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The Tide of Times  by daw the minstrel 247 Review(s)
JustMeReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003
Your description of the coming of age ceremony was awesome! I could visualize the entire thing based on your verbal description. I really loved the little "flashbacks" running through the minds of the participants. That really made me feel like a part of the family!
I was really glad that Eilian could make it to the ceremony, I think it meant alot to Legolas to have him there. It was really thoughtful of him to take his naneth's place and present his brother with a token. I had to laugh at Eilian's reaction to the news that Legolas would be posted to a border patrol! Of all the people to worry about an assignment being dangerous...! The "dance" between Sinnarn and Ithilden was precious beyond words. These are the moments that an Ada has to make the most of, because as Eilian points out, they won't last long enough!
A commander's job is never easy, is it? On one hand he has made one brother very happy, but the other one is very much less than pleased with his decision. I loved Ithilden's thought that Eilian was a pain in the "backside". That was great!! Made me giggle out loud! I can't wait to see how you develop the relationship between Legolas and Beliond. Sounds like neither one of them is too pleased with the "partnership" right now. Once they get over their initial displeasure, I hope they are able to come to some sort of understanding - it sure will be interesting to see what happens next!

Author Reply: I enjoyed writing the flashbacks. The chance to do them was the primary reason I didn't tell that part of the story from Legolas's point of view. And there is a lot of irony in Eilian's sheltering of his little brother. When he came of age, he spent 6 months in the Home Guard and made such a pain of himself that Ithilden agreed to send him to the Southern Patrol!

The idea of serious, overburdened Ithilden laughing and dancing with his son in his arms made me smile too. I hope it will be a few years yet before Sinnarn drives him as crazy as his brothers do.

I think I'll have to write about Legolas's first few months as a warrior next. He and Beliond are too good to resist!

caz - bazReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003
we won! yay we won the rugby world cup! we are the champions! yay!
but my brother plays rugby for his 1st team and he always comes home bruised so far this season he's been - kicked in the face - 4 black eyes (not all at once) - bruised ribs and other parts cuts and scrapes all over and you get the picture his best friend broke his arm but the stupid NHS said it was nothing to worry about and he carried on playing rugby with it for 7 weeks before the doctors finally realised it was broken, stupid NHS! any way thats great! yay. better go got histoire.

Author Reply: Congratulations! Your brother sounds tough enough to withstand warrior training!

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003
Poor Ithilden. In some ways he has more responsibilities than Thranduil does. And he probably has to face more irrate warriors than Thranduil does as well. lol.

Poor Eilian, a break is just what he needs, but is something that doesn't seem to rest upon his shoulders to well. I can see how Thranduil and Elilian can't really get along, in many ways they are both the same, and in that they seem to differ. :-) If that makes any sense.

I loved how Alfirin asked Thranduil to not interfer with parenting Sinnarn. I liked how despite Thranduil is her father-in-law, she still feels as though she can approach him as if he was her own adar. :-)


Author Reply: I suspect Thranduil sees his share of irate visitors. The settlers are his responsibility under normal circumstances, for instance. But Ithilden does carry a heavy burden and he does it so well.

In my opinion, if Thranduil would make it clear that he approves of Eilian, Eilian would make more effort to behave in a way his father approves of (if that makes any sense!).

nanethReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003
This chapter had too many wonderful moments to mention them all. This truly was a bittersweet chapter. The joy of seeing their son/baby brother grow up was so wrapped up in memories and the sadness of seeing their son/baby brother grow up that it tugged powerfully on my heartstrings. They grow so quickly!

Thank goodness for those moments Legolas was called "my lord"! His bemusement gave me a chuckle each time. But his reaction to Maldor was the best, along with Eilian's statement that tomorrow he would go back to being "Legolas are you bored?" on the training fields. That was one of your best lines ever.

Again, I am just amazed at your ability to "give birth" to these incredible ceremonies and traditions. What an amazing and complex mind you have!

I am really looking forward to Legolas and his "keeper" working things out, that promises to be interesting! The two of them are in for some grand adventures , I'm sure.

This story is just so wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Author Reply: Legolas's family is having a hard time letting him go and so am I!

I have to share credit for the coming of age ceremony with my beta, Nilmandra. We brainstormed about what one would look like when she was writing about Elrond coming of age in "History Lessons." Mine shares many moments (a bath, for instance, although poor Elrond was tossed in a cold river) and also differs because it does not take place on a battlefield and is carried out by Wood-elves millennia after Elrond's. But I think you could see a thread connecting them.

My guess is that Maldor would be extra careful to keep "Lord Legolas" in line the next time he shows up on the training field!

JebbReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003
Good job I stocked up on tissues as this had me crying from start to finish.The coming of age ceremony was stunning the detail amazing and exactly what I would think such a ceremony would entail.
Poor Eilian so much angst but I am glad he was able to be there for Legolas.
Thranduil and Alfirin come to an understanding but I don't think he will let go that easily! Especially since his own baby will soon be gone and of course Ithilden the rock on which his brothers and father have come to depend.
So sorry this story has reached its conclusion but I look forward to many others some with Legolas exploring his new status as an adult and some I hope as an elfling Legolas with much interaction with his adar and brothers
thank you for your wonderful writing

Author Reply: Is it wrong of me to be glad I made you cry?

One of the things my last couple of stories have done is given me a much firmer grasp on the character of Ithilden, who was the OC I had the hardest time pinning down. I have come to admire him and think that his family and people are lucky to have him.

I do want to do some more young Legolas stories. It's too much fun not to.

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003
Oh my, I am now so worried about Eilian, but at once pleased. I do hope that being in the Border Patrol will give him time to really consider and spend time with Celuwen. I think this next part of Eilian's life will bring a strange peace for him despite the encroaching Shadow.

I look forward to reading about Legolas' experiences in the Border Patrol. Although probably a busy time with Thanksgiving and all, I do very much look forward to your next story!

Author Reply: I have to cook turkey, so I'm not sure how much I'll write this week, but I'm looking forward to doing a border patrol story. I'm thinking that Eilian and Celuwen may have to wait a while yet to have a peaceful time together. :-(

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/24/2003
Ah, it's nice to sit down after a long trip and find I have 2 chapters to read! So Legolas will serve in the Border Patrol, it seems like the best place for him. Oh I can so understand Thranduil's desire to keep Legolas safe, to keep him from growing up. And again, what a lovely beginning to Legolas' coming of age.

Author Reply: The Border Patrol is a nice compromise and gives me interesting stories to write, I think. All of them find it so hard to let Legolas go. It's a good thing they have Sinnarn.

ArbelethielReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003

I’m not sure whether to be happy that the story reached a conclusion, or sad because there will be no more chapters for a little while.

I loved the ceremony. I like the idea of a formal ritual to mark the coming of age, and yours was really interesting. Beginning with a reminder of what life as an adult is and then renouncing knowingly to childhood to step into adulthood. And it felt decidedly Elvish and non-human.

From experience, I can tell you that the next time you are on the training fields you will once again be ‘Legolas-am-I-boring-you?’

LOL I can imagine that Eilian, being Eilian, had a number of let’s say disagreements with Maldor when he was himself a novice.

At least we of the House of Oropher are all consistent

Well, Legolas don’t seem to agree :)

Alfirin may be all soft, but she hides a spine of steel :)

It takes some getting used to, as I recall

Legolas is not the only one who has to get used to it, and “Lord Legolas” definitely sounds strange to my ears too ;)

Congratulations on finishing another wonderful story, and please do not let us waiting for the next one too long,


P.S. Typo alert! The purpose this bath is to cleanse your body The “of” is missing.

Author Reply: I would imagine that Maldor believed that Eilian needed a fairly firm hand and was willing to provide it. I have in mind someday to write a story in which Legolas hears stories of his brothers' youths. I can picture Eilian as a novice, resisting Maldor and behaving badly toward Celuwen. That would be fun to write about.

It actually felt odd to type "Lord Legolas" too.

I think that next I need to do a story about Legolas and Beliond getting to know one another a little. I hadn't planned to do that next until I wrote the scene in which they meet. Then suddenly I could see all kinds of possibilities.

Thanks for the typo alert. I fixed it on SoA.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/23/2003
What a beautiful chapter!

I especially liked the novice masters' well-reasoned recommendations, and Legolas' vigil. Definitely a huge transition point in his life!

Author Reply: The novice masters did well. They come across as very concerned about their charges. But they did not want to be the ones to tell Thranduil!

kalileReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
I really love all the characters here: Thranduil wanting to be happy for Legolas' achievements...but also mourning the loss of his elfling. Ithilden always ending up on the wrong end of a decision dealing with his brothers...and of course, Eilian, our always wonderfully stubborn Southern Border Patrol Captain.
In 'Question of Duty' Beliond and Legolas seemed to still be at odds with one another, but I think that's more Legolas resenting any sort of keeper than anything personal to Beliond. As warrios at least they should learn to respect and trust one another on the battlefield and I look forward to seeing that happen. :wink wink:
I enjoyed Alfrin's talk with Thranduil...It would seem likely with the advent of losing his youngest son, that he would want to do some parenting with his grandchild, so I hope Alfrin won't stick to her guns too much on letting Thranduil spoil him a bit. =D
It really upsetted me to read of the rift between Thranduil and Eilian and I hope their reconciliation will be part in Eilian's recovery (which Ithiliden wisely understands won't be an overnight sensation.)

Thanks for updating so frequently, daw. My thoughts will be pleasantly filled with dancing elflings tonight.

Author Reply: You know, Tolkien gives us this wonderful sweeping epic story about good and evil and a desperate struggle for survival. But what I am really interested in is how the people caught up in that struggle react to it, what it does to them and to their attempts to live just normal lives. And of course, even families not in such a pressured situations are usually not free from conflict. So the things you pick out are the things I really like to write about.

I think a story about Legolas's first few months as a warrior should be next on my list.

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