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Orcs, Dungeons and Little Sisters.  by eokat

Orcs, Dungeons and Little Sisters.

Chapter Five.

Theodwyn remained thus, under the care of the healer Lowell, and after spending an uncomfortable afternoon dispelling the attached membrane, her health quickly improved, so by the end of the second week in Edoras she was starting to feel a little stronger. Lowell had trodden carefully and not caused his volatile charge any undue stress. He bit his tongue when the children scampered in at all hours, but had to admit that they caused no more harm to his patient as he had originally thought. He had grudgingly admitted to himself that the visit of her offspring caused as much healing as the potions and foods she was suffered to take.

Eomund was much relieved at this and knew his wife was on the way to becoming hale once more. He was drawn to stay near her side, but duty was calling him back to the east, messages had reached him, his sword was needed there, hastily.

Theodwyn frowned when she saw his face and sighed before he could utter a word, “When do you leave?” she asked quietly.

“On the morrow, sweetling, word has reached me of incursions on the borders again and villages raided, I must needs leave you a while. I know you are safe here, in the protection of the king.”

“Then we will have supper here tonight, just we two.” His lady stated, with the small smile that Eomund always found enchanting

“I will not say nay to that, beloved,” he whispered back, at that moment both were completely unaware that any plans for a quiet farewell would not be realized.


Eomer had made a firm and lasting friendship with Eothain, they played within the great halls and ventured as far as watchful eyes would let them. Thus they had inspected the kitchens, full of bustle as the cooks prepared mountains of food on a daily basis for the inhabitants of the Golden Hall. The head cook, Audra, held an almost matriarch position within the huge kitchen area, none passed there unless by her leave nor without permission. Even the king himself, ventured not to her realm, knowing her rule was supreme.

Audra had taken quite a shine to the two children of the lady and had often had Eowyn under her watchful eye as she cut tiny biscuits with a thimble, her pretty face smudged with flour. And she always made sure her small charge was clean and presentable before visiting her lady mother again.

‘Eomer, well’ she thought grimly, ‘here was another Theodred, dashing in without heed, snatching any unwatched food for his hungry belly before returning in the same haste’ But her harsh looks and clicking tongue were lost on the young lord, he need only smile that dazzling smile of his and her heart was lost.

That particular morn, as Eomund and Theodwyn chatted softly together, Eomer was in her domain, hopefully watching as the cooks were making plum pies. He had a weakness for fruit and Audra smiled to her-self as a dish was passed to him so he could put his fingers in and scrape any plums left therein, of which were quickly transferred with much haste to his mouth. After this had been achieved he jumped down from the chair and before Audra could stop him to wipe his mouth and sticky fingers he flew the corridor to see his mother.

The door flew open with a crash and the occupants within knew instinctively whom had caused it so. Eomer ran to his parents out of breath.

“And I might not ask where you have been?” scolded Theodwyn as she reached for a cloth to wipe the smears off her way-word son as Eomund chuckled.

“In the kitchens, mother,” replied Eomer, squirming somewhat under her determined ministrations, he hated being washed and would be quite happy were he not to do that particular daily task. “Audra,” he gasped between wipes, “Has made plum pies, and there are always a lot of plums that stick to the bowl.” He explained to the laughter of his parents.

After she was satisfied with the cleanliness of her first born he dashed off again after a brief kiss, to find Eothain as they had planned a foray to the stables to watch the grooms at work with the mighty war-horses stabled within.

Eomund embraced his wife and left to meet with the king over his departure and to talk about the defences to be metered out in the East-Mark. But his thoughts, whenever a pause came within the talks, ever looked forward to his wife and the planned evening tryst.  


Eowyn had been stitching with the court ladies, a task which she found little pleasure in, but Freya was with her and they giggled between themselves as they listened to the gossip and chatter around them. All rose when the lady Theodwyn came into the room. All were pleased to see her looking well and Eowyn rushed to her side to sit on her Mama’s knees as they worked.

The sun rose in the sky as the never ending chores went full circle as they were want to do in most great halls of men. The noon bell rang but the women found themselves alone in their dining, except for a few messengers and servants. The lords were deep in conference with the king and platters of food were sent in relay from the kitchens, borne by serving lads.

Much mirth went round the long tables as the ladies of the court enjoyed their feminine sojourn, speaking of many things, without any eavesdropping men to bother them. Often the talk got slightly brazen, as intimate secrets were whispered to all, and thankful Theodwyn was that Eowyn had fallen asleep on her lap and also that Eomer was not present, as he had recently started to ask certain questions and from the talk present he would have had most of them answered. Not that Theodwyn herself ventured any of her own, feeling that Eomund would not be too happy to have his sexual prowess discussed within the courts of Meduseld.


Eomer had enjoyed himself, meeting up with others, sons of the knights who served the king, and they played many games in the huge gardens behind Meduseld, including hood-man blind and knock-a- down run. Soon the small crowd of boys grew weary and thirsty, none had gone into the halls for the noon meal so one youngster, Gordelph, suggested a raid on the orchards of Edoras.

“We will dine well,” he enthused, “There is enough for all and we would be there and back within the hour, none would miss us…I dare you,” he stated, grinning and  looking round at all other boys  present.

Not wanting to be though cowards or refuse a dare, the boys agreed with Gordelph, after all he was the oldest there at twelve summers, and knew more, as his Father was captain of the kings guard.

They scampered over the wall and followed its perimeter round to the waiting fruit trees with their boughs laden with goodness and temptation. Within seconds gangly limbs were shinning up fully laden trees as the boys munched and chomped to their hearts delight.

Before long bellies were full and they drank deep of the stream that flowed nearby as tales of battles and swordplay were now in the offing as each vied with the other over the most blood- curdling stories.

The hour promised was long gone as the conversation turned to the lands outside their own country and the tales passed down from their elders of other beings and creatures. The afternoon waned and with alarm all realized they would be missed if not within the boundaries set for them. None there wanted to feel the strap from an angry sire, not after such a perfect day.

They proceeded to walk out of the orchard and followed the stone- wall, which would lead them back to the halls. The said wall was high and broad and one by one they climbed up to walk its perimeter, laughing and showing off each to the other as they went, not realizing any dangers with walking thusly.

The orchard keeper, Taite, had returned from his lunch to see the line of youths disappearing from his beloved trees. His look and scowl bespoke no mercy to the lads should he catch them, but they were too far ahead of him and he would surely speak of this to the king if granted a boon so to do. He grumbled and cursed as he inspected the groves for damage before he shook his fists at the group and glared anew.

Then suddenly he was running, a difficult task for one so portly, but he had noticed the boys walking on the wall, which was not uncommon for children to do…but that area was quite unsafe and had been in need of repair for a while. It was not deep on his side but fell quite fifteen feet in places on the other.

So he puffed and gasped as he gave chase, fearing not to shout as his warnings might cause more harm and panic within the group…but a low rumbling noise stopped his tracks as the boys screamed, and he looked with horror as some jumped to relative safety in the orchard while three fell on the other side with cries of terror.



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