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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 24 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
Aha! I'd guessed fairly early on in the chapter as to the surprise being linked to the result of the ultrasound (the manila envelope was the clue), considering that the bearers of the news were smug about it, rather than distressed. Sounds as if Illuvatar is even more interested in new life and growth than was previously hinted.

And this, No one bothered to answer what was clearly a rhetorical question, though Elrohir punched his brother in the arm on principle.
Perfect illustration of brotherly interaction.

Author Reply: Hi Lindelea. I imagine you're right about Ilúvatar.

Glad you liked the brotherly interaction. Having four brothers of my own, I know whereof I speak. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

SashaHoneypalmReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
> Olórin nodded. “I liked the part where Thranduilion swung himself around the lamppost. That was fun to watch.”

I read that as "Thranduil" at first, and I thought that someone had tattled to Aman, and that Legolas's dad had worked himself into a physical fit over it. Then I got to the "we didn't tell any Elves" bit and reread, but I still like the mental image of a bellowing Thranduil throwing himself over the nearest bit of architecture while informing everyone around him that his son is a total IDIOT ARGHH!!!!

Author Reply: LOL! And I wouldn't be surprised if he did just that once he learned what his son has done, Sasha. Thanks for the image of Thranduil going ballistic. I needed a laugh.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014

But Isn't that a first among the eldar? I wonder why Della and Amroth did not sense the other child?

Of course, the fallout from Legolas' adventure continued. I had a hunch that the Maiar were there to assure them that there would be no interference from the world outside of Wiseman (at least not from the media). And I can understand why those who were hoping to join the rangers may have felt a little betrayed by Liam's choice of the police instead. But the twins are right: having one of their own on the police force can only be a good thing.

I'd been wondering when the local politics would rear its head again, and the timing makes me wonder if adding an Elf to the police force might not become a political issue. I can see Peterson's supporters trying to make something banister out of it, and perhaps trying to find a way to ban Elves from such positions.

And I love the idea of the Elves coming to own a major retail store, though once more, it could be more political fuel for the campaign. But I can easily imagine Erestor as a business owner.

Fun chapter!

Author Reply: Yeah, that would be a first for the Eldar, Dreamflower. As to why they didn't detect the little tyke, that will be explained in the next chapter and we'll see what reaction the others have to the news.

I think the news of Legolas being on the police force even as a volunteer will probably be kept low-keyed, and as for the clothing store, we'll have to see if the Elves are successful in purchasing it. You're right that either one could become a political issue, but we will have to see.

Thanks for reviewing, Dreamflower. I appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
Taking bets right now on who is going to faint in the next chapter. *grin* Triplets! Heavens! What incredible news! Did Amroth hit the floor? I have to know.

Better review later, I just had to comment on this part first!


Author Reply: I imagine that Amroth did indeed faint at the news, though we don't see it. As for the reactions of others, we'll see them in the next chapter.

Looking forward to a more comprehensive review from you Kevana whenever you gt the chance. Thanks.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
So, a pair and a spare, that should make life interesting, for every one!

Running a business in Wiseman might not be such a bad idea, just don't go opening at 6-00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day!

Volunteering to help with the election is a good idea, they live in Wiseman and are interested in how it is run.

Enjoy yourself at your Enchanted Pumpkin display this year!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I doubt the Elves will do anything so daft. They have better sense than that.

And we'll see if the Elves do indeed end up volunteering with the election.

You remembered about the Enchanted Pumpkin event! I'm still waiting to hear if I'll be working it or not, though I do plan to help carve some pumpkins next weekend for it.

Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated. Hugs back.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
You know, I'm sure Nimrodel will be looking back with longing to the time when it was just Amroth who was hovering. Now that it is known that she's expecting triplets, all the Elves in Wiseman (and a number of Mortals as well) will be fluttering around, wanting her to rest and monitoring what she eats and drinks. Her consolation will be that they will probably be fluttering around Amroth as well, giving him the same treatment! ;-)

Author Reply: I suspect you're right there, Sunny. The joys of impending parenthood. LOL!

someoneReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
The elves really should start new businesses, as that would bring more work to the area. Otherwise they must apply for the same jobs as mortals and that won't help with the unemployment figures. (And could make either the mortals or elves bitter, as the employers might favor either of them.)

I'm glad that the videos didn't go to Internet, it makes life much easier for the elves.

Triplets! I'm wordless. It seems that Someone decided to start the new generation of elves on Earth with... well, lots of babies. Roy and Sarah (and Nell and Gareth) should be afraid, if they want to habe children, too.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Yes, starting up new businesses would be a help both to the local economy and to the Elves themselves. Well the clothing store isn't a new business but it's a start.

Someday the knowledge that there are Elves in the world will become common knowledge but not yet. It's much too soon for that.

It would seem that Someone is getting involved in upping production in the baby factory among the Elves of Middle-earth. LOL! We'll have to see how it goes.

Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
Heh. Seeing those two Maiar sitting there all ready for the show clearly had the desired effect - everybody went from wanting to thump Legolas to wanting to thump the two Maiar, which was what I suspect they intended. Apart from that particular pose tickling their sense of himor, that is.
It's gret to see Vorondur's sharp mind and clear observation in action. So Aldarion, Gilvagor, Thandir and Haldir had expected Legolas to join them in becoming a ranger, had they? I guess he might have done so if he had not been able to join the police, but Legolas has done the unexpected before, so it would not have been unreasonable to think he might do something unexpected again. And as a prince I guess Legolas would have been used to keeping his own council.
Nice to see that people have started thinking again, and now that they do, they may also lend a hand in helping with Legolas' training. There are certainly a lot of things for him to learn in addition to police procedures, like driving a car, first aid stuff and midwifery, all useful things to know for a cop. (Don't believe me on the last? Just this weekend one little tyke decided to greet the world in the back seat of a police cruiser here in Norway. He or she was in a bit of a hurry, it seems...)
And speaking of babies, Amroth and Nimrodel are having TRIPLETS???!? Now, that is definitely going to set both Aman and Wiseman on its ear. I'm certain it will be dead easy to find a Maia with a sufficiently low sense of humour (the two layabouts from the beginning of the chapter easily spring to mind) to take a copy of the ultrasound to Aman in return for a promise to tell them the gossip and reactions in Aman!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, I'm sure they deliberately set out to divert everyone's ire and it worked.

Very little gets past Vorondur, but I do find it interesting that even Glorfindel picked up on their anger in spite of him being angry himself. And you're right that Legolas, being a prince, would be more inclined to keep his own council.

I'm sure people will do what they can to help Legolas succeed as a police officer. And yes, I am quite aware of the number of times the police have been called upon to deliver babies who decide to make an unexpected appearance. That is certainly a skill he will need to learn as a matter of course.

We'll learn what the reaction to the news of triplets is in Aman eventually. The response will have an impact on matters in Elf Academy 4.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
I giggled out loud when Vorondur checked out what Olorin and Fionwe were drinking. The Maiar being in the conference room with popcorn was a great tension breaker after all of the arguing and anger in the last chapter.

I was very relieved when I read that the Maiar and Valar had taken care of the "everything is going up on social media" problem. Eventually, the reality of Elves in modern Middle-earth will have to come out to everyone, but now is definitely not the time.

I find Legolas' concern about what his father would think about his choice to become a police officer (and eventually detective) very intriguing. Thranduil, in his various treatments in book and film canon and fanfic has a commonality in character of being a very dominant personality, and it must have been difficult to have grown up in his shadow. Ron's mention of Legolas' personality type was equally interesting to me. Do you have MBTI's figured out for all of the elves in this story? *grin*

Letting Legolas open the locked gates was nice. It really seemed to demonstrate that Glorfindel had forgiven Legolas for the brouhaha (not that Legolas really needed forgiving for doing the right thing for the situation at hand). It seemed, to me, to symbolize a reaffirmation of trust in Liam Prince, after the potentially destructive aftermath of the day's events for the Elves.

I still want to know who beat up Glorfindel. As I'm sure he wants to know too. I think that he might be a bit jealous of Legolas even if he won't admit it. Being an administrator is important, but when you know there are baddies out there who have yet to be brought to justice for an attack on you, it's tempting to want to be the one to find and go after them.

Nell and the Three Amigos being nervous over their first college exams. Another point of commonality between Elves and Men. :-) I'm sure they'll do fine, although imagining their nerves between doing the exams and finally getting their grades is fun.

I'd almost forgotten about the Mayoral race with all of the other excitement. I would really love to see something happen to get Mr. Peterson to change his mind about the Elves... Hmmm... Any chance that he could be little Gabriella's maternal grandfather? *grin* Imagine his mixed feelings about disliking the elves and yet yet being reluctantly grateful to the Elf who saved his grandaughter. I know that you've got this story already written out, but when the though crossed my mind, I was very amused my the mental image of the look on his face.

Finally, I'm just grinning like mad at my envisioning of the look on everyone's faces at the revelation that it's triplets. Hmmm. I wonder just how much of a hand that the Valar--or, more likely, Eru--might have had in encouraging this mini-population explosion? (And which of the Maiar are going to take copies of the ultrasound pictures back to Aman to the interested folk there?)

This was a really excellent chapter, Fiondil. Answers to questions, character development, humor, and a new surprise! Thank you so much for sharing your visions of Elves in modern Middle-earth with us.

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. I actually have MBTI's for a fair number of the Elves and some of the Mortals of Wiseman. You may even see some of them mentioned in Elf Academy 4.

We'll learn more about Glorfindel's mugging but that will have to wait until EA4, though some aspects of it will be discussed later on in this story.

I think a lot of people may have forgotten about the mayoral race, but I haven't. *grin* And we'll be seeing it and its results and effects on the Elves later. Still need to get to the wedding first.

Anyway, I'm glad you like the idea of triplets. I think Eru has been behind the mini-population explosion and having fun doing it. LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's very much appreciated.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 83 on 10/13/2014
Glad that the Maiar helped them out of that little mess. Now Officer Prince can get to learning ;) Glad that the other's understand that just because they wanted to be ranger's didn't mean everyone wanted to be one.

I like the idea of Eric and his wife owning a clothing store. It will be great for the town also. Besides I am sure the this will give several of the elves some place to work and sale their wares. (necklaces for one; maybe scarfs for another)

Triplets. Oh my. They are going to have their arms full aren't they :)

Author Reply: Hi Laer. Well, people, even Elves, tend to assume things about others that are not correct and they just needed to be reminded of this.

We'll see if the Elves are successful in purchasing the clothing store or not later on.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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