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Hunting  by Nilmandra

Characters: All of the following characters have appeared in May the Valar Protect them or Journey's End.  They will not all be in this story (esp since many are dead), but may be referred to.


Family of the King

Thranduil* -----King of Mirkwood the Great
Narawen* ------Queen of Mirkwood the Great, killed the day Legolas was born
Bregolas------- Eldest son; name means fierce, wild leaves; warrior; heir to throne
Lathron---------Second son; name means listener; wise beyond his years
Celebrinduil---Third son; craftsman
Alagos*--------Fourth son; warrior; name means storm of wind, killed the day Legolas was born
Elenath --------Daughter; novice warrior, name means starry sky
Elumeril*------Daughter, child, name means blue rose
Legolas---------infant son, abducted on his day of birth with Tathiel, Tinánia & Eärundra

Urithral*-------Advisor to the King
Ethiwen*§-----Wife of Urithral, warrior of Mirkwood
Tinánia*-------child of Urithral and Ethiwen, abducted with her sister, Tathiel and Legolas
Eärundra*-----child of Urithral and Ethiwen, abducted with her sister, Tathiel and Legolas

Rawien*§------Captain of Mirkwood
Elryndel*------Warrior of Mirkwood, killed in the Iron Hills
Orchalthon*---Warrior of Mirkwood
Sadron*§-------Warrior of Mirkwood
Laerion*§------Warrior of Mirkwood
Tathiel  ---------healer and attendant to the queen; abducted with the three children
Calardan-------Craftsman of Mirkwood

*Characters were part of the original group who traveled to Laketown

Search Party (marked with §)

Bellion§--------Warrior of Mirkwood
Meren§---------Warrior of Mirkwood
Elunell§--------Warrior of Mirkwood
Lachthoniel§--Warrior of Mirkwood
Galithon§------Captain of the King’s Guard
Varandil§------Warrior of Mirkwood; Healer

Members of Bregolas’ patrol that saved everyone in the end

Galthenin------Captain of Mirkwood
Aranu----------Captain of Mirkwood
Camnesta------Chief healer to the Realm; travels at times with warriors.

Characters from the Iron Hills

Balak-----------Man of the Iron Hills
Ban-------------Father of Balak; chief of small village
Ain-------------Dwarf they meet near the ore mines in the Iron Hills

Village of Agar

Tal-Elmar-----son of Hazad of Agar
Hazad----------youngest son of his mother, Elmar
Guryn----------brother to Hazad
Patel------------son of Hazad
Nurnan ---------son of Hazad
Sarn------------shopkeeper in Agar
Balwyn --------wife to Sarn


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