Another exploration of the dark side...but quite different.........
I am without words…. There they stand, thousand upon thousand. A chant arises from the bowels of the void its rhythm chilling the dance of my blood. From whence do they come? How deeply did you ravage the innocent earth to spawn this heinous brood? How came I to scale this stair? How can a tower point into the abyss? I would flee, but the floor beneath me slides away the doors slam around me of their own accord. There is no going back. I am a prisoner in obsidian madness.... how did I come to this?
Once, many selves ago, I walked a wholesome valley but of its fragrance and milky steeds I grew weary, forsaking it all in hopes of height and pungent fare. Power was mine, for a sweet season. I brought it down, plucked its wings tasted its raw and gamy savor ripping it from the bones, insatiable letting the blood seep down my chin to blotch my lush garments beyond recall, my ears deaf to the clamor of its young. Awakened, I saw cool beauty blossom across my path but when I reached to pluck it it stung my eager hand its icy nectar blinding me, and so I let my wasted heart evolve into stone, lest it break and I die upon the rubble.
Now I am cast out like filthy water at your feet and with my purged eyes I see your white disease in the wreckage of your genius. You, who once unveiled your blazing wares before me saying, "In return, I require naught but your soul!" I complied, to no avail. It's useless to you now but you would not refund it however much I begged... But, perhaps there is a way. I am dust now in your sight but even dust may prove deadly and a worm may turn. A mere blade could slice the frail binding and recover the treasure you tore from me; my soul could be mine once more. It could happen. Ah, yes……..