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When Shadow Touches Home  by daw the minstrel 105 Review(s)
NanethReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/29/2003
Note to self: hit tab key not return key when typing review!

A wonderful ending to a wonderful story! You are one of the most talented writers in the LOTR's arena. Your stories are always a thrill to read. They draw me into this wonderful family and help me to feel all the emotions they are feeling at the time. What a special gift you have!

Now....more, please....soon!

Author Reply: Thank you, Naneth (and I say again, that's a wonderful name for anyone reviewing this story to have!). If you have felt this family's emotions, then I am thrilled. To me, all the external battles in the worlds aren't nearly so interesting as the grief of a child or the struggle of an adult to be a better person. I appreciate your continued feedback on this story.


Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/29/2003
Daw, lovely end to the story! (Yay, I can review from here!!) Lots of loose ends tied up - Ithilden is going to be at home more, which Legolas will like, and Thranduil will have more time to be Ada. Poor Eilian - but I guessed from your other stories that he wouldn't stay with Celuwen. And at least we know he will be fairly free from harm down there on the South patrol.

BTW, I loved the description of Eilian in the bath - looking like a dog when you scratch her back!! I know that soppy expression perfectly well from my own dog!


Author Reply: Thank you for the review, Jay. I would guess that after a couple of weeks in the wild, wallowing in a hot tub would feel pretty good. But no one appreciates feeling good like a dog.

Thank you for staying with this story and reviewing even when fought you.


Strange BlazeReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/29/2003
No, that wasn't mean of you at all. You have succeeded once again in creating a fantastic story about this family. Every one of the characters is so real and so amazing. Poor Eilian! I'm looking forward to what happens next in the story of he and Celuwen, because obviously she's not in the other stories. I'm looking forward to more stories soon!

Author Reply: But Celuwen *could* be in the other stories - just not around!

Thank you for your kind comments. Having characters called "real" is a very great compliment.


Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/29/2003
A triumph. I can't think of any other word to describe "When Shadow Touches Home."

From the opening word of this story to the very last period, your readers have been privileged to travel beside Mirkwood's First Family through the valley of the Shadow, to strive with them against the blnding pain of loss, not only of their loved one, but of themselves. With them, we have groped for the "whys" that always accompany a death, and we have groaned beside the members of this elven family as they were stretched taut on the rack of grief and pain. It is there where they learned to fill the gaping void left by Lorellin with each other. This has been a journey of incredible tenderness, of laughter and tears, of learning to take courage in hand and forge ahead. I come away from this story different--better, I think, in every way for joining Thranduil and his sons in their struggle.

YThe theme to your story is universal: Love conquors all. It is the glue that keeps the jumbled pieces of our lives together; it is the source of all healing; and as the Bible so eloquently puts it: "Love never fails." Never has. Never will. You've shown us in vivid brush stokes just how powerful Love can truly be. This is a wonderfully wrought tale, one to treasure and to read over and over again.

Thanks, Daw. You're a blessing to many.

Author Reply: All right, call me sappy, but you actually made tears come to my eyes with your comments on grief and loss. I think that Elves were very family centered and they felt deeply, so the loss of a family member must have been very hard to bear. But you are right. "Love never fails."


FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/29/2003
OmG, I thought I would hate Celuwen but I don't, again this is due to the fact that although we do not read about her in great length, she is a well developed character. Her decision was not simple one dimensional reaction, not in the least bit. And Thranduil's advice to his son was the most appropriate. Elves are long-lived until the end of Arda (who knows when that is), though Shadow looms to cut their lives short. True love does stand the test of time the romantic in me thinks, but love also succumbs to the realities of life, and other true loves can grow. In the end if Celuwen or Eilian end up together or not will be a pleasure to read about.

Eilian's character really came around in this story, and Ithilden seems so steadfast, like a rock, what Thranduil needs most. Little Legolas is too darn adorable, I want one!

I look forward to whatever stories you dream up for this wonderful set of characters!

Author Reply: I count not hating Celuwen as a huge victory! But then, I liked Miriwen.

Now that I have spent so much time with these characters living in my head, it is hard for me to imagine them living without one another. They care for one another and take care of one another.

I will miss writing about Little Legolas, I think. Looking through his eyes was always a kick!


sekhetReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/26/2003

GREAT action scenes, and very believable, but what was even more impressive (for me) was how Eilian has grown in this story. You know, it's almost more his story than anyone else's - we've already seen the beginnings of the respect that Thranduil has of Eilian's judgement of character, and now, at last, Ithilden too is learning to respect Eilian as a warrior and a scout. Eilian will be pleased at being restored to the Southern Patrol, but I doubt that Legolas will be (or, for that matter, will Thranduil, although as a wise commander he won't undermine Ithilde, i suppose).

However much Thranduil's sons lament their "keepers", Thranduil has chosen well for them. Maltanaur is pefect as a foil for Eilian, able to channel the young one's anger and resentment so that Eilaun can make it work for him, nota gainst him. And I just love Ithilden's helplessness against Maltanaur's "insolence".

You *did* come up with a scenario with Celuwen that I wasn't expecting. Naive as I am, I'd assumed the king's middle son was a bit of a matrimonial catch! I hadn't expected that her family would have objections. That rather took my breath away, and makes me wonder if Celuwen will share them, rather than the more melodramatic scenario's I'd thought up. Can't wait to find out.

Well done, Daw. Another great chapter.


FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/25/2003
Wow, what an action-packed chapter. I love how you write battle scenes, very efficient like the elves but full of unexpected twists and turns as is the nature of battle.

I was so angry with Ithilden when he did not send Eilian to scout, but it was good to see him rectify his attitude towards Eilian.

I loved the following exchange between Ithilden and Eilian: "“By the way, I have decided to send Maltanaur with you wherever you are assigned.” Eilian grinned at him. “You cannot manage him, can you?” he asked. Ithilden laughed. “No, I cannot,” he acknowledged and started toward a night’s sleep in a bed. " It is as if in these few lines the truce or at least peace the brothers have arrived at is represented.

Ai, Eilian really loves Celuwen, intends to bond with her, and if she doesn't want to then pooh on her, even if he is going to be off in the Southern Patrol. If she truly loves him this would not be a hinderance, not to Elves after all whose history is repleat with such sacrifice in love, so Celuwen live up to your ancestor's valour in love!

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/25/2003
So finally Thranduil sees what Eilian had seen. It must have been hard for all as they were all seeing through grieving eyes, but I am glad that Legolas and Thranduil seem to have come to an understanding.

Oh no, my heart feels heavy for Eilian, something is going to happen with Celuwen, I just know it, and he is going to be hurt so deeply. As more and more of Eilian's story unravels, the more I find myself wanting to know more and more about this great character you have created.

Ithilden is endearing as well, in another sort of way, but he snakes around you too and before you know it, you care deeply for this character too! It's why I love your stories so much, you take the time to really build solid OCs along with canon characters, and they all blend and make so much sense!

Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/24/2003
Well, another masterpiece of a chapter... I enjoyed this one immensely. Your battle scenes are well constructed and described in such exacting detail that you can almost feel the arrows flying past your ears and the screech of the stricken orcs! Heady stuff. Glad that the brothers are finally seeing eye to eye somewhat. Eilian seems to be maturing and coming to terms with some of his past behavior that was less than wise or truthworthy. He seems set on bonding with his ladylove, but I am still braced for disappointment (his) as far as this romance goes. It will be interesting to see how you wind this story up in one more chapter as there seems to be several loose ends that require tying up. UNLESS, of course, you are planning another story on the heels of this one. Your fans are all for that!

I'm ready for Legolas and Thranduil to be introduced back into the story, to find out how our little elfling fares at the end of this tale. I've really enjoyed this story, and I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. Good work. I'm hoping for a quick post...

Brenda G.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/24/2003
So what did Maltanaur say to Ithilden when he reminded his commander that Eilian's maneuver was taught to novices and Ithilden thought him rather rude? I love Maltanaur. He does his job well. It has been difficult for Ithilden to see Eilian's strengths; he has been so blinded by his younger brother's careless antics and his own fears. I can't say I blame him for requiring Eilian to prove himself. Eilian did, after all, create the circumstances for himself to be viewed as rash and sometimes irresponsible. As adorable as he is, Eilian is finding out about action and reaction. Sometimes, I suppose, that's a hard lesson. That seems to be the case with Celuwen's father. You can't blame the guy for wanting to see his daughter in a stable relationship with a stable responsible elf. I admire him for not interfering, but instead, putting all his cards on the table for Eilian to see. However, I find these stubborn out-dwellers to be a bit thick. There are orcs running about like unleased pit bulls and they refuse to budge. While they may think they are holding back shadow by staying firmly rooted, the truth is that it's the warriors who are holding it back. I'd like to ask them a Dr. Phil question..."How's that working for you?" Let's ask the last settlement that no longer exist! Gee whiz. Even Elves can be dull as toast, I guess. It's been a pleasure to see the development of the characters we know from your earlier stories with this regression in time. This was another terrific chapter and I eagerly await the next. Carry on, mellon nin. Karen

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