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Reflections from the Paradise of Elves  by Bodkin

The Paradise of Elves – Part 23:   Moving On


‘It was most odd,’ Elrohir said.  ‘Sirithiel knew the instant conception took place – it was like the ringing of a bell – but there was just one child.  It was clearly a single infant.  But then, some time later – we felt one become two.  It was breathtaking.’

‘Well, you are an identical twin, and your adar is a twin – I suppose it is not unexpected,’ Legolas remarked thoughtfully. ‘What amazes me is the twist of fate that presented us with a pair of elflings.’

‘Were you aware at once that there were two?’ Elladan asked him.

He shook his head.  ‘It was strange,’ he mused. ‘There was one at first – and then another joined him.  But was not a division – it was the beginning of another song.  Elerrina was aware that the second child was an elleth, so we knew they could not be identical.’

Elladan lifted his head from his pack and looked out over the expanse of green in front of their campsite, a broad grin on his face.  ‘We sound like a bunch of old biddies,’ he said, ‘sitting round the fire and talking about conception and pregnancy.  Before you know it, we will be discussing the best way to remove stains from table linen or arrange flowers.’

Elrohir and Legolas looked at him disdainfully.  ‘I think not,’ his brother informed him.  ‘We can think of better topics for debate.’

‘Such as?’

‘How we ever convinced Elrond and Thranduil that we should be sent to assess the progress Glorfindel and his team are making?’ Elrohir suggested.

‘Oh, we did not,’ Legolas stated matter-of-factly.  ‘I think we were the victims of a wifely putsch.   They wanted some ellyth time, with us well out of the way, so they could drink tea and gossip and play with the babies.  They convinced our lords that we were the best candidates for this task, and waved us off – confident in the knowledge that we would have an enjoyable time, whilst feeling guilty about leaving them.’

‘Do you think they are that devious?’ Elrohir asked doubtfully.

‘Miriwen?’ Elladan said incredulously. ‘You are asking me if Miriwen is devious? Of course she is, my brother.  She manages me so efficiently that most of the time I do not even notice – although on occasion I just have to catch her out, so that she knows that I am on to her tricks.’

Legolas grinned.  ‘You both enjoy every minute.’

‘Of course we do,’ Elladan laughed. ‘Elerrina uses her wiles slightly differently, nudging you gently along the path she wants you to follow – but I have watched you, my friend – you know what she is doing and I have seen how neatly you can divert her!  And Sirithiel -,’ he looked at his brother, ‘Sirithiel coaxes you sweetly into doing whatever she wants.’

‘Oh well,’ he replied amiably, ‘I do not mind.’

‘Just as well,’ his twin commented. ‘Although she finds you hard to win over should she choose her ground badly.  Obstinate barely begins to describe you.  How long did it take you to give in to her wish for an elfling?’

‘And then you were granted two at one go,’ Legolas reminded him.  ‘It probably serves you right.’

‘We are back to talking about elflings,’ Elrohir sighed. ‘It seems a difficult topic to avoid right now.’

A faint rustle drew their attention to the woods behind them. Without need for discussion, Elrohir slid away from the others.

‘Good hunting here,’ Legolas remarked as they eased their blades loose in the scabbards.  He leant his mind into the tree-song, looking for any changes or inconsistencies, but found nothing.

Elrohir returned from behind them. ‘Deer,’ he said briefly.  ‘These woods are full of them.’

‘Part of me cannot wait to get here,’ Legolas admitted. ‘The space, the trees, plenty of game – all here for the taking. To be able to bring my offspring up in the freedom of a forest unmarred by Shadow.’

‘But there are disadvantages, my friend, are there not?’ Elladan pointed out.  ‘We will lose as well as gain.  Our closeness – we will again be weeks’ ride apart.  Our wives will be a similar distance from their parents.  We will miss our grandparents.  And there are conveniences to living where we do now – I never thought I would say that, but there are.’

‘Everything comes at a price, my brother,’ Elrohir shrugged. ‘We know that. All we have to decide is how much we are prepared to pay.’

 ‘We will have work to do – work that is worth the effort,’ Legolas mused. ‘And we will not be constantly fighting against an intractable enemy – we will be able to take time to spend together and with those whom we love.  I think that, overall, the price will not be too high.’


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