked. “You have no pity for Galion.”

“Not when that particular healer has forced down several of his special tea’s on me.” Legolas retorted with some of his old stubbornness.

Thalion snorted. “Admit it, you needed some of those tea’s just like you do now.” He had seen past the wall that Legolas had tried to erect to hide his pain.

Legolas winced. He had known in the back of his mind that Thalion would be able to see past his façade, but he had to try anyway. “Galion left some of his newest brew over there.” He gestured toward the small counter on the other side of the room.

“Do you know where the salve is?” Thalion carefully set his brother back down on the bed.

“Salve?” Legolas questioned weakly.

“For your back.”

Legolas chuckled. “It’s in the lower left drawer.”

Securing it, and the tea Thalion made his way back to the bed. He handed the salve to Legolas then carefully poured the liquid into the small pan above the fire to get heated.

Legolas watched with a smirk. “You’ll have to do that for when you start weaning the twins.” He teased. “At least you’re getting some practice.”

“Watch it little brother.” Thalion teased back. “Or else Uncle Legolas will be their full time babysitter.”

“What if I’m on patrol?” Legolas dared.

“They’ll go with you.” Thalion replied. “Miriwen and I could always use a break.”

“Ha ha.”

Thalion laughed.

“Did you ever talk to Siovan?” Legolas said suddenly.

Thalion hesitated. “Yes.”


“Adar, Lomion and I all agreed to free him if he gave us all the information we wanted or needed.” Thalion said his back turned to Legolas so he could watch the tea.

“And?” Legolas pressed.

“He did as we agreed.” Thalion replied shortly, his mind going back to the several hours worth of information that Siovan had given them. Much of it filled the elves with dread, but Thalion already knowing much of what Dol Guldor activity had listened silently, and had taken up the quill and paper when the other was too stricken to continue.

Quietly finishing, he had given the Easterling a horse, food, blankets and a map to get to Gondor, then had taken the several page long report to his king where currently the king and his advisors, not to mention the crown prince were pouring over the report.

Already they were tightening defenses, building more traps and Thranduil had also sent two messages off by pigeon carrier. One to Rivendell and one to Lothlorien.

But it was something that Legolas did not need to know, at least for the moment.

“Did he say anything...?” Legolas asked hesitantly, biting his lower lip.

“About you?” Thalion finished.

The young archer nodded.

Fishing out a piece of paper from his pocket Thalion held it out to him. “He asked that I give this to you.”

Curiously, Legolas took the paper and unfolded it.

*“To Prince Legolas of the Mirkwood realm,

        You brother has allowed for me to leave and go back to the only home I have ever had. Gondor.” *

It read.

        *“I did not believe that elves could be as caring and kind as your family has been, especially after what I did. I should have never sold you to Tourec. I knew what he would do. I knew what torture he would inflict, and I tried not to care, but in the end I did. I was consumed by hatred. I hated the fact that you were still pure, innocent. I wanted you to be like me. Angry and bitter, but I found that even though I wanted you to hate me for what I did, I hated myself for what I did to you.

        I cannot ask your forgiveness, only your understanding. Perhaps someday we will meet again, until then I remain, most sincerely,


Legolas silently folded up the letter, then handed it back to Thalion, who put it back in his pocket and pouring the tea into a cup made him drink it.

“Don’t you want to know what he wrote?” Legolas questioned.

“I can guess.” Thalion replied. “Turn on your stomach.” He ordered.

“I can’t do it by myself.” Legolas sighed.

“Then I’ll help you.” Thalion said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

And it was.



The young elf whirled around to stare at Arielle, his secret love. He cleared his throat. “Yes?”

She hesitated, running her hands over the bridle hanging on a nail. “How.... How is Legolas doing?”

“He is doing well.” Tasari replied cheerfully, skillfully hiding his surprise behind a smooth mask.

“You... You are probably wondering why I am here.” She began hesitatingly. “My parents have decided they want to leave to go to the Valinor.” She whispered, her eyes begging for him to listen and not interrupt.

But Tasari couldn’t speak if the king had ordered him to. Arielle... Leave?

“And so I was wondering if you would like to take care of my horse.” She was close to tears. How she wanted to cry out her love for him, but she didn’t know if it was returned or not, and did not want to risk the heartache of knowing if he truly did not care for her in such a way.

“When do you leave?” His voice was strangely choked.

“Three weeks.” Came her reply.

‘So soon?’ He thought, but did not speak it. Instead he asked her when she wanted to move her horse into the stables and winced when he saw the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly a thought came into his mind, so mind boggling that he could not help but daze out just a bit.

‘Could she possibly love him?’

It was if someone had kicked him in the chest, knocking the wind from his lungs. He stepped forward and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her gracefully curved ear.

She was the perfect height for him. Her head came right up to eye level, just perfect if they should ever chance to ever want to kiss....

The thought occurred to both elves at the same time, but neither backed away nor blushed. It seemed, right somehow.

Arielle gave a small, breathy sigh, and looked straight up into his eyes, meeting his gaze head on.

And in the depths of her eyes, he could clearly see her love for him.

“Don’t go.” He whispered, not breaking eye contact.

“What is here for me to stay?” She whispered back.

“I am here.”

Ever so carefully, she tiptoed and gently kissed him. “I know.” She replied. Growing bolder, by the welcome in his eyes, she placed her arms around him and kissed him again.

After a few moments, the couple broke for air.

“I think I love you.” Tasari teased lightly.

“I’m still not sure.” Arielle retorted.

Lips pressed together again.

“How about now?”

“I think I love you too.”


“Pssst! Legolas!”

The prince carefully sat up and looked toward the slightly ajar door. It was Meldon.

“What are you doing here?” Legolas asked, curious and not a little alarmed. His friend was supposed to be doing guard duty on the door that lead to the royal family’s bedrooms.

“I got someone to cover for me.” Meldon whispered, sliding his lithe body through the crack and quickly peered about making sure no one saw him.

“Well that’s good.” Legolas replied. “But what are you doing here?”

“How well are you?” Meldon asked quickly.

“How well am I?”

“Yes, how well are you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Can you get out of bed yet? Or are you still confined?” Meldon sighed in exasperation.

“I can get out of bed.” Legolas fired back. “But I just can’t walk.” He shrugged.

“If someone helps you can you walk?” Meldon persisted.

Legolas paused, he hadn’t thought of it that way. “I would think so.” He replied haltingly.

Meldon grinned. “Good.”

“Why?” Legolas asked guardedly.

Voices were heard in the corridor. “I’ll explain later!” Meldon called over his shoulder as he quickly fled out the door and down the opposite corridor.

Legolas sighed. He hated when Meldon did that.


The prince perked up, perhaps Thalion had asked Galion already if he could be moved into his own room.


“How do you feel?”

“My leg is a little numb, my back itches and my chest hurts.” He recited obediently, hoping, just hoping the healer would submit and allow him to go to his room.

Galion harrumphed, and pulling out a couple of jars of salve moved over to the bed. He did a quick examination, poking here and prodding there before grunting again, obviously pleased at something.

“Your leg is healing quite nicely.” Galion said quietly. “I don’t know why it wasn’t before, but it is now.” He gave the prince a small encouraging smile.

“Did Thalion ask you something?” Legolas asked tentatively.

“Yes.” Galion replied calmly. “It is alright with me, just make sure it is alright with your Adar.”

A smile broke out, the first real one that rose to his eyes for a long while, on the prince’s face. “Really!” He cried out, for a second forgetting that his back was still healing, tried to raise himself up on his elbow and accidentally slipped back down, landing on his back... hard.

“But not if you’re going to treat yourself like that.” Galion chuckled lightly, wiping his hands on a towel.

The door creaked open again revealing a laughing Aragorn and Halbarad.

Legolas grinned. “If ever there was a mismatched pair of rangers you would be looking at them.” He told Galion. “I’m surprised they could kill anything let alone carry a weapon.”

Aragorn halted a shocked expression on his face after the verbal attack from his supposed depressed friend. Then a grin slowly spread across his face.

Legolas was back to his old self again.

“Well at least killing is a little easier than having patience.” Aragorn retorted.

“What?” Legolas demanded. “Are you saying I don’t have patience?”

“No.” Aragorn shrugged lazily. “I’m just saying you don’t have a lot of it.” He smirked.

“If I was out of bed...” Legolas began.

“Thankfully you are not.” The healer cut in forcefully. “Since you are here you can put the salve on his chest and back.” Galion handed the bottles to the ranger. Then he turned around and strode out the door.

“I’m moving to my room.” Legolas announced happily.

“When?” Halbarad questioned.

Legolas hesitated for a second. “As soon as Aragorn gets done with putting the salve on.”

“Oh really?” A new voice came from the door.

Legolas winced. It just had to be Lomion.

“Yes.” He replied easily. “Galion said I could.” He lifted his chin defiantly, or rather tried to, but he was being flipped over on his stomach so it didn’t quite work out too well.

Lomion grinned. “What did Adar say?”

Legolas didn’t answer.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Can you ask him? Please?” Legolas begged his voice slightly muffled by the sheets.

“Ask him what?”

Legolas groaned at the sound of his father’s voice.

“CanIgobacktomyroom? Galionsaiditwasok.” He asked in a rush.

“Slow down.” Thranduil ordered gently.

“Can I go back to my room?” Legolas repeated slower. “Galion said it was ok.” His expression was hopefully.

“Well, if Galion said it was alright.” Thranduil smiled. “I’m sure it is then.”

Legolas face lit up with a smile.

Making sure Aragorn was finished, and that the splints on his leg were tight, Thranduil very carefully lifted his son into his arms.

The prince gave a gasp of pain before burying his face into his Adar’s tunic, muffling the sound.

Casting a worried look at his oldest son, he waited until Legolas had relaxed. “Are you sure you want to?” He asked quietly.

The golden haired head nodded.

Thranduil sighed, but carefully began to maneuver his way out. Legolas said nothing, but it was clear that he was still in pain.

As they carefully walked through the corridors and into Legolas’ room, the prince slowly took his face away and looked around. As if he was being welcomed back by the very walls around them.

“You know as much as I hate living in a cave, I actually missed this place.” Legolas voice was full of wry amusement.

Thranduil chuckled, the sound vibrated pleasantly against Legolas’ ear.

“But don’t worry Ada.” Suddenly Legolas’ voice was that of a much younger Legolas. “I missed you the most.”

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