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An Unexpected Adventure [IN HIATUS]  by KathyG 332 Review(s)
SharonbReviewed Chapter: 97 on 5/2/2022
A great way to move Faramir into the role he had in the nooks. Well done. Blessing to Katy, her mom and family on their difficult journey ahead.

Author Reply: Thanks, Sharonb. And I agree: this is a much better way than the way he ended up becoming Steward in canon. K.G.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 97 on 5/1/2022
This is a wonderful chapter, and it's a joy to imagine such a 'happily ever after' for Denethor, Faramir, and Boromir.

My thoughts and love are with you, KathyG, and may the strength and resilience of our beloved Fellowship be yours in the coming days. Dreamflower, dear friend, you know that my thoughts and love are with you as well, and ever have been.

Author Reply: Thanks, shirebound. That means a lot to me.

And yes, thanks to Joey, Denethor and his sons get to enjoy a much happier ever-after than they get to have in the book or the movies! K.G.

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/1/2022
DreamFlower and KathyG

I will keep you both in my thoughts as Kathy G travels this difficult path.

Much love to you both.



Author Reply: Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. K.G.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 96 on 4/14/2022
This is a much needed respite for all of them. I rejoice for all of them for what they have accomplished.

Author Reply: It certainly is, isn't it? And they have accomplished much. K.G.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 95 on 4/14/2022
Not a "little bit of food," then! I loved the details of the feast. Glad that now Joey has the assurance he can still serve Boromir while they remain within the Citadel, but he is free to go when the time comes to face the next part of their time in Middle Earth.

Author Reply: Yep, Joey doesn't have to quit his job yet! And he's back in his parents' care, which is good.

Nope, not a little bit of food! =) K.G.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 96 on 4/10/2022
Lovely to see the family all together again. Poignant reference to putting away childish things. The storytelling reminds me a bit of the little scene after the grand celebration at Cormallen, when the Fellowship were sitting around telling their tales, and Sam was amazed at how tall Pippin had grown, and Gimli remembered "the look of a hobbit's foot" and how he nearly tore out his beard... And Pippin being sent to bed because he'd only got up from his sickbed the day before, if I'm remembering canon and not just the fanfic version.

Author Reply: Yes, that's canon. And I agree: it is so good that the entire McCloud family is back together, if not at the campsite!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 95 on 4/10/2022
I love that Halbarad was saved by the "pretty" stone! And that Boromir was only hurt but didn't die. Sort of like "all sad things becoming untrue". (I mangled the quote, sorry.)

Lovely bit of storytelling and hitting the high points.

another way of flying the friendly skies! I think I just snorked. LOL!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it! =)

Yeah, I'm sure you remember the commercials in which that line was used. It certainly made for an apt quote in this case, don't you think? =)

Yep, thanks to the McCloud children, certain characters have survived who would have otherwise died! K.G.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 95 on 3/25/2022
I do love reading about feasts, and this one is quite wonderful.

they've learned there are more good things to eat than burgers, chicken nuggets, and pizza.

Yes indeed! :)

Author Reply: Yep! =) K.G.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 94 on 3/18/2022
Oh, yes--time for several long talks! How wonderful that all were properly welcomed and honored. And the reunion was just right.

Author Reply: Yes, the McClouds have a lot to catch up on! And yes, the honors and rewards were given to everyone who deserved them. Thank goodness the family is together once more! K.G.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 94 on 3/16/2022
Oh, what a relief! I have so missed SoA. I'm glad to see the new chapter. It's midnight, I just finished work for the day, and my eyes are closing, so I'll have to save this for breakfast. Or lunch break. So looking forward to it!

Author Reply: Hope you enjoy it! And I know what you mean. I missed Stories of Arda, too! K.G.

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