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Smoke and Mirrors  by lovethosehobbits


Disclaimer: All characters and places depicted are the sole property of the JRR Tolkien Estate, my only claim to fame is this small piece of fiction. No copyright infringement is intended.

Medical Disclaimer: While extensive research has been done, none of the cures or procedures depicted in this story should be used without first consulting a medical professional. Also, there may be graphic medical details and wee hobbit behinds in this chapter, so if that makes you squeamish, you'd better pass.

Smoke and Mirrors Chapter 31

The tinkling of dishes and soft footsteps awoke Merry first. He felt remarkably refreshed and wondered how long he had slept. He turned his head and looked at Frodo lying beside him. A look of peace filled his cousin's face. Perhaps their talk had already had some calming effect on him. Sam sat by the bed and took Frodo's left hand in his, placing a gentle kiss on the wrist. "Is he better, Mr. Merry? He seems to be quite calm and looks so peaceful, like an elf, if you take my meaning, sir."

"I think he is better, Sam and please just call me Merry. We've been friends far too long, and through too much to be so formal," said Merry with a smile.

Sam blushed and looked down. "If that is your wish, Mr.....err...Merry." Merry smiled.

"So what have you brought this time for our charge?" Merry asked.

"Well, I know as how Mr. Frodo didn't want any meats so I've brought him some eggs scrambled with cream and butter, just like he likes. And applesauce, since he didn't taste that last time, with cinnamon and nutmeg; a glass of fresh milk, some fresh baked peaches and cherries in a heavy glaze with clotted cream on top...and, let's see...some toast squares baked with honey and cinnamon on top. I also brought one small flapjack with that maple syrup and butter, that they like so much here. Merry's mouth watered at the wonderful smells that assaulted his senses. Sam noticed this with a grin, "Sorry, Mr. Merry, but this tray is just for Mr. Frodo. But I did see them preparin' a tray or two for Mr. Pippin."

Merry's eyes lit up, "Well, I suppose I should go help Pip eat it then, eh?" Sam smiled.

"How is an old hobbit to rest with all this delicious talk of food going on?" came a muffled query.

"Mr. Frodo! 'So glad you could join us, sir. I've brought you your meal, sir. And them chefs near out did themselves once again, hearin' it were for you."

Frodo smiled sleepily. "It *does* smell wonderful. I suppose I could try a little," he smiled nervously, hoping once again that Sam didn't expect too much of the food to disappear. Merry helped Sam reposition Frodo up on three fluffy pillows and Sam set the tray across his lap. Frodo drank the milk first, eyeing the other dainties as he did so. "How about a bite of that pancake, Sam?" Sam forked a small piece and brought it, dribbling with butter and syrup, up to Frodo's mouth. "Hmmm...very tasty," mumbled Frodo. "It just melts in my mouth. Sam, you have some too. Please, join me."

Sam looked uncomfortable, "Maybe just a wee bite, Mr. Frodo. You need to eat more 'en I do, sir. Sam too, was amazed at how light and sweet the pancake tasted. Next, he picked up a spoon and began serving applesauce to his Master.

"Hmmm, more please, Sam." Frodo loved apples more than any other fruit and this sauce was the best he had ever tasted. "How do they make it so smooth, I wonder?" he said.

Sam smiled. "I'm not right sure, sir but there's no doubt they have their ways of making food a special thing."

"You two are making me drool all over myself. I'm off to share a meal with Pip, but afterwards, I'll be back, all right Frodo?" Merry gave Frodo a knowing look.

Frodo looked slightly uneasy, knowing what was to come. "All right, Merry," he said softly. "Thanks, for everything," he added. Merry just grinned impishly, and then was gone out the door, heading towards Pip's room.

Frodo ate all of the applesauce, three or four bites of the eggs, most of the toast with cinnamon and a few more bites of the pancake, before pushing the tray towards Sam. "I can't. No more, Sam. It's too much." Sam looked at the tray, and thought it was hardly a fit meal for a hobbit, but he was quite happy to note that Mr. Frodo had eaten more than last time.

"You did right fine, sir. It's good to see you eatin' again," he smiled.

Frodo smiled sleepily, "It *did* taste good, as well. I feared I'd never be able to taste or enjoy food again after our journey."

"I know what ya mean, sir. It took me awhile meself, near on a couple 'o days at least, to be able to eat a regular like hobbit meal," Sam said seriously. Frodo smiled widely picturing the normal depth and breadth of a 'regular' hobbit meal.

The door swung in slowly and Aragorn entered. "How are you feeling, Frodo?" he asked quietly.

"I feel fine, Aragorn. I slept well and Sam and I have just finished a glorious meal," he smiled wanly.

Aragorn looked over the refuse of the luncheon. "It looks as if you're appetite is improving, but do try the peaches in clotted cream next time, they are quite good," he smiled.

Frodo groaned, "Oh, I am so full, don't speak of it now, please. Yes, next time they will be my first thing to taste."

"How would you like to get out of your sickroom for a little walk?" asked Aragorn.

Frodo's face lit up. "Could we? I should love that. This room feels more like a cage at times. When can we go?" he asked excitedly as he struggled to sit up. His arms trembled violently from lack of use, but he was determined to show Aragorn that he was more than fit enough to earn a small walk. A fine sheen of sweat broke out on his upper lip as he tried to swing his legs over the edge of the bed. The struggle proved to be too much and he collapsed back onto the pillows, panting. He shot a frustrated glance at Aragorn and Sam thinking that they would surely deny him the promised stroll due to his body's weakness.

Aragorn smiled. "Easy, my friend. I would be honored to carry you until such time as you can walk yourself." He wrapped Frodo in a thick quilt and lifted him so that he sat on the King's hip. "All right Frodo? Dizzy at all?" he asked.

"Just a little, I'm fine, but where are we going?" Frodo asked with a smile.

"Not far. I have some friends I would like you to meet and they you," Aragorn answered cryptically.

"So mysterious," smiled Frodo. Sam looked up at him with a smile. "Sam, you will join us, won't you?" Frodo asked, looking up at Aragorn.

Sam blushed. "If it's all right with Mr. Strider, sir" he said softly.

"Of course it is, Sam. This concerns you as well as Frodo. Follow me," replied the King.

They proceeded out of the room and down the hallway, Frodo looking around as they went. They passed many doorways that opened onto rooms full of the wounded. He could see healers busily attending to their needs. After a few moments, they stopped at a closed door and paused.

"Frodo, this is the first of your lessons," Aragorn said with a small smile.

Frodo frowned slightly, suddenly wondering if he was up to this unknown challenge. "Aragorn perhaps I should return to my room. I find, for some reason, that I fear to open this door---should I or is that feeling misplaced?" his voice quavered.

Aragorn smiled grimly. "Much of what you will see is grievous for the gravely injured lie behind this door. But they are healing and have asked that they might meet with you. You have nothing to fear, my friend, for I and Sam are with you. Those in this room would die to protect you, as well. I ask only that you listen to them and hear what they have to say. This lesson will be for you to learn how to accept gratitude and to realize that, even though you *thought* you failed in you're quest by claiming the Ring, that you are gravely mistaken. You succeeded. You bore the burden and the Ring was destroyed, it matters not how it was accomplished. You alone have carried this burden. You need to realize how you and Sam have affected lives all around you," Aragorn spoke earnestly.

Frodo's eyes misted over. Sam looked up at his Master. "It's true, Mr. Frodo. The quest would never have even begun without you to carry the Ring. You truly *are* a hero, you must see that and stop torturing yourself," tears ran down Sam's face as he plead with his Master.

Frodo wiped his face and sobbed softly into Aragorn's shoulder. "I have felt such guilt, such despair. How can I ever forgive myself?" he gasped.

"You must, for you endured longer than any other, the pull of the Ring. All others would have fallen long before you did. Now, you must cry your last for that foul jewel and admit that you succeeded. The outcome was the same, even if it was achieved in a different way than what you had expected," said Aragorn. He needed to convince Frodo that he was honorable, that Gollum had also played a part, but without Frodo the Ring would never have made it to Mount Doom at all.

Frodo wiped his face again. "I will try, Aragorn," he said quietly.

Aragorn smiled and nodded. Sam reached up and squeezed Frodo's foot, a smile lighting his face. Aragorn pushed the door open. They were greeted by a cacophony of voices talking all at once. Some were of the injured with voices filled with pain, some of sadness and grieving and others of family members speaking of family and events happening outside the confines of the sickroom. The room was a long corridor, well lit, with clean white stone walls and flooring. Frodo looked about. Rows of injured lined both long walls. Healers and orderlies moved smoothly from bed to bed. Almost all had a loved one, wives, sisters or other kin, at their bedsides. A sudden calm descended on the room as the occupants noticed the King and the hobbits. Those that were able, bowed low. Frodo thought they bowed in deference to the King, but noticed that their eyes were on he and Sam, and the bows were accompanied by whispers of 'gracious one' and 'savior of Middle Earth.' All throughout the room could be heard hushed exclamations of adoration and worship attached to his name, or 'the Ringbearer'.

They stopped at the first bed where an elderly man lay, his wife rose from beside his side and knelt before Frodo. Her eyes were full of tears as she reached up and clasped his left hand gently. She brought it to her lips and kissed it lightly. "My husband was with Lord Aragorn at the Gates of Mordor when the Ring was destroyed; a feat that could not have been accomplished without you, small one. He would have been lost to me, as would we all, if not for you," she whispered. "You have my allegiance."

Frodo looked down at the woman and whispered, "The King alone deserves fealty, my lady, but I am honored and humbled by the service you give me," his eyes were damp as he gave her a small, uncertain smile. She moved back to her husband's side as Aragorn took Frodo to the next bed.

A young girl sat beside an even younger boy. As the Ringbearer and Sam approached she bowed low and then rose. She bestowed a light kiss on both Frodo and Sam's foreheads. "My brother and I live in Osgiliath. We were under siege by the orcs and the Nazgul. Our parents were killed," her voice quavered. Frodo reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder in an act of condolence. She smiled up at him and placed her hand over his small one. "We hid. Then suddenly the Nazgul turned and fled, the orcs were confused and our remaining soldiers were able to regroup and finish them off, my brother was injured in the squirmish."

"But he is so young, how could he fight?" asked Frodo, looking down at the pale face of the lad that lay on the bed.

"He is only twelve summers, but was determined to fight in honor of our parents," she whispered.

"Will he be all right, Aragorn?"

"Yes, Frodo. He is recovering nicely."

"You saved us, Ringbearer, We were being annihilated. The orcs were determined to kill every one of us. We watched helplessly, as whole families, even newborn babes, were killed with nothing short of glee," she sobbed. "If not for you, we would not have seen another day." She squeezed his hand again and sat down by her brother. They proceeded down the line then back up the other side of the room. Frodo and Sam spoke with each patient or family member and heard heart rending story after story. Most filled with deeds of great valor, courage and sacrifice. All were told to Frodo with worshipful eyes, wet faces and oaths of loyalty to Frodo and his kin. One soldier had been speared by a troll, but had managed to roll out of the way, as the troll had fallen over and mysteriously died. Later he had learned that with the destruction of the Ring, many of the monstrous beasts could not survive and had perished. Another had been surrounded by orcs and knew his death was eminent. When the Ring was destroyed, the orcs had stood about in confusion allowing the soldier to kill all of them without receiving more than flesh wounds to himself. Many of the stories were of peasants or civilians that had run or hidden from the enemy only to be found and surrounded. The orcs had been set on raping and torture and then slaughter of their captives, when they had stopped, hesitated and walked aimlessly away, allowing the prisoners to flee. Each person sobbed and kissed the hand of Frodo and Sam, giving heartfelt thanks and gratitude. So moved by the overwhelming feelings of love that issued from all within the room, they were frequently moved to tears. Many times they embraced or touched the injured and their families as they were drawn into the tragedy of injury and death or the miracle of salvation. When they left the room, all inside smiled their good-byes and whispers of devotion followed them into the hallway.

Frodo slumped against Aragorn in total exhaustion. His body trembled as he clutched at the King's tunic. "Frodo, are you unwell?" asked Aragorn looking at his friend with deep concern.

"All those gracious.. to *me*, of all people," he could barely be heard as he whispered through his fatigue.

"Yes, Frodo. You *are* our savior and hero, as is Sam. I, and the rest of the Fellowship, are not the only ones who feel this way. It is time for you to see this goodness, this strong and determined love of all the people's in Middle Earth, that motivated you to, unselfishly, give so much of yourself to save so many." Frodo smiled wanly. "But now, you are exhausted and must rest," said Aragorn softly and carried Frodo to his room, placing him on the newly changed bedding and covering him with the counterpane. Sam climbed up and lay down next to him, placing his arm protectively across his Master. Aragorn absently combed his fingers through Frodo's curls as he looked into the half closed blue eyes. "What have you learned from your first lesson, Frodo?" he asked.

Frodo struggled to keep his eyes open. He smiled slowly, "How one or two people perhaps...perhaps...*can* make a difference." He then lost his battle with fatigue and slipped into an exhausted sleep.

Aragorn smiled, "Then I would say, our first lesson has been a success, my dear friend." He looked over at Sam and saw that he was already asleep, snoring softly. He rose and walked to the door. He blew out the lamp and paused looking back at his dear friends, the Ringbearers. He smiled, at the look of peace on their small faces. He left the room with a feeling of joy and satisfaction, pulling the door closed behind him.


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