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Middle-earth Express Prompts  by Misty

Summary: Frodo's thoughts as he flees Amon Hen, leaving Aragorn and the others behind.

Disclaimers: I have no claim to any of Tolkien's characters, places, or storyline. I'm just borrowing them temporarily.

Authors notes: This was written for the Middle Earth Express 500 word weekly challenges on the AragornAngst list for prompt # 7: Alone.


Looking back over his shoulder as he ran, Frodo nearly tripped and quickly turned his attention back to the path in front of him. The decision he had been avoiding was now here. There was no other choice. He had to continue on alone.

Carrying the ring was his burden, and his alone. He had finally come to accept this fact. Those wiser and stronger than he had turned down the ring. Galadriel and Gandalf had refused the ring when he offered, afraid of what they would do with it, how it would twist their powers and wills to it's desires. Those he would have trusted with the ring, like Elrond and Aragorn, had made it quite clear that they had no desire to handle or carry the ring. It was up to him, Frodo, a hobbit from the Shire.

No others could help with this, though they had tried. Sam, Merry and Pippin had tried to cheer him up when the load seemed too heavy to bear. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and even Boromir had tried their best to protect him and help him in any way they could. Well, Boromir had tried to protect him when he was not under the ring's influence. Frodo did not blame Boromir for his actions, he had not truly been himself. Frodo knew full well that it was the ring trying to get back to Sauron, and not any fault of Boromir's. But he had to leave, to keep the ring from tempting anyone else.

Gandalf had worried about the affect the ring might have on the Fellowship, though he had tried to keep that worry from Frodo. Gandalf…Frodo brushed a sudden tear away at the thought of the wizard who had fallen in Moria. Gandalf would have done anything to have kept him safe at home and far away from the danger he had been thrust into. Frodo's mind raced as he thought of his companions and the danger he had just left them in.

Aragorn had urged him to run away when he saw the blue glow of Sting signaling the approach of orcs. Frodo hated to think of the battle he was now engaged in, but he was more afraid for Merry and Pippin. They had seen the orcs coming and run off in the other direction to serve as a distraction and allow Frodo to escape. Frodo's heart nearly stopped in his chest at the thought that they might be captured or killed, but he knew that he had to flee. All they had been through, all their sacrifices would be for naught if he was caught and the ring returned to Sauron. No matter what else happened, he could not allow that.

As great as his fear was, Frodo knew that only one path was now open to him. He had to journey straight into Mordor itself. And he would not ask anyone else to accompany him. This was his task, and his task alone.

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