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Enigmas- The Life and Love of Linwe and Frodo  by MysteriousWays

Chapter Eleven

The last sliver of the sun could be seen just above the horizon as Esmeralda left Brandy Hall by one of the lesser-used entrances. Linwe was still not home and Esmeralda had a feeling that it would be better if she slipped out to look for Linwe alone.

Esmeralda took the path she had watched Linwe take that morning. She was coming upon a grove of trees, when a tall figure emerged from the trees walking along the path. Esmeralda stopped for a moment staring in complete surprise, her mind taking in snatches of what her eyes were seeing. A beautiful Elvish woman, with golden hair seeming to glow in the near darkness, stood before her, and in her arms, the woman held a very pale and limp Linwe. Suddenly recalling the tale Lila had told her of Linwe’s birth, Esmeralda heard herself calling out "Merenwen Sirfalas?"

"Please help me!" exclaimed Merenwen. "Linwe has collapsed, she needs to be where it is warm."

"Of course. I am Esmeralda, her cousin and Mistress of Brandy Hall. Should I go fetch someone to carry her the rest of the way?"

"I can manage. It will be faster if I do. Just show me the way."

Merenwen and Esmeralda turned and headed towards Brandy Hall. As they walked Esmeralda said, "Lila told me about you before she passed away. She knew she was dying and thought someone else needed to know. I was honored that she trusted me when she told me, now I am grateful as well."

"As am I." Said Merenwen. "I would have turned to anyone here in the Shire in order to get Linwe the help she needs, but now I might be able to go un-noticed. I fear if my presence is known that it will create too much of a stir."

"You would be right on that count," replied Esmeralda

"I will carry Linwe as far as the hall but then I must leave, so that no one sees me. Would you be kind enough to name a place where you can leave messages, to let me know how Linwe is doing?" asked Merenwen

"I can do that, but wouldn’t you rather stay with Linwe?"

"I would like that more than anything, dear Esmeralda, but it would be difficult I think to hide an Elf in a Hobbit house. Someone would be sure to find out."

Esmeralda chuckled, "As Mistress of this Hall I can assure you that there is one place, where you will be most comfortable and no one will know you are there. Many years ago one of the Masters of the Hall had big folk here as guests on a regular basis. He had a wing of guestrooms built to accommodate his larger guests. The wing is closed off by a door, no one goes there now but to do the occasional dusting. We can put you and Linwe in one of the rooms there. I will tell the house hold that she has fallen ill with a mysterious fever that I fear may be contagious, and insist that I alone will care for her."

"I think that sounds like a very good plan. I accept your invitation."

Esmeralda led Merenwen to a darkened part of the Hall, and through a door that was large enough for Merenwen to walk through. Once inside Esmeralda quickly showed her guest to a room where Esmeralda wasted no time in lighting several candles. As the room grew brighter Merenwen could see that it was a spacious sitting room furnished in comfortable looking furnishings in both a larger size to accommodate big folk, and a few smaller pieces to accommodate Hobbits. To the left, as one entered the room, there was a wide archway draped in deep rich red velvet. This opened into a bedroom where Merenwen could make out the looming shadow of a rather large bed. "I think these rooms will serve us well." Esmeralda was saying as she continued to go about lighting candles. She then walked towards the bedroom "Why don’t you bring Linwe in here and settle her on this bed for now. I will have Saradoc bring a couple of smaller beds later, for Linwe and myself, then you will be able to sleep here."

Merenwen settled Linwe gently to the bed, then the two women set about freeing her of the pack that was still hanging from her shoulders and her cloak. It was while Esmeralda was then unfastening Linwe’s cloak that she discovered a swelling on the back of Linwe’s neck. "What is this?" Asked Esmeralda in surprise, she immediately pushed back Linwe’s wild mane of loose curls, to get a better look. "Oh dear!" she exclaimed.

"What is it?" asked Merenwen coming around to stand behind Esmeralda, to get a better look.

"It looks like an absolutely black bruise. "

Merenwen looked down at the back of Linwe’s neck then reached out and touched the mark. "It is cold and swollen too."

"How could she have got this?" asked Esmeralda

Merenwen hesitated a moment before answering, "I’m not sure."

"You say you are not sure, does that mean you have an idea?"

Merenwen looked into Esmeralda’s deep green eyes and smiled reassuringly. "Perhaps, but I need to think about it a while before I can try to explain. In the mean time. Go to your husband, tell him I am here but tell no one else."

Merenwen laid a hand on top of the swelling on Linwe’s neck, then with deep concentration tried to ‘feel’ the wound with her mind. It felt dark and venomous, though not deadly, more paralyzing like a spider bite might give its prey. She could sense Linwe was still breathing and her heart still beating but both were faint, if one were to just look at her, one would most likely believe she were dead.

Esmeralda quickly returned from her appointed errands, with Saradoc in tow. Within an hour Linwe was carefully settled into a comfortable bed that was her size. The house hold staff had been told that Linwe was ill, possibly contagious and that Esmeralda would be caring for Linwe in the usually unused portion of the Hall.

"How much more can we endure?" Esmeralda said wearily as she arranged a quilt on a rack, to warm by the fire.

Saradoc went to his wife and pulled her into the comforting embrace of his arms. "It will be all right my pretty one." He murmured into her ear. "Your little wanderer here will get well soon and the lads will come home."

Esmeralda sighed. "It is getting harder to believe that. Each day that passes with no explanation of where they have gone makes it harder to believe they will ever come home."

A log shifted in the fire place sending sparks up into the chimney. Merenwen spoke, her voice barely loud enough to be heard over the crackling of the shifted wood. "I can tell you."

Esmeralda pulled away from Saradoc and turned her astonished gaze to Merenwen. "What?"

"I can tell you some of what has happened to your son and his companions. I can not tell you where they are now, and I don’t know if what I can say will bring you any comfort." Said Merenwen

"Please tell us anything you can," begged Esmeralda. "If all you could tell me is that they have died it would be better than simply not knowing anything at all."

Merenwen took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. "I was in Rivendell in January. While I was there, I was told about Merry, Pippin, Frodo and Sam arriving in October. Frodo had been injured on the way and had been brought in by one of our Rangers. You son, your nephew and Sam arrived several days later with Strider. Frodo recovered from his injuries and the four of them stayed in Rivendell until late December when they left again with Strider, Gandalf the Gray, and three others."

Esmeralda frowned and asked "But where did they go?"

"I am afraid I can not tell you that. I fear I have told you more than I should have to begin with."

"But you told us barely anything, surely you can tell us more."

"No, Esmeralda, I can’t. I can give you no more explanations. All I can offer you is that small comfort, that as of late December they were alive and well."


Through Linwe was unconscious, she was not without a sort of awareness. It was dark and cold, and she hurt. It felt as though a burning knife had gone into her neck. She tried to move to get away from the pain, but her arms and legs would not move so much as an inch. In the darkness of her mind, frightening images taunted her. Vile leering creatures with whips stripping her of her clothes. A large, black monster, spider-like in form, loomed over her wrapping her in its dreadful chords. She felt dizzy, hot, then cold. Thoughts spinning in her mind. Every muscle in her body screamed out, and all the while, the ever present burning in her neck. In her mind a voice cried over and over, Sam!



A bright, warm, welcoming light.

Linwe struggled towards that light. Trying desperately to escape the shadows of her mind. She felt like she had been lost in a world of darkness for many days. The darkness had not been complete. There had been a sooty red glow from at times. She had seen horrible, leering faces of creatures that whipped her. There were small metal balls on the ends of the whip, she knew because she felt them as they lashed across her bare skin breaking through and leaving stingy bloody furrows. A whimper escaped her lips. Such terrible pain for anyone to endure.

But now there was light. A true, bright, inviting light. Like sunshine on a summers day. That way was the way to safety, she kept struggling towards that light.


"I think she is coming around." Esmeralda said. She sat on the edge of Linwe’s bed, bathing Linwe’s pale face with a cool, damp, cloth. Two days had passed since Linwe had collapsed and had been carried back to Brandy Hall in Merenwen’s arms.

Merenwen came over and looked. Sun light spilled across Linwe’s face and hair setting off the fiery streaks that wound their way through her otherwise dark hair. Linwe’s complexion shown like marble but Merenwen thought she detected a hint of a warm glow. Merenwen bent forward and laid a hand gently on Linwe’s brow. Linwe stirred and her eyelids fluttered as though she were struggling to open them once more. Merenwen smiled, "I believe you are right. I think our wanderer may stay with us for a while longer still."


With one last great effort Linwe pulled herself upward and opened her eyes to a dazzling brightness. "Good afternoon." said a gentle voice. Linwe knew that voice but the source of it was lost to her in the light. Linwe tried to speak but found her lips mouth was parched. "Don’t try to speak." Said the voice, this was followed by a shadow falling over Linwe’s face. Linwe flinched a little, she did not like shadows, but then this one was not so dark as the ones she had just escaped. A gentle hand touched her cheek, "Don’t be frightened, you are safe." Linwe relaxed at the comforting words of the voice.

Linwe blinked her eyes a few times, her vision cleared a little. There was a face before her. It was a round face surrounded by a few soft, silvering brown curls. The features were still somewhat blurry but Linwe could still see a somewhat familiar smile. "Esmeralda?" she whispered.

"Hush child, you have been asleep for two days, and very sick, I think having your eyes open is enough activity for you at the moment." Said Esmeralda, her voice was authoritative yet gentle. "Merenwen and I thought you might be waking up soon, so I have had a pot of broth warming by the fire. Nod your head if you think you would like to have some."

Linwe smiled slightly and nodded her head once. It felt good to be in the light again.


It was late in the night. Merenwen sat in a chair at Linwe’s bedside watching her sleep. Four days had passed since Linwe had opened her eyes. In those four days Linwe had eaten little, spoken less, and slept often, usually fitfully. Tonight Merenwen watched Linwe’s steady breathing. At the moment Linwe appeared to be free of what ever night mares seemed to be haunting her the last several days. Merenwen had her suspicions of where the nightmares came from, but she did not ask Linwe for any sort of confirmation, to do so would have been pointless. Most of the time when Linwe was awake she sat staring off into space, sometimes seeming to comfort herself with a softly whispered song.

Merenwen sighed and wondered not for the first time if she had made a dreadful mistake the day she showed herself to Lila and offered the heart broken Hobbitess help in having a baby. Merenwen felt responsible for so many of the strange and painful things Linwe had been through, and for what Linwe was going through now. Merenwen knew much of the battles that were being fought in other parts of Middle Earth. She knew that all hope for everyone who called the beautiful land home was resting on the shoulders of one small Hobbit, and no one could be sure if still lived. Merenwen believed he did, she had only to look to Linwe to see that, but Merenwen also feared what might happen to Linwe if that other Hobbit failed.

Merenwen continued looking upon the face of this small person she had helped bring into the world, and tried to push her worries to one side of her mind. To Merenwen, Linwe’s features were a striking blend of both her parents. She had a slightly longer straight nose like Marmadas, and Lila’s delicately pointed chin. During her stay in Brandy Hall, Merenwen had been able to unobtrusively observe more Hobbits and new for a fact that Linwe was unusually small and slender for one of her kind. The happy, loving folk of the Shire were almost always quite round, and found this shape to be the most desirable. This well known view of what should be had led Linwe to feel self conscious about her own delicate build. Merenwen wondered if this too was a result of the measures she herself had taken a little over fifty years ago. Merenwen sighed knowing that if she had it all to do over again she would likely do it all again. Lila and Marmadas had been two of her dearest friends, Merenwen had delighted in the way they found such great joy in the little things in life. It had pleased Merenwen greatly to return their friendship by helping them have their one child, and Linwe’s birth was one of Merenwen’s most cherished memories in her many long years of life. Linwe’s new baby perfection had captured Merenwen’s heart and she had spent many hours transfixed by that small, pink, bundle of life.


If worries for Linwe and the four missing lads were not enough, Saradoc and Esmeralda had worries for the Shire as well. Lotho Sackville-Baggins had secretly bought much of the Shire, then he hired disgruntled Hobbits and men to collect what the farmers on those lands grew. Greedy for more, Lotho’s henchmen then started going to farms that were not on his lands. It had been done quietly at first with no one knowing that Lotho was behind it all. When the roughians tried to bully Paladin Took into giving up what the folk of Tookland had grown, Paladin had fought back, but by then Lotho had large numbers of men in the Shire and they laid siege to Tookland. Paladin had managed to get a warning message to Saradoc before his people were totally sealed off from the rest of the Shire. It had been several months since anyone had heard from any of the Tooks in Tookland.

Saradoc organized his own people and managed to hide much of their own stores before Lotho’s bullies came to Buckland. Saradoc ordered his people to peacefully give into the demands of the roughians for the sake of their own safety. The hidden stores were secretly shared out and the Hobbits of Buckland survived the winter. Now Saradoc was faced with the dilemma of how they would get that years needed planting done and keep the produce out of the hands of the roughians.


Linwe felt herself drifting in and out of unconsciousness. She had lost all track of the passage of time and only had a vague awareness of her surroundings. One moment she would find herself tucked snugly into a comfortable bed. Then she would drift off and find herself in a dark world of suffering. She felt cold despite having her bed set close to the fire and being covered with warmed blankets. She felt pain but sensed it was not her own. She felt a great weight about her neck that grew heavier with every step made by feet that were not her own. She felt like a hunted animal. It was looking for her. The burning eye was looking for her. She heard whispering, evil mutterings that ate that burned her soul. She felt despair, and great suffering, but was not sure if it was her own or that of another.

With each passing day she spent more time in the place of darkness, and less in the comforting light. Each day the confusing sensation of feeling pain and suffering as though it were her own but at the same time aware it was the suffering of another, increased. She became a prisoner of the other’s tormented mind. Her awareness was bound to the awareness of another, she felt and shared the struggle of the other. She tried to help the awareness, to give comfort, but the other one did not seem to be aware of her.


Esmeralda let herself into the rooms where she had spent the last fourteen days, in seclusion with Merenwen and Linwe. She woke up that morning to dark stormy clouds looming ominously from horizon to horizon. She looked in on Linwe, who stirred and whimpered in her sleep. Linwe always slept now, Esmeralda could not call the glassy eyed stare Linwe often sat with, as being awake. The lass was obviously no longer aware of her surroundings. Esmeralda knew that if Linwe did not soon start to improve she would soon pass away. That thought broke Esmeralda’s heart. She had promised Lila that she watch out for Linwe. In the months since Linwe had first come to Brandy Hall, Esmeralda had come to care for the rather unusual Hobbitess a great deal. Not only because Linwe was the daughter of her dear friend Lila, but for Linwe’s own unique qualities themselves. Over the months, Esmeralda had noticed that at times Linwe seemed to have all of the sweet innocence and delight of a child, then at other times would show wisdom and understanding surpassing that of almost any Hobbit Esmeralda had ever known, even her own grandmother.

After checking to be sure that Linwe was relatively safe, Esmeralda left to go fetch the provisions she, Merenwen, and Linwe would need for the day. She would take the time to talk with the heads of the staff that kept things running through out the expansive ancestral home of the Brandybucks, and address any matters that required the attention of the Mistress of the Hall.

It had taken Esmeralda a little longer than usual to get back to the rooms where she, Merenwen and Linwe had been cloistered. A family from one of the outlying areas of Buckland had come to take refuge in Brandy Hall, when a roughian had started abusing the farmer’s daughter. The farmer crept up behind his daughter’s attacker and hit the man on the back of the head with a shovel, knocking him unconscious before the man could do more than hit the young lass a few times. Fearing for his own life and the life of his family, the farmer quickly took his family and traveled across country by dark of night, leaving before the would be attacker woke up. Esmeralda saw that the family was settled, all the while thinking to herself that if too many more families came to take refuge in the Hall, she would have no choice but to open up the wing where Linwe lay unaware, and would thus have to send Merenwen away for fear of anyone discovering the Elf there.

When Esmeralda returned she found Merenwen awake and sitting at Linwe’s bed side, with a grim expression on her face. "What is it, Merenwen, has Linwe taken a turn for the worse?"

Merenwen looked up "She seems no different, but I do have a feeling that something is going to happen."

"Is that good or bad?" Asked Esmeralda, half afraid of what the answer would be.

"I don’t know, though I think before this day is over we will know if she will recover or not."

"Can you think of anything that we might do for her?"

Merenwen smiled sadly, "I am afraid I can not."

Esmeralda sighed then set the basket of food she had brought with her to the floor. "I don’t know how much more of this I can take, Merenwen. I have just had to settle another family that had to flee from their home. Food is running low, and we have more than most Hobbits in the Shire. Saradoc has sent one lad after another to try and get past the roughians to Great Smials, and no one has. I fear for my brother and all of the families under his care, they must be near starving. When I sleep my dreams are filled with images of Merry in all matter of danger. I fear I will never see any of those boys again. I’ve lost Lila then Marmadas, and I fear I am failing them. Lila was sure that I would be able to help Linwe continue on after she and Marmadas were gone, and now I am close to loosing her as well."

Merenwen reached out from where she sat nearby, and took one of Linwe’s hands into her own. "I wish I could offer you reassurance for all of your fears. All I can tell you is that you have not failed Lila and Marmadas. You have done all that anyone can do."

Esmeralda sighed, "I suppose you are right."

Merenwen smiled, "I know I am right."

"We still have hope, don’t we? Until we have had news of otherwise, Merry and the others may still return. We may come up with some way of getting the roughians out of the Shire. And as long as Linwe is breathing she may yet recover."

"Yes, we still have all that to hope for. You truly have an indomitable spirit, Esmeralda Brandybuck." Merenwen said with admiration.

Esmeralda smiled wryly "I suppose it is better than the alternative."


It was complete. Linwe’s awareness had been over come by the awareness of the Other. To Linwe it was like being locked in a small room filled with dream like images. Some very clear, others warped and vague. Linwe huddled there, watching and waiting, feeling much of what the Other felt. The Other was in great pain, tired, and struggling. Linwe wept as her heart broke from the torment the Other suffered.


Merenwen and Esmeralda could only watch as Linwe slipped into an apparent deep sleep. Soon she started moving her head from side to side and muttering to herself. Merenwen leaned in close to her to listen "Help me Sam? Help me Sam! Hold my hand! I can’t stop it!"

"What is it?" asked Esmeralda, "What is she saying?"

"It is nothing, just some delirious ramblings." Merenwen replied. Esmeralda did not notice that the Elf was being evasive.

Suddenly Linwe started tossing and turning about the bed. The struggles became fiercer. Merenwen managed to get a tight hold of Linwe, so that she could not move around as much, and possibly get hurt. Linwe fought even harder against Merenwen’s arms, in a voice not quite her own she growled out ‘Down! Down’. In the small part of her mind, where Linwe hid, she felt the struggle of the Other who was trying to keep possession of the weight.

The struggle continued for several moments then stopped as suddenly as it had started. Linwe stopped fighting to be free of Merenwen’s arms, she lay quietly, breathing heavily. From deep within her mind, Linwe could sense the other presence as He moved forward to the unknown goal, but now she sensed a change coming over Him. She sensed evil finally starting to take over, after many long months of resistance. Linwe tried to break free of her mental prison. She tried to scream. She was desperate not to let the darkness overtake her/Him. All she was able to do was to barely move her lips and let out a nearly silent "No!"

Powerless, Linwe could only watch as the darkness prevailed. He had lost his battle and she wept for Him. So long He had fought to resist the poison whispers. So long he struggled to carry the ever increasing weight. In the end He had no more strength to fight with. Linwe felt the utter despair of his soul as at last he was overcome.

Her grief was interrupted, was interrupted as she felt fiery anger and jealousy erupt within Him.

Linwe’s body started to fight against Merenwen’s arms. She appeared to be fighting against Merenwen and an unseen attacker at the same time. Linwe let out a cry and clutched her right hand to herself, as though it were grievously wounded. Linwe’s struggles stopped. She once again lay still in Merenwen’s arms.

Linwe felt the warm glow of peace spread through her body from the one whose thoughts she shared. His struggle was over. In the end his loss was his triumph. The evil was unmade. A smile touched Linwe’s lips, as she drifted into a quiet sleep.


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