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At Tharbad's Greenway Spring Faire  by Dreamflower 72 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/4/2015
A sweet tale! It's hard for Frodo at this time but there is still goodness.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes, there is, not the least of it unexpected friendship and understanding.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/3/2015
I am glad someone else recognizes Sam's worth and sets his mind at ease about friendship with Merry. Love what Bilbo said about Sam. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I think that even at that age, Sam's worth would be clear. And, at least in my mind, Saradoc is level-headed and recognizes a person who would be a good influence on Merry.

And Bilbo would know, wouldn't he?

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/3/2015
Frodo placed a gentle hand on top of Merry's head, and Merry instantly quieted down.

Awww, I love that line. And I love this delightful, sweet, very thoughtful story.

Author Reply: I've always seen Frodo as a calming influence on his younger cousins, especially when they were little.

I'm glad you love the story. GW comes up with some great bunnies!

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/3/2015
I just love this story! This is a delightful conversation that Sam and Saradoc have.

Author Reply: Thanks! I think Sam was helping his father from a very young age; he loved the garden. And Saradoc appreciates young Sam's sense of responsibility and loyalty. He knows that it will be good for Merry to have Sam as a friend.

MikoNoNyteReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/2/2015
Elrond, the consumate healer! How like him to bring up potentially painful memories to bridge the gap with Frodo and offer healing to a wounded soul.

I had not given thought to Bilbo as "father" for Frodo, but indeed he was. All those years and adventures Frodo would have had, as well as lessons and growing up, we never see from The Professor. But here we have a taste.

Thank you!

Author Reply: I've always thought that the adoption would make Frodo legally a son, although he never called Bilbo father. (Which is why I think both of them had fond memories of Drogo--Bilbo would never want to try and replace that relationship.) But in every way that mattered he became Frodo's parent.

Elrond would know the things he shared with Bilbo and he would realize that meant there were things he shared with Frodo as well. I think that his heart was always open to friendship and it was part of why he was known for his hospitality.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/2/2015
Awww. This is delightful! This little piece shows great insight, in touching upon some of Elrond's and Frodo's common ground. Beautifully done.

Author Reply: You know, I'd often thought about Elrond and Bilbo having in common the fact that they both had foster sons; but until that prompt, I'd never thought of the flip side: that both Elrond and Frodo were foster sons! So I was really glad of the chance to examine that revelation!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/2/2015
I just love it when Big Folk and Little find common ground, and this is especially lovely. Bilbo may have found a good friend in Elrond, but Bilbo, too, would have helped Elrond through many lonely and worrisome years. This is a wonderful conversation.

Author Reply: You are exactly right! I think the two of them were truly good friends, and probably enjoyed many stimulating conversations.

It's one reason that I really love the scene in the movies at the Grey Havens, the look of fondness in Elrond's eyes as he summons Bilbo to his side for the next great adventure. You can just tell they are good friends.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/1/2015
Aww, this is so cute! At least, this was a harmless adventure for Tater, and just think of the discoveries she made! =)

Author Reply: Yes, a harmless adventure indeed, for both the kitty and little Elanor. But all ended well! *grin*

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/1/2015
Absolutely delightful! I love hearing everyone's varied thoughts.

Author Reply: Thanks! It was a lot of fun to imagine a kitty's POV!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/1/2015
You can guess how much I love this little story. Hopefully there will be more tales/tails about Tater and her sibs. *beams*

Author Reply: I've no idea if I will write more, but I might. *beams back*

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