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Twice Twenty  by Dreamflower

Title: Running
Theme: Set #1, Theme #7, “Running”

Genre (s): General
Pairing (s): N/A

Rating: G
Summary: A drabble


Frodo walks; Merry runs--tiny legs, pumping to keep up with his older cousin’s stride.

Frodo watches; Sam and Merry run--racing up the Hill, breathless and laughing.

Merry walks; Pippin runs--tiny legs, pumping to keep up with his older cousin’s stride.

Frodo, Sam and Merry watch; Pippin runs, racing up the Hill, breathless and laughing.

Running is for fun, to feel the wind in one’s face, to race with good friends, to escape the consequences of mischievous pranks, to arrive before anyone else when the food is ready.

One day, some day, running will be a thing to do for survival.


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