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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 25 Review(s)
EllieReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
I really like Sakari. She sees so clearly what others miss. I think her husband is in for a huge surprise. Loved Nate and Esther as usual. I still think of Esther being like Flo from the tv show Alice. It cracks me up every time she shows up. It was nice of Nate to help them dodge bullets and I bet Dave is wondering what he ever did to deserve working in Wiseman with all of the oddities running around that town. LOL

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Well, with Sakari, what's not to like? She's sweet, like her name, but she's not a fool and she's got Finlay wrapped around her little finger quite nicely, the poor boob. LOL! Nate and Esther make a great team and I can agree with you up to a point about her being like Flo. Poor Dave. I bet he downs ibuprofen like it's candy these days. LOL! Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
Getting Námo’d might have been a good alternative title for this chapter. Things seemed calm at first , talking and more about Finlay getting revealed that should worry one.

Finlay has all the reasons there are to be suspicious about Nate (shouldn't we all be) and he's worried for his wife of course, but I think she's a kind of her own.

Just like many other repliers here, I found my French being up to par as well. I loved Sakari's comments about spirit guides and angels, although I wonder how much she would know about the latter. It's not a fairly common concept in Inuit mythology, where the spirit guides are all to common (including some less friendly ones who should even give some Valar a run for there money. Inuit mythology is rather..hmm savage *snickers*)

And then the bullet struck...

Wow, that was quite unexpected and action all over! And I loved the Valar's reactions over this, Nate staying all calm like nothing and Ester with her “Sneaking off without paying, are we?” Without her, I think quite some chaos would have erupted.

Dave Michaelson is on top of the situation as always, and as always not happy others meddling with what he considers (rightfully) his territory. "Elves with Jedi mind tricks." lol! It's a good thing Ester is able to soothe him somewhat, guy needs it.

“If you mean, here in the café, no one,” Nate said with an amused look. “I made sure of that.”
“I saved you because others asked that you be protected, but it would be better if you asked it for yourself.”
Námo remains Námo, no matter what happens...
And Alex remains Alex, even now being too stubborn to ask for protection after Námo has said so, I think even Glorfindel has learned by now not to defy what Námo is saying after all.

Kevana, you were not the only one to be worried about the bookstore people! And I think Námo will make a great Phantom, less mad, but even more sinister!

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. A lot happens in this chapter, that's for sure with several characters being involved. Michaelson is probably wondering why the Valar had to pick his town to land the Elves in when it was so nice and quiet and peaceful before they arrived.

Námo, of course, is always Námo even when he's being Nate, and Alex is Alex. We'll see how things go with him and with the Finlays soon enough.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
Is it sure that Farrell is doing the actual shooting? Because if it isn't then they might be in more trouble than they tink.

Námo haunting the booth is a hilarious idea. And Dave Michaelson speaking Inuit? Is for the win.

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. We may never know for sure who's doing the shooting or from where. The idea of Námo haunting the booth is quite funny considering who he is. And Dave is just full of surprises.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
Heh. I notice that Alex did not tell Finlay just who and what Nate - and Esther - are. Elves are bad enough, if Alex had started prattling about angels - and the Angel of Death in particular - I'm sure Finlay would have started sizing Alex up for a jacket with extra-long sleeves.
Smart of Alex not to stick his oar into what is happening between Námo and Finlay. I suspect that when it happened, Alex was feeling as he was walking on a wire above a pool filled with pirhanas. Hungry ones. But it might be funnier thinking back on it afterwards.
The description of Námo just sitting there calmly, sipping coffee while the bullets were flying, was just too hilarious for words!
Orange neon sneakers with a blue gingham dress? Sounds like Estë needs a fashion makeover, though just finding some other shoes would help a lot!
I don't blame Michaelson for being tense. And giving what is probably coming up, things will be getting no better fast, which I'm sure he knows!

Here, have some music, Somehow I felt this vid suited this chapter!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Alex was smart to keep quiet. Finlay wouldn't have believed him anyway. The image of Námo in this is pretty hilarious with everyone else panicking around him while he's calmly drinking his coffee. And Esther just cracks me up with her get-up and her attitude. Michaelson no doubt yearns for the days when all he had to worry about was the occasional bar fight or robbery, but he's up to the task of dealing with the weirdness coming his way, so I'm not too worried for him.

Interesting vid. Thanks and thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

EruherdirielReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
Poor Finlay. He's about to get a huge shock, though I think Sakari is going to handle it better. But it was interesting watching Nate and Esther dealing with the situation.

Author Reply: We'll see just what effect the revelation has on Finlay and Sakari in the next chapter. And it's always a hoot to watch Nate and Esther working together. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
I remembered enough of my high school French to know what was being said without paging down. I guess you never totally forget.

Author Reply: I'm glad you were able to follow the French, Tari. It's like riding a bike, you never totally forget. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
An exciting and active chapter! Things are really picking up here as we ride up the first hill of the roller coaster. Findlay must be wondering how he got dropped into a spy thriller with all the gun fire and strange persons he meets. I take it the Agency is more hush-hush about the work that they do, not shooting out windows in a cafe full of people. He is definitely ready for anyone who comes after him with all those guns. When I read he was keeping them in a cooler, I couldn't help but think "ah, on ice". Sakari and the shaman will do a good job keeping him busy teaching the village everything he knows. We should see him again in EA4 then, right?

On another front, I like how you are developing Dave's character. He is sarcastic and complaining about people doing his job. Reminds me of some men that I have worked with over the years. Very competent, but prickley as a cactus about what he considers his territory. Then Ester gives him a back massage and he melts. He will have plenty to do with all the activity coming up trying to stay ahead of the elves and Valar. Hopefully he will stay out of Alex's way, as Farrell seems to be playing for keeps here.

It sounds like the next chapters will involve a little bit of searching for Farrell before he gets any wilder than he has already gotten. I can see this building into a rather grand finale when all is said and done.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. Very exciting. The Agency is indeed more hush-hush about what they do and don't like to even advertise its existence to the public at large. I have no idea if we'll see Finlay and Sakari in EA4, but you never know.

I'm glad you like Dave. He's a fun character to write for and his sarcasm is right on.

And there will be a climax to this particular arc of the story, I promise, though it won't necessarily be the grand finale. There's still quite a bit of story to tell.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

MikoNoNyteReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
"Un quide spirituel" had me giggling, Fiondil my dear. But I totally lost it when Finrod entered and "C'est un ange," which had me laughing long and loud.

Ceci a été le chapitre plus drôle jamais! Vous remercier!

(Here's hoping my 40 years ago French isn't too bad LOL )

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, MikoNoNyte, especially the French. It was fun to write. And I think your French is just fine, better than mine. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
Whoa! Just, whoa! Oh my gosh. Fiondil, you should consider being a screenwriter for your next career. This was so perfectly written and well-balanced, it was a movie scene waiting to happen. People screaming and Alex and Finlay crawling on the floor with their guns, bullets flying, and Námo sitting there calmly drinking his coffee - it was creepy and exciting and comedic relief-y at the same time. This just became my favorite scene in the entire story (so far). What a moment.

Obviously nobody's going to croak when Námo's sitting right there keeping people safe, but I got really worried about Nick and Finrod across the street when Alex said the shots were coming from the area of the bookstore. Thank you for having Finrod come wandering in and saving me from a terrible potential cliffhanger. Not that I thought the Alien Overlords would let him go out like that, but I had all kinds of ideas of Farrell breaking in and doing nasty things to Finrod and Nick to gain access to the roof. Yikes!

Oh, Dave, you poor thing. I could imagine this wouldn't be the first time he's needed a little support from Estë. One year he's the chief of a quiet little Alaskan town and a few years down the road, suddenly there are murders and jailbreaks and kidnappings and torture, spies and Elves and Alien Overlords and the end of the world, and a lot of people telling him how to do his job/doing it for him. I wouldn't blame the guy if he turned in his badge - on the other hand, put like that, it also sounds like an awful lot of fun. *grin* I can only imagine what this story would look like through Dave Michaelson's eyes.

I'm going to have to go reread this one, maybe more than once. Shades of the restaurant scene from Pulp Fiction. Whew.

Have a wonderful week and thanks for the update!

PS: *chokes on water* ...he's haunting a booth. *strains of Angel of Music play in the background*

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. This chapter does read like a screenplay, doesn't it? And usually when I'm writing I "see" the action as if I'm watching a movie and all I'm really doing is describing what I'm seeing. I'm glad you thought it perfectly written and well-balanced. It was loads of fun to write, especially the banter between the characters, like Alex commenting on Finlay stashing his weapons in a cooler and Dave's "Jedi Elves". Anyway, thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/23/2014
Things are definitely warming up. Clearly Sakari is a very perceptive young lady, and I have a distinct feeling that she will be very able to keep her new husband in line when it comes to it.

I loved your little pun in the first paragraph: He suddenly realized that it was the same booth as before and wondered if the Vala haunted it or something. Nate gave him the ghost of a smile, as if he’d read his thoughts.

What really made me smile was the image of Esther giving Dave a neck massage!

*grin* This story continues to surprise me and keep me on my toes! I'm looking forward to Friday!

Author Reply: You're right about that, Dreamflower. I'm glad you enjoyed the little pun in the first paragraph. It was one of those chortle moments writers sometimes get when inspiration strikes.

Esther giving Dave a neck massage is a fun image. Wish she would come around and give me one. LOL!

I'm glad the story continually surprises you. I would hate to think I'm being predictable. Thanks for taking the time to review. I appreciate it.

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