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Fields of Gold  by Anso the Hobbit

PART SEVEN: Bath time

It was evening when Merry woke up again. Pippin had sat quietly in the chair beside him all day and when it was time for meals, one of his parents had come into Merry`s room with something for him. At last Pippin fell asleep in the chair, and when Merry woke up, Pippin slept, curled up in a ball on the big chair. Merry rose and put a spare blanket over him. He was thirsty and poured himself a cup of water from the pitcher. His head felt better and he was sweaty. Maybe the fever had broken? He felt his own forehead, but couldn`t decide if it was gone or not. Looking out the window he found that it must be past suppertime already, and that he had slept all day. Again. Merry sat back on the bed and pondered what to do.

Paladin entered just then and seeing Merry awake and out of bed, he smiled. “Are you better, lad? You look better I`d say.”

“Yes, thank you. I think I feel better. Except for the itching.” Merry added mournfully. The itching was turning into a true nightmare and his body actually hurt from it. It was uncomfortable to sit, to stand or lie about. Merry sighed. “I`m going to go mad with itching soon.”

Paladin sat down beside him and felt his face. “I think the fever`s broken. That is good.” He looked at the sleeping Pippin and continued in an even lower whisper. “How long has he been asleep?”

“I don`t know. He was asleep when I woke up so I put a blanket over him. He looks tired.”

“Yes. He`s not even left your side for meals, insisting that you needed him.”

Merry looked lovingly at Pippin for a while, and then turned his gaze to his uncle. “I do need him.” He put his hand to his heart. “He`s my brother.”

“I know, Merry-lad. I know.” Paladin put an arm around Merry`s shoulders and hugged him tight for a moment. “He needs you too, you know. As do the rest of us”

Merry nodded, reaching down a hand to scratch his leg. Oh, but wouldn`t this awful itching stop soon! Paladin stopped him and patting Merry`s hand he firmly put it down on the bed beside Merry. “I`ll ask Tina if there is something we can do for that itching, shall I? I think the healer mentioned something while she was here. You just crawl back into that bed. It`s no use getting better if you catch a chill.”

Merry nodded. “Thank you.” He crawled back under the covers and waited. It would be wonderful if there was a cure to help with the itching.

After a little while his aunt came in, wondering if Pippin or Merry wanted supper. Pippin woke then, and blinked around owlishly. “Hullo, sleepy.” Merry teased. “You`ve slept for a good while I think.”

“I have?” Pippin sat up and looked about.

“It looks like you needed it, though.”

“Yes, but it`s nearly bedtime now, Pippin.” Eglantine said. “Go eat your supper first, then it`s off to bed.”

“Oh, but I`ve only just come awake.” Pippin pouted a little, looking at Merry for help.

“Go to sleep, Pip. You need it. I won`t go anywhere.”

Pippin pouted a little more, but as neither his mama or Merry gave in to this new pout he finally gave in. “Good night then, Merry.”

“Night, Pippin.”

When he was gone, Eglantine turned to Merry. “I`ve made you a bath that should soothe the itching. Come now, lets get you into it.” She reached out her hand, but Merry looked at her, horrified.

“But…” Merry felt his ears grow hot. He would be absolutely mortified to let his aunt help him bathe. That would just not do! He looked pleadingly at her, trying to get her to understand.

“Oh, I see.” Eglantine said, suddenly seeing his discomfiture. She smiled. “Don`t worry Merry. I`ll get Paladin.” As she went to get her husband, Eglantine couldn`t help but laugh a little. Merry was growing up and suddenly felt horrified about letting his aunt bathe him. She had of course done so before, but not in recent years, and Merry probably didn`t remember that. Eglantine suspected he would be just as embarrassed if Esmie wanted to do it too. Poor lad, it wasn`t always easy growing up.

Oh, no! Merry thought as he sat in his bed, waiting. What had he done now? It was true that he would be horrified to be helped with his bath by his aunt, but now he felt embarrassed that she went to get Uncle Paladin. He worked so hard on the farm, and now Merry was making things harder. First off he wasn`t able to help as he usually did, and now he would be disturbing his uncle. Uncle Paladin was probably having his supper and would be tired and ready for bed himself when he was finished. Merry sighed. This was becoming quite a mess. The worst thing though was that he didn`t think he`d be able to take that bath by himself. He didn`t feel as weary and aching as he had earlier, but his body was sore and aching in a new way now that the itching had grown worse and he couldn’t scratch. He felt leaden in a way and sort of dizzy, even if the fever was gone and his head didn`t hurt so much. He sighed again. This was confusing. Couldn`t he be plain well again now that the fever was gone?

“Now then, Merry-lad. Let`s see about that bath, shall we? Your aunt informed me that you were quite embarrassed to be helped by a lass, so let us lads do this, all right?” Paladin smiled reassuringly, understanding growing young lads better than any lass could, and without further ado lifted Merry from the bed and carried him to the bathroom where a tub was ready and towels lay out on a stool by it. Paladin helped Merry out of his nightshirt and assisted him into the hot, but soothing water. Earlier Merry had looked to be almost well again, but when Paladin had come to fetch him now, he seemed to be in pain and dizzy. Was there something else wrong with him? Were there any complications? He searched the nightshirt and looked Merry over for blood but couldn`t see any. He hadn`t scratched himself enough to draw blood then. Still, Paladin had a feeling that something wasn`t quite right. Maybe the bath would help. He`d see how that went first before he discussed it with Eglantine and sent for the healer again.

Merry sighed as the water surrounded him and he looked at his uncle. “Thank you. I`m sorry to be such a bother, and taking you away from your rest and everything.”

“Merry.” Paladin said firmly but lovingly. “I am never too busy or tired to take care of my lad, do you understand?”

“Yes. Thank you, Uncle.” Merry smiled back at the uncle that was like a second father to him. He felt so loved and peaceful here with his Took family. His aunt and uncle were like a second set of parents, and the lasses were like the siblings he sometimes so longed for of his own. Pippin was of course very special to him, family bonds or not, but being family tightened those bonds between them even more and Merry couldn`t comprehend how life would be without his dear Pip. He did remember life before Pippin was born, and he loved Frodo very much, but everything changed after Pippin was born. The world had so many new dimensions and possibilities. Merry splashed a little in the water, relishing the feeling of not itching and aching for a moment. The water looked strange though, as if something was floating about in it.

“What`s this?” Merry scooped water into his hands and a few small pieces of something floated about in the hollow of his palms. It wasn`t flowers, he knew that, and besides, only lasses had rose petals or other flowers in the bath water.

“It`s oatmeal.” Paladin explained.


“Yes, the healer said it would be good for you, and help the itching. Here now, lean forward a little, so I can wash your back.”

Merry shook his head at the ways of healers and leaned forward. He`d seen Pippin being given or treated with the strangest things and he didn`t understand half of it. He hated to see his cousin suffer, but if the concoctions, tonics, poultices and what all helped him, Merry wouldn`t object, at least as long as it didn`t hurt Pippin in the process. If it so happened that he now had to be treated with some odd curatives himself, he`d accept that. When Merry had been awake these past two days, Pippin had looked so sad, and with all his heart, soul and mind Merry wanted to be well again so that he could make his Pippin happy again. Paladin helped him wash and rinse his hair and very gently more patted than rubbed him dry with a soft towel. Merry sighed as the itching subsided but was getting sleepy again, and Paladin had to get him into a clean nightshirt more or less by himself. He picked Merry up and bundled him up in bed again.

“Sleep, Merry-my-lad and get well.”


“Tina. I think someone should sit with Merry again tonight” Paladin said as he came back to the kitchen after putting Merry to bed.

“I was planning to. But do you think he is he worse?” Eglantine was just about to put away the last cups and plates after the day`s washing up.

“I don`t know if he`s worse, but he`s different in some way. He was quiet and seemed dazed in the bath. Now he`s sleeping again. Something has changed, and I`m worried about him.”

“Let`s go check then.” Eglantine put her apron away and together they went to Merry`s room. He was asleep, but unlike the previous nights he was restless and tossing a little. Eglantine sat down on the bedside and felt his forehead. He was hot again!

“Paladin!” she whispered, and Paladin reached out to feel the heat suddenly coming from Merry`s body again. “What is happening?”

“I don`t know.” Paladin rose and went to the wash stand to fill the basin and brought that and some cloths over to the bed. Eglantine wrung a cloth out and she lay it on Merry`s forehead. How could this come to pass? One minute he was getting better and the next the fever was back up. Gently they turned Merry to lie on his back and placed one cloth on his forehead while washing his face and neck with another one. Merry mumbled in his sleep but didn`t wake up.

“I`ll sit with him. You see to the lasses and get some sleep. I`ll call on you if I need help.” Paladin said. It was better that Eglantine got some sleep this night, one of the lasses could always help him with his tasks in the morning if he needed to sit by Merry all night.

“Should we get the healer?” Eglantine said and rose.

“I don`t think we need to yet. Let`s see how this goes. I`ll try and keep his temperature down.”


Early the next morning Eglantine tiptoed into the bedroom to find Paladin asleep in the chair and Merry stirring in the bed. He was very hot and seemed to have trouble coming awake.



“Wake up, Merry.” Eglantine shook him a little but stopped abruptly when Merry winced in pain. “What is it?”

Merry swallowed and licked his lips, trying to concentrate. Everything was so foggy and his body hurt. Was he awake or dreaming? Merry had thought he`d been awake already when a bone chilling fear had seized him and he knew he somehow had to get Frodo to safety, whatever that could mean. Bag End was one of the loveliest holes in the entire Shire and Frodo was happy there with Bilbo, Merry knew, but he had felt the certain knowledge that Frodo was in grave danger. And then he heard his aunt urging him to wake up and he tried to wake up and turn to her but his neck hurt so. “Can`t move my head. My neck hurts.” He mumbled, slowly and heavily reaching up with a hand to touch his neck.

“What love?” Eglantine reached down and felt Merry`s neck. Merry tried again to lift his head, but quickly stopped, tears springing to his eyes, leaking down his cheeks. She saw he tried not to cry, but his face was scrunched up in distress. Quickly she woke Paladin.

“Wake up. You need to go fetch the healer.”

Paladin woke with a start and looked from his wife`s worried face to Merry`s pale and strained one. “What?”

“Merry`s worse. He can`t move his head, and the healer told us to come get her if he felt stiffness in his limbs, especially his neck. Go Paladin, go!” Eglantine bit back the tears that threatened to fall and Paladin hugged her fiercely for a moment before stroking Merry`s forehead and hurrying out. Eglantine sat down again, taking Merry`s hands between her own and listened as Paladin quickly woke Pearl. A few minutes later she heard his pony galloping towards Tuckborough.

Merry looked worriedly at her, and wanted to bring her comfort, but sometime during the night his brain had gone all foggy. Muddled, he thought his fever was back up as he felt so cold but also so hot and something very bad must have happened as his aunt was crying.

“Auntie?” Now, why didn`t his voice sound normal? It usually sounded much more pleasant than this.

“Sssh, Merry. Lie still and rest. You`ll be better soon. I`m here.” A cool hand stroked his face again and Merry leaned toward the gentle touch, too weary to really object.

“Mama?” Pearl said, sticking her head into the room, still in her nightdress and with her curls in wild array. “What`s happening?”

“Oh, Pearl I`m sorry! Merry`s worse and I sent your father to get the healer again.”

Pearl looked at her young cousin, lying so pale and still and sick in the bed.  She shook her head a little. She`d never seen Merry like this and it tore at her heart to see her joyful little cousin so. “I`ll make breakfast then, and get the lasses to help Pippin with the chores.”

“Thank you dear.” Eglantine knew she could trust Pearl to help in a crisis; she had after all done so on many an occasion when Pippin had been ill and needed his mama or da. “Would you get that medicine bottle for me and make some willow bark tea for Merry? It shouldn`t do him harm to give him that now, even if we don`t rightly know what`s wrong.”

Pearl nodded, and returned a little later with the tea and medicine bottle.

“Go wake Pippin, dear, you shouldn`t be in here, and he can fetch and carry for me.” Eglantine said, already spoon feeding the tea to Merry, since he couldn`t raise his head.

“All right.” Pearl said giving her mama an encouraging and supporting hug as she went to wake Pippin. She wanted to hug Merry better, but had been strictly forbidden to touch him now that he was covered with those spots, poor lad. Poor Pippin too. He would be frightened to learn that Merry was so much worse. There was nothing for it though and gentler than she normally would have been she urged Pippin up and helped him wash and dress before she sent him off to Merry`s room. As she helped him get ready for the day she tried to stall his flow of questions with explaining that Merry had a fever again, and that Pippin needed to be very good and help his mama. He had of course been very sad to hear that but promised to be a good lad and help. Pearl set to making bread dough for the day and put the kettle on.

“Pearl?” It was Pippin. “Mama says I`m to eat here and bring something back for her.”

“All right dear.” Pearl sat Pippin down and put toast, jam, milk and a few other items on the table, before making a tray for her mama.

“Pearl? I`m scared.” Pippin was on the verge of tears and his lower lip trembled with suppressed sobs.

Pearl sat down beside him and drew Pippin over into her lap, rocking him slightly. “Why is that, sweetie?” She knew he was worried about Merry but getting him to talk would probably help.

“Merry`s so much worse and I`m scared. What if he dies?” Large tears fell down Pippin`s cheeks and he sobbed in earnest. “He promised he wouldn`t die!”

“I know, Pippin, I know.” Pearl didn`t really have the answers to Pippin`s questions at this time so she only rocked him, stroking his curls and humming softly. “I don`t know what made our Merry worse, but Da has gone to fetch the healer, and you know how she always makes you better.” Pippin started to protest. “Even if she gives you foul-tasting medicines, they do make you better Pippin.” Pippin nodded then. “Well, don`t you think that she would do that for our Merry too?” A reluctant nod, then a pause before Pippin nodded vigorously, drying his eyes with his sleeves. “There. You`ll see Merry will be all well. Blow your nose and wash your face, then you can take this to Mama. You need to help her help Merry now. That way you`ll be helping him too even if she might say that you can`t stay with him all the time.” Pippin didn`t like that last bit so well, but as long as what he did helped Merry, he`d do it.

Pippin balanced the tray quite well, all the way to Merry`s room and set it down on the table by the bed. His mama looked so sad and worried, and suddenly Pippin thought of Merry`s own mama, Aunt Esmie, and how sad she would be if Merry died. Mama had said that she had written to Aunt Esmie and Uncle Sara at the Hall too and that they would arrive in a couple of days. Frodo would be here sooner, Pippin knew, and he hoped that Merry would be better then.

Eglantine tried to eat a little. She knew she had to eat. But she didn`t quite know what to do for Pippin. He was sad and sat on a chair he had dragged in, looking lost and thoughtful. Now he climbed down and went over to the bed, taking one of Merry`s hands between his own. “I`m here, Mer. Be well soon, won`t you?” He then started on a story Eglantine hadn`t heard before, but clearly understood to be made out of some memory of a bright summer day spent with Merry and Frodo at Bywater. When the story was finished, he started to sing a silly rhyme Merry had loved when he was little and apparently taught Pippin, all the time holding Merry`s hand. After the rhyme was finished, he let go of Merry, going to the window to look for riders on the road. Paladin and the healer would come that way, Eglantine knew and she hoped that Daisy would be at home.

Authors note: Here is the rhyme Pippin sings to Merry. Thanks to Melilot Hill for writing it!

There was a pie on a windowsill,

Put proudly there to let it chill,

By the wife of Farmer Dee,

For the whole, entire Shire to see.

Falco-lad was passing by,

And naturally smelled the luscious pie,

His tummy rumbled suddenly,

And he eyed that pie most greedily.

He snuck to the window silently,

As stealthy as a hobbit lad can be,

In a flash he grabbed that pie,

And into the beech grove he did hie. 

He hid behind a great big tree,

Among the roots where none could see,

And there he swallowed every crumb,

And licked the juice from off his thumb.

He licked clean the baking tin,

And wiped the dribbles from his chin,

Then when he had had his fill,

He snuck the tin back on the sill.


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