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By The Hands of Another  by Estelle


Disclaimer and Acknowledgements: As in Chapter 1


Chapter 23 – Journey’s End

Elrond lifted his head and glanced over at Elladan and Legolas. The prince was not faring any better. His complexion was ashen and his face twisted with pain. Sweat beaded on his forehead and the elf lord could see that he was trying hard to hold his pain at bay but failing miserably. Soft moans escaped his lips every few seconds and his breathing was becoming more and more labored. The blond elf’s eyes were closed but Elrond knew that he was conscious, just that the pain was too much for the young one to bear.

Legolas was almost doubled over in front of Elladan and if not for the twin’s strong grip, he would have fallen off the horse. The elf lord looked worriedly at Elladan wondering if they should stop to rest but the twin, having sensed his father’s thought, shook his head. The best place for them to rest was back home, in a comfortable bed with proper care. Elrond sighed and urged his horse to go faster.

Aragorn drifted in and out of consciousness. Every time he was about to fall asleep, the pain would drag him away from his slumber. He sighed in frustration, wishing for a cup of his father’s infamous sleeping draught at this moment. Pain had become his constant companion for the past few days and he could not remember how it felt like to be without it. He had also lost track of the time. If felt like they had just started the journey but the sun was already sinking slowing behind the trees. The human shifted in his father’s arm and brought Elrond’s attention to him immediately.

"Estel?" the elf lord tensed, fearing that he may repeat his earlier stunt again.

"Can’t sleep..." the young one complained. "Are we there yet?" Never had Aragorn been so eager to get home but right now he wish he could just materialize in his bed.

"We are about half an hour’s ride away." Elrond replied blatantly. He had sent Elrohir ahead to inform the others of their arrival and to prepare the healers to receive the injured as soon as they reach the Last Homely House.

"I’m going to sleep for a week," Aragorn mumbled and that elicited a small chuckle from Elrond.

"I doubt you will want to stay in bed for a week," the half-elf smiled remembering how his human son hated being bedridden. The longest he had remained in bed was for four days and after that he had become rather annoying trying to get off it.

"Believe me, I will," Aragorn ground out against the pain that continued to torture him. Silently, he prayed that Legolas would not be in as much agony as he was now.


"Elladan..." Legolas’ soft whisper drifted into the older elf’s sensitive ears. "...h-how much longer?" the wood-elf asked, his voice quivering with effort.

"Almost there, I can see the gates from here," the twin replied subtly while clutching the prince a little closer against him.

Legolas whimpered pathetically as the older twin unintentionally jerked his injured ribs and he tugged at Elladan’s arm in a futile attempt to remove the pressure around his waist. Hot searing pain burned inside his chest and he wished that he could just stop breathing. He tried holding his breath for as long as he could but that did not seem to help at all.

Sensing the tension in the prince’s body, Elladan loosened his grip and apologized but Legolas brushed him off quickly pretending that it did not bother him. Elladan however was not so easily fooled for he knew how good Legolas was in when it came to hiding his pain. "You don’t have to pretend Legolas, I know you feel terrible," the older elf said with sympathy. "We will be home in a few minutes. Just hold on..." Exchanging a worried glance with his father, Elladan sighed out loud expressing his apprehension and fear for the young prince.

The two riders slowed their horses as they passed through the gates and eventually brought them to a stop. Elrohir was pacing impatiently as his father and brother rode into the courtyard and ran up to greet them with Glorfindel and Erestor in tow. The younger elf headed straight for his father and helped him unload Aragorn from the horse, cradling his human brother in his arms. Glorfindel relived Legolas from Elladan and consoled the young prince when he cried out in spite of the effort that he had put in to refrain himself from doing so. The two elves hurried off into the house with their respective burdens.

Elrond and Elladan dismounted from their horses and took off after Elrohir and Glorfindel only to be stopped by Erestor. The advisor placed his hands on the elf lord and his son’s arms halting their steps.

"Dûrsereg and Nilram are competent healers and they will take good care of Estel and Legolas." Erestor continued before either of them could protest. "You have travelled long and far and are both weary. I have asked Celboril to prepare some food for you. Come." The dark haired elf ushered his two charges into the house towards the dining room and pushed them onto respective chairs.

As they settled down around the table, Celboril came bustling into the hall with trays of food balanced in his hands. Placing the meal in front of his lord and prince, Celboril hovered beside the duo hoping to get the latest update from Elrond.

"You left so suddenly my lord," the servant started cautiously not knowing if the elf lord was up to talking just yet but when Elrond did not stop him, he continued. "What happened? When Elrohir came rushing into the house summoning for healers, I feared something terrible had happened but he did not have the time to explain."

The Lord of Imladris was poking at his food absentmindedly deep in thought when Celboril asked the question and he lifted his head, his eyes met those of his faithful servant. Motioning for the elf to sit, Elrond took a spoonful of soup before beginning his tale.


To Be Continued...

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