A follow-up companion-piece to "My Star" ....
~*~Falling Leaves~*~
Now as I don the violet gown of twilight leaves falling fast about me copper, golden, scarlet, bronze heralds in garb too gay for their news our year and our day are swiftly passing and you, my King, are failing too day by day I watch as you grow less and less. What shall I do when all your leaves have fallen and you stand a bare tree leaving only emptiness knightless armor, swordless scabbard and I, veiled and emptiest of all, and neither my beauty, my royalty, my people, my progeny can give me comfort? Will you come while I sleep with a silver ewer pouring heavenly balm into my butchered heart? or will you take my hand and say, Rise, my Love you only dream and I am here! Let us celebrate our love with wine and dance and feasting and candles of joy! No, it will never be. I must depart crowned only in tears trailing my dark gown through weeping clouds as grey as your eyes but lacking their stars. I am no queen I am but a tree leafless and broken bearing only a jewel that weighs me down into the abyss of eternal midnight.