This one started out as a drabble and evolved somehow into a poem....
~*~Upon Meeting Arwen~*~
When first I saw you I thought I had strayed into a dream. You flowed as a dizzying current waters entwined in purling skeins of shadows and skybeams, curves and perfume and dusk. I longed for nothing but to cast myself in your stellar spray and feel it kiss each inch of my skin even if I were to be wrecked upon reefs of doubt and necessity. 'Twere enough to feel you beading my senses in liquescent gems drowning my pores in forgetfulness and facets. And so I plunged in, flinging aside the garments of all chafing caution carried and cleansed and taught scalded by snow, frozen by lightning. I drank of you deeply you hung from my lashes in crystal fever wept from my hair and crinkled the tips of my fingers and toes. The sable ropes of your hair kept me lashed to the mast the unquenchable stars of your eyes steered my course your skin my sail your voice the wind. And now the harsh crags of my soul you have smoothed. Your pearls have I set in scepter and crown. I know you will wear me away and you will flow on bearing only my dust in your lonely undertow. So it must be, my Love, until you reach the place where all streams converge in a clamorous torrent uniting forever in dark and fathomless bounty.