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By Chance or Purpose  by shirebound 165 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 10/26/2006
And in the end the sacrifice was accepted and returned and brought to its fulfillment; and only Aragorn's presence at the end saw that happen.

Author Reply: Very true. How I love these characters.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/26/2006
And if he did not find the way, no one could. The steel in the heart of this Hobbit was refined indeed by the end. It was a burden none should have expected to have borne.

Author Reply: Isn't that an amazing scene? I still can't read the quietly spoken, "I will take the ring..." without getting all emotional.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/26/2006
And now an infection to add insult to injury, and to slow the healing and the Council. Alas.

Author Reply: Just couldn't squeak by without a teensy bit more Frodo healing! :D

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/26/2006
Yes, they come from everywhere, drawn by dreams and thinly veiled threats and who knows what? And Frodo at last truly sleeps within his body, gaining strength for the greater quest to come.

Author Reply: Frodo at last truly sleeps within his body

I love how you word that.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 10/26/2006
Our wise, perceptive Meriadoc Brandybuck, Master in Training that he is, already with the pieces in place, beginning to make sense of the underlying picture. Yes, the King returns!

And at last the moment has come....

Author Reply: What *were* Merry and Pippin doing all that time? It was interesting to try to imagine it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/26/2006
No, definitely not long enough since Bilbo saw it last, not long enough by half. And the relationships are so very well drawn out and clear....

Author Reply: Thank you so much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 10/26/2006
Fascinating indeed, the manner in which Gandalf and Elrond use their Rings together to help Frodo, to help him into and out of stasis.

Author Reply: I had this scene planned even before I started writing this story. Professor Tolkien left so much for us to interpret during these days Frodo hovered between life and un-life.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/26/2006
It's been fascinating seeing how each chapter garnered more and more responses as you posted it. And the description of the whole sequence has been so very well done, I could indeed see it before me. I missed this in the film, Frodo lifting the sword in his final defiance before it fell and shattered and they sought to take him with their wills. Courage in him to the last of his strength.

Author Reply: Omigosh, where was the Frodo-confronting-the-Witchking scene in the film??? It was an incredible omission on Peter Jackson's part.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/26/2006
Yes, the million dollar question--just WHO and WHAT is Aragorn son of Arathorn? And will Frodo manage to hang on one more day at least? The Baggins stubbornness is truly needed here.

Author Reply: I don't know what book-Aragorn thought about hobbits before this journey, but he must have been incredibly impressed with them by the time they reached Rivendell.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 10/26/2006
Yes, there is the promise of rescue now. Wonderful understanding here on the part of all.

Author Reply: Thank you. Glorfindel is such an enigmatic character, it's interesting to try to see things from his point of view.

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