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The Paradise of Elves – Part 60: Rain
‘Elerrina’s adar is right,’ Elladan complained. ‘There is such a thing as too much rain.’
Legolas glanced at him in irritation. His fair hair was plastered to his head and his nose and chin were acting as channels for water. He had long since abandoned any attempt to use his saturated cloak to shield him from the torrents and his clothes clung to him as if sculpted to his body. ‘I do not wish to have to defend to you the need of the forest for rain,’ he snapped.
‘Particularly,’ Elrohir said pleasantly, ‘as, in fact, the forest has had all the rain it requires for the next season or two – and all in the space of a week.’
‘Much more,’ Elladan sounded jaded, ‘and it will no longer be a forest, but a lake with trees.’
‘I think perhaps Taryatur and Linevendë would have appreciated their invitation to visit Galadriel’s home rather more,’ Elrohir considered, ‘if they had travelled longer in sunshine.’
‘Perhaps.’ A remote smile began to dance on Legolas’s face. ‘I find that I am rather delighting in this weather.’
‘They might have enjoyed the prospect of the visit still more,’ Elrohir continued, ‘had they found that Daeradar and Daernaneth dwelt, as they expected, in a sensible construction of stone – with slate-roofed towers.’
Legolas’s smile stretched wider.
‘I do not believe,’ Elladan grinned, ‘that I have ever seen anything to equal Linevendë’s expression when she realised that she was going to have to climb up into a tree.’
The smile began to make it seem as if the sun had come out in one small wet area of the forest.
‘It made Taryatur realise,’ Elrohir commented, ‘that Thranduil’s home: incorporating trees into the building, and having wings that reach up into the canopy yet remaining largely earth-bound – at least as far as the main halls are concerned – is quite a sober design.’
Legolas laughed. ‘They could not credit, could they, that their High King’s daughter would dwell contentedly in a tree!’
‘By the time that our grandparents return with them, they will have learned better,’ Elrohir informed him. ‘They may even come to enjoy arboreal living and desire to build their own flets. You never know, it might lead to a new fashion in the lands of the Noldor.’
‘They would not find it easy,’ Legolas said gleefully, ‘to find trees large enough – or co-operative enough – to let them.’
‘At least,’ Elladan shook a spray of drops from his head, ‘they stand a better chance than we do of keeping their feet dry. I am rather concerned that the river may have decided to move into the house by the time we get back. I do not think Miriwen would appreciate giving birth in a pond.’
‘Adar would put his foot down,’ Elrohir said firmly. ‘I cannot imagine him permitting a water birth.’
‘I am tempted to continue riding,’ Legolas smiled, leaning his head back and allowing the pelting rain to fall in his face. ‘We need to get Elladan home before his wife decides he has abandoned her – and it is not as if we will find anywhere dry to rest along the way.’
‘Will you stay a day or two before heading home?’
‘Perhaps,’ Legolas shrugged. ‘If there seems any prospect of the weather improving. Otherwise I might as well continue. I am looking forward to spending as much time as possible with Elerrina in the absence of any distractions.’
The knowing look on his friends’ faces enhanced their similarity, so that, as many times before, it was almost as if he was seeing double.
‘Come then,’ Elladan commanded, urging his horse forward.
‘Carefully,’ his twin advised. ‘The ground is so soaked that it will be sliding downhill on its own soon.’
‘You worry too much,’ Legolas told him expansively. ‘It is only rain, my friends. What harm can it do?’
Elrohir looked disapprovingly at the hoof prints of Elladan’s horse, each now filling with water as if to present them with a cup of welcome. ‘I seem to remember dredging you out of a mudslide once, my friend, that was only too much proof of how much harm it can do. I would prefer not to have to do that again.’
‘Are you planning on spending all day talking?’ Elladan called. ‘Let us make our way home before our horses decide for themselves to seek shelter. If you are not careful they might return us to our grandparents’ house.’
‘I think not,’ Legolas said firmly, as his horse’s hooves squelched through the mud. ‘I would rather paddle home than spend any more time with my adar-in-law.’
Elrohir shrugged. ‘Come then,’ he said. ‘Let us ride - before our princeling decides to develop gills and make us swim.’
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