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The First Journey  by Manderly

See Ch. 1 for disclaimer.

Ch. 2 A Brother Returns

Legolas laughed with delight as they raced along the well-trodden path, his golden mane flying behind him like a carefree sail and all previous thoughts of frustration melted away as the soft spring air rushed up to meet him in intoxicating waves. He had almost forgotten how wonderful it was to be among the trees when they were awakening from their long winter's rest. He urged Hwesta to a reluctant stop. His faithful mount pranced about with nervous energy and snorted loudly with impatience, obviously displeased at the sudden inaction.

Legolas laughed again as he patted the silky neck before dismounting in one nimble bound. "I will let you run later, my friend, but first I need to say hello to the trees." He made his way quickly to the nearest tree and in one fluid movement, grasped a branch and swung himself up. A moment later, he was sitting atop one of the highest branches, his eyes closed and his cheek against the cool sturdiness of the trunk. The trees sang out their joyous greetings, and Legolas smiled. "I have missed all of you too. It has been a long winter."

The trees swayed in gentle concurrence and Legolas leaned back on his perch with trusting ease. He kept his eyes closed, and allowed himself to be swept up in the soft murmurs of the trees around him whilst he drew in the sweet fragrance of newborn greenery, laced with the reassuring scent of damp earth.

He knew not how long he stayed there but he was suddenly jolted to alertness by a change in the tempo of the trees' songs. There was no sense of foreboding, however, from the trees, and Legolas relaxed. He stood up on the branch and peered into the distance. His keen eyes picked out the sight of a group of riders approaching and even from where he perched, he could tell that they were Mirkwood warriors. They must be returning from patrol, he thought excitedly. He would ride back with them to the palace, he quickly decided. If he was fortunate, they may recount to him the adventures of their patrol. With a quick bound and a leap, he was on the forest ground again and from there, it was only a few short steps to the grazing Hwesta.

"Come, my friend. Let us go and welcome back our returning warriors."

As he approached the group of riders, he quickly recognized one of the forefront warriors and he shouted out in joyous greeting. "Tavaro!"

He drew Hwesta to an abrupt stop before the group of warriors and was about to leap onto his brother's mount when he saw the sling that cradled Tavaro's right arm. "Tavaro, you are hurt! What happened? Are you badly wounded?"

"Legolas, what are you doing out here?" His older brother completely ignored his chain of questions.

Legolas edged his horse along side of his brother, his eyes fixed on the wounded appendage in concern. "What happened to your arm? Is it broken?" He reached out tentatively to touch it. "Does it hurt?"

"Never mind my arm. You still have not told me why you are out here, by yourself."

"I was saying hello to the trees," Legolas said, peering at his older brother with sudden uncertainty.

"Saying hello to the trees?" Tavaro asked incredulously. "Do not tell me. You have escaped Salque's clutches again."

"Salque is gone. He left this morning to visit his daughter and will not be back for weeks," Legolas declared.

Tavaro studied his little brother. "Does Adar know that you are out here? No? I did not think so."

"He was supposed to come riding with me today, but he was too busy," Legolas said rather sulkily.

"So you decided to come out on your own instead? Oh, bratling, have you no fear of your King?"

Legolas frowned. "If we ride back now, he will never know that I even left."

"Adar will know. Adar knows everything. You should be well aware of that by now, bratling. And look, here comes somebody even as we speak, probably sent by Adar himself in search of you."

Legolas looked up in dismay and saw the guard that he had encountered earlier at the outer gate. Inwardly, he groaned.

The newly arrived rider saluted Tavaro nervously. "Lord Tavaro, welcome back. Thank the Valar that Prince Legolas is with you. I have been searching for him everywhere."

Legolas looked at him unhappily. "There was no need for you to ride out after me. As you can see, I am fine. Besides, I stayed on the main path all this time, like I said I would."

"I was looking for you in the woods," the guard said.

At this, Tavaro laughed out loud. "I do not blame you, as my little brother is seldom where he claims he will be. Come along, let us all head back before the King sends out a search party for the bratling."

"Tavaro, you still have not told me what happened to your arm," Legolas persisted, concern and worry clouding the young face.

"We had an encounter with a group of orcs and I foolishly tried to stop one of their scimitars with my arm," Tavaro said airily. "Do not look so stricken, little brother. It is only a flesh wound and is healing well."

"If it is not serious, then why are you wearing a sling?" Legolas was not reassured.

"It is easier on my arm when I am riding. Worry not, Legolas, for I will be able to wrestle with you within the week."

Legolas looked at his older brother with uncertainty and turned to regard the other warriors. Several of them bore signs of injuries, though none seemed to be seriously afflicted.

"And Feren? Is Feren well?" Legolas asked, suddenly concerned.

"He is well. He insisted that we be sent home, however slight our injuries may be."
"Well, I am glad that you are home, Tavaro," Legolas declared firmly and smiled at his brother. "I have missed you."

Tavaro reached out with his good arm and ruffled the youngling's hair with fondness. "And I have missed you, bratling."

"Tell me about the orcs. Were there many of them? Did you kill them all?" Legolas asked eagerly.

Tavaro laughed. "Of course we killed them all, for we are formidable warriors. We came upon their camp at night and caught them unaware. We should not have suffered any injuries at all if there were not so many of them."

"You were greatly outnumbered?" Legolas asked, his eyes wide.

"We are always outnumbered, but their skills are no match for ours."

"I wish I had been there," Legolas said wistfully.

Tavaro regarded his little brother and breathed a silent prayer of thanks to the Valar that Legolas had not been there. The thought of his little brother confronting an orc was not something that he wished to dwell upon. "Your time will come soon enough, Legolas. Orcs are fearsomely ugly creatures, you know. You should consider yourself fortunate that you have not yet laid eyes on them. One look at them and you will lose your appetite to eat for days."

Several of the warriors laughed out loud at this and Legolas joined in happily. He felt nearly grown up just to be among them and at that thought, he squared his shoulders purposefully. Someday, he would not only ride with these warriors, but he would fight along side with them. He hoped that that day would come soon.


"Legolas, where have you been?" The first thing that greeted them upon their arrival at the palace was the King's irate voice. Any hope of his father not finding out about his latest escapade was immediately dashed. Legolas sidled up to his brother instinctively.

"I took Hwesta out to exercise and found Tavaro," he replied, peering at his father's rather formidable countenance with apprehension. "Tavaro is hurt."

It worked. His father's attention was instantly detracted to his other son.

"What happened to your arm?" Thranduil asked quickly, frowning. Then turning to a nearby attendant, he ordered, "Send for Kala. Bid him to go to Lord Tavaro's chamber."

"Adar, it is a scratch, "Tavaro protested even as the attendant scurried away.

"Let Kala determine whether it is a scratch. Welcome home, my son. Come, let us go to your chamber. You look tired." Thranduil embraced his older son briefly and without glancing around, addressed his younger son who was attempting to steal away. "Legolas, you will come with us and explain to me why you have disobeyed my orders, yet again."

Legolas was torn between his wanting to remain with his newly returned brother and his apprehension of being lectured by his father.

"Legolas, you will come along." There was an edge of impatience in his adar's voice.

"Yes, Adar," Legolas said and followed in resignation.

Tavaro held out his good arm to him and Legolas gratefully slid under its protective hold. At least his brother would be there to buffer some of his father's more stinging reprimands.

"I will get you some water so that you can bathe your face," Legolas immediately offered upon their entering Tavaro's chamber.

"Thank you, Legolas. I would like that," Tavaro said as he sank into a chair. As his little brother disappeared into the adjoining washing chamber, Tavaro winked at the King. "The bratling is working hard at appeasing your displeasure."

Thranduil grunted in the most unkingly way. "He should know better than to go off by himself."

"Do not be so hard on him. He did not venture far, and he was on the main path when I came upon him. There were cottagers nearby."

"He knows the rules." The King was adamant.

At this point, they were interrupted by the reappearance of Legolas, carefully balancing a basin of water in his hands as he made his way across the room. Setting the basin down onto a nearby table, he wrung out a cloth and handed it to his brother.

"Maybe I should bring you with me on the next patrol. It will be nice to have a little slave to wait on me hand and foot after a difficult day with the enemies." Tavaro grinned as he took the proffered cloth and wiped the smudges of travel from his face.

Legolas looked at his brother with wide-eyed eagerness. "Yes, I would do that for you!"

"You will do no such thing," Thranduil said to his youngest. And turning to his other son, he admonished, "Stop putting wild ideas in the child's head. He has enough of those as it is without encouragement from you. And now, Legolas, you will explain to me why you purposely disobeyed my order of not venturing beyond the outer gate on your own."

"I had not meant to disobey you, it just happened," Legolas said, staring down at his clasped hands. "Hwesta was so restless. I had to take him out for a run."

"So apparently Hwesta is to be blamed for your disobedience," Thranduil said dryly.

Legolas peered tentatively at his father. "I am sorry, Adar."

"You are sorry each time you break the rules, and yet you continue to break them. Legolas, these rules are set for your protection. It is not safe for you to wander about by yourself. Those woods can be a very dangerous place."

"The cottagers live in the woods and they do not appear to be in danger," Legolas countered.

"Do not argue with me, Legolas."

Legolas cast a sullen look at his father and muttered reluctantly. "I am sorry, Adar."

Tavaro ruthless smothered a chuckle at the sight of his little brother's unrepentant face and thought that the King's rules would have to be relaxed if Legolas was to abide by them in any sense at all. The bratling must be the only elf in all of Mirkwood not to quake with fear at the sight of the King's displeased countenance. Secretly, Tavaro thought his father was too protective of his youngest son. Legolas was a spirited elfling and too much constraint on his freedom would only lead to more rebellious and perhaps disastrous consequences.

The standoff between father and son was fortunately interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by the quiet appearance of Kala, the head healer. He bowed to the King and Tavaro in turn, and graced Legolas with an indulgent smile.

"And what damage have you done this time, my lord?" the healer addressed Tavaro as he eased the other's arm from its sling.

"It is but a flesh wound, and is healing well. There really is no need for you to trouble yourself," Tavaro said.

"The need is not mine, but that of the King, your father," Kala said calmly as gently rolled up the sleeve to exposed the bandaged upper arm.

"Kala, have I ever told you how utterly wise you are," Tavaro asked smiling.

"Yes, my lord, many a times," Kala responded as he unwrapped the bandages.

Legolas moved in closer to his brother, his blue eyes intent on the healer's gentle hands as he pressed gently on the long gash, neatly closed by a row of tiny, well-placed stitches. "Is he hurting you, Tavaro?"

Tavaro laughed and ruffled the blond hair with his good hand. "No, he is not hurting me. Like I have said, it is healing well. It bothers me not at all."

Legolas continued to stare at the stitched gash with morbid fascination. "Did it bleed a lot? It looks very long."

"It bled some, but not overly so. This is but a minor wound. An orc blade is a nasty weapon and if wielded properly, it can do grievous damage such as --"

"Tavaro, I do not think your brother needs to hear such detailed accounts of what an orc blade can or cannot do. Legolas, come over here and allow Kala room to tend to your brother."

Reluctantly, Legolas moved from Tavaro's side and took his place by his father's chair. The King reached up and patted his son's back gently. "Tavaro will be fine, Legolas. You need not to worry." Even as he spoke, Thranduil's heart tightened at the thought that one day, his youngest may too return from battle with the enemies bearing such wounds. He hoped that day would not come soon.

"Well, my lord, it is healing well and there is no more that I can do at this time. The stitches can be removed in two, three days' time and you should regain full use of the arm by the end of the week. You may remove the sling too, if you so wish. It is no longer necessary."

Tavaro grinned. "Those are exactly my thoughts too. Thank you, Kala, as always."

The healer inclined his head. "I am glad that my skills are not needed on this occasion." He turned to the King. "If I may then take my leave, my lord."

"Thank you, Kala. You may leave."

After the healer had departed, Thranduil also stood up. "There is time before the evening meal. You should rest a little, Tavaro. Come Legolas, let us leave your brother."

Legolas was reluctant to leave the company of his newly returned brother, but Tavaro did look tired and he did not wish to deprive his brother of the rest that he obviously needed. "You will be at the evening meal, will you not, Tavaro?"

Tavaro smiled at his brother's anxious face. "Worry not, I will be there. It will be a pleasure to have a real meal for a change, after months of consuming what passed for food while on patrol."

Reassured, Legolas followed his father's gentle tug out of his brother's chamber. Tavaro was home! The thought brought a smile to his face. Perhaps the coming days would not be so dull after all.


A/N: It has been suggested that it might be helpful for those readers who have not read my other stories that I provide a list of O/C. I have therefore listed the main O/Cs in this story. Other O/Cs who appear later on in the story will be self-evident.

Salque: Legolas' personal guard
Aldeon: Legolas oldest brother, Thranduil's heir
Feren: Legolas' second brother, commander of the King's troops
Tavaro: Legolas third brother

I hope this helps.

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