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Allee's Odds and Ends  by Allee

A New Appreciation

Summary: Legolas gives Gimli a gardening lesson of sorts

Warning: Pure silliness

A/N: No one is more surprised than I by the requests I have received to write a sequel to A Most Important Task. Although this vignette is not actually a sequel, it is written in the same style

“Garden, you say? Elf, why would I want to waste my time strolling among flowers?”

“I thought it the wisest place to begin, Master Dwarf.”

“To begin what, Legolas?”

“To begin to cultivate a more thorough appreciation of nature, of course.”

“I appreciate nature just fine without any help from you. I have no need to learn to sleep in trees or talk to trees or whatever other nonsense you wish to instill in me.”

“Gimli, even I am not a skilled enough teacher to turn a Dwarf into an Elf. I simply think you would find that your life would be a bit more enjoyable were you able to gaze upon the beech with wonder, or feel the life in a blade of grass, or—”

“Enough of your foolishness, Elf!”

“Perhaps I would do well to take another approach. Hmmm . . . yes, something a bit more relevant to you might help you along.”

“I need no help, Legolas! What I need is for you to cease with your rambling.”

“As I was saying, perhaps drawing comparisons between all that grows in a garden to people familiar to you would enhance your appreciation.”

“How like an Elf! Wanting to compare gardens and people now, are you? I have already heard quite enough of your prattle on the life of the grass and such. Now I suppose you will have me considering the—er—what?—the lovely eyes of the tree or the golden hair of the—”

“Gimli, if you would allow me just a moment to speak, you will find that I have no such thing in mind.”

“Very well. Let us hurry this foolishness along then.”

“A wise decision. Now, let us begin with vegetables. They are quite practical, like warriors.”

“You say that we are vegetables?”

“Not exactly. No, let us forget vegetables for a moment and move on to weeds. I think this comparison will be understandable even to you.”


“My apologies, Gimli. Now, weeds can be useful, but more often than not, they are simply pesky.”

“Occasionally useful, generally pesky? I see! Weeds are just like you! Ah, yes, Legolas. Now this little lesson of yours is making sense.”

“Forget the weeds. Let us progress directly to flowers. A flower is like—er—like—like Lady Galadriel!”

“Lady Galadriel you say? Forgive me Legolas. It seems I was wrong to doubt you. I do indeed have a new appreciation for nature. Ah, the beauty of Galadriel! Shall we, Legolas?”

“Shall we what, Gimli?”

“Stroll in the garden, of course! I wish to be surrounded by reminders of the Lady's beauty.”

“Very well. After you, Vegetable.”

“No, no, Weed. Please, after you. I insist.”

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