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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 23 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/29/2014
Atto :)

*joins others up on top of cliff, having lagged behind due to walking issues and RL stress* *nevertheless, is carrying basket of chocolate, some angel food cake and 2-liter of cherry Pepsi, with the friendly neighborhood elfling to help*

*collapses somewhere near Atto*

Here I am! finally!

and I hope you had a wonderful Holy Week and blessed Easter - I hope your RL is treating you better than mine is treating me, and I *really* hope you're doing better than Glorfi! My goodness, what a pickle...

And just *what* are the Maia Twins doing in Fairbanks, not to mention the Els and Sarah...I hope they're all right!

Ron scared the ever-living daylights out of me back there, glad to see he's back to normal. (Another Ron *cough*Ada*cough* has been causing the primary RL issues that kept me at the bottom of the cliff - sorry :( )

I hope Farrell et al aren't behind this but I keep worrying that they are...and what are the Three Amigos, Nell, and the other ellith up to? Especially Helena, isn't it? I do hope she apologizes! Good grief...

*passes out chocolate truffles and Cadbury Flake to everyone* *takes very last stick of Cadbury Flake for self and bites off the end of it*

Pass the popcorn, whoever's got's going to be a loooooooong week, I can tell already!

*also tosses a truffle in Dr. Stoner's direction, and his nurse's too* Hooray for common sense prevailing!

(Now, if only that common sense transferred to my Adar and Naneth...what I wouldn't give sometimes to be in Glorfi's place and blissfully unaware of the world. At least if I was out for the count I wouldn't be worrying about how much I hurt them or make them think I'm useless...*fervently* thank Eru you never think that way about me, I'm glad I have adopted family I can count on.)



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Well, with all that you're carrying up the cliff, no wonder it's taking you so long. LOL!

Anyway, we'll be seeing the Twins and Sarah next time so you won't have to wonder much longer what they're up to and we'll see how things go with everyone else, though I think Glorfindel is more interested in getting to Fairbanks and hauling the Twins back than anything at this moment. And yes, Ron is back to normal, or as normal as possible, given the circumstances.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story, Kaylee. Thanks for dropping a note to let me know. I appreciate it.

And I've always said that that's why Eru invented friends for us to have because our families tend to let us down.

DianaReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
Yea!! My hero's back!!!!!....and there he goes.
So I guess Glorfindel is going to see the hospital in Fairbanks now. He is putting himself in danger medically and I don't think even an Elf can recover *that* quickly from what he's been through.
So people who've had NDAs often don't recognize themselves. Interesting!!!
I always love Namo. The only other Death that seems as Good in popular modern books (and yeah, I think of this as a book) is Terry Pratchett's, though *very* different personality.
Looking forward to Fairbanks on Friday.
It looks like the cliff party's heading towards alcohol so I guess I better leave. Being allergic to alcohol I tend to break out (you know, teeth, windows, TV sets, rehab, jail...well just once)
Again thanks for the great read! I'm so glad Glorfidel's back.
The Dude abides!

Author Reply: Hi Diana. I'm sure Finrod and the others will do all they can to assure that Glorfindel doesn't have a relapse and doesn't need additional medical treatment. Elf or not, he's in no real condition to do anything but lie there and enjoy the quiet.

Námo is... Námo and there's not much else you can say to that. LOL!

We'll be seeing Fairbanks on Friday for sure with lots of surprises coming up.

Thanks for reviewing. It's very much appreciated.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
That was not unsettling at all for Glorfindel to wake up and cite an out of body experience as reasoning for needing to go to Fairbanks. LOL

It is amusing watching folks reason with him almost like bribing a two year old. "I am not tired!" Followed by the stomping of a foot and an immediate loss of consciousness.

I hope the medical personnel can hold onto him beyond noon of the next day. He is far weaker than he realizes...

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Now, not unsettling at all, at all. LOL!

With Glorfindel, you almost have to bribe him into doing something when he's hell bent on doing just the opposite. And hopefully they'll be able to keep him in bed long enough for him to actually begin to heal. He's as weak as a kitten, though he refuses to acknowledge it.

Thanks for reviewing in the midst of your super-busy day (and I know just how busy the day's been for you).

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
Kevana, you're totally right how this is another perfect example how the story sometimes shows we're really dealing with Elves here, seeing how a Mortal having similar injuries would not be out of the woods, so to speak of for a longer time.

Still, having Finrod in mind who's been suffering from the after effects from getting shot for a very long time, I think Glorfindel might not have recovered enough yet for a nice little trip to Fairbanks, especially since that nice little trip is bound to turn into something more.

Now, I know it has been said before Finrod has been recovering slowly because his body has not experience any major injuries so far, while I think this has been quite te opposite for Glofindel through the ages. Ellon can't stay long enough out of trouble not to get more or less badly hurt once in a while.

But still, I think Glorfindel is wanting to do things more than a little too fast here, no matter what his condition is.

Author Reply: And it's so much fun writing about Elves and their powers and abilities, yet show them to be vulnerable and 'human' just like the rest of us. And you're right that Glorfindel isn't going to recover immediately from what happened to him, as we'll see along the way. He's pushing it and that's not a good thing. Anyway, we'll see how it all works out (or not) soon enough.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
Have the Twins(Perhdhel) met the Twins(Maia) at all?
Another one for the Bunny Hutch for which I will provide plenty of juicy carrots and banana chips, I knew a bunny who liked them once

To UTFrog, tea is acceptable, no coffee unless it's de-caf, my preferred beverage is Caffeine Free Pepsi with a good slug of bourbon in it!(Hides the taste of the Pepsi!)

This is turning into something of a wild party, well at least the ride is wild!


Author Reply: At this time, the Peredhel Twins have never come face-to-face with the Maiarin Twins. Whether they ever will, remains to be seen.

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
Last few chapters, we had a lot of Glorfindel without him being present, now we have a lot of Glorfindel with him actually being present. And how!

When reading Kyle had banned all the elves, I actually felt worried about that, so it's good to see "Nate" and Olórin aren't taking any chances with him.

- “I get it all the time, people praying when they feel Death is near, hoping to avoid it for themselves or others or, in rare cases, welcoming it. Sometimes I even listen.” -

Wow, Námo is really being Námo here, now isn't he? (I was looking for a word to describe him, then found out Námo was actually the one applying best to it lol)

- “At the moment, they are where they need to be,” Námo replied. “Manveru and Erunáro are keeping an eye on them.”

“So Fionwë told me,” Olórin said with a nod. “Twin troublemakers to look after twin troublemakers. Now there’s a recipe for mayhem if there ever was one.” -

Well, it's good to know at least some Maier are there to look after the twins, even though Olórin's descriptions sounds like a recipe for mayhem to me too. I really hope you're not planning on putting them through too much *snorts*

- “I’m not very handsome, am I? I thought I was more handsome than that.” -

*snorts* This isn't really the right moment for Glorfindel for being all too vain.

And then Glorfindel is awake, and o my! Nurse Callahan sure knows how to handle a situation. Why does Wiseman get all this over-competent medical staff? Must have something to do with the Valar luring them there.

Harris's knowledge of Sindarin is too funny. Too bad Glorfindel wasn't able to tell more about the attack.

Finrod seemed to know there was a chance Glorfindel might wake up out of healing sleep early? (those pesky Reborns all the time!) Why didn't he inform the other healers about that, or at least discus the option with him?

Seriously, whether he thinks the Twins need him or not, wether the Twins really need him or not, I really don't think it's a good idea for Glorfindel to go off to Fairbanks now in a rush. This is almost bound to go wrong..

6336, a wild ride ahead, I can see that too.

UTfrog, I'll drink most things as long as it's no alcohol and no coffee: sodas, fruit juice, water, flavored or not. So have a go at it.

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. Like Derek says, Námo is a verb waiting to happen and we see it here.

Glorfindel is being is usual Reborn self but I don't think even Finrod anticipated him getting out of healing sleep as quickly as he did so he was unprepared to warn anyone. Not that a warning would do anyone any good.

Whether Glorfindel convinces everyone that they should let him leave for Fairbanks immediately remains to be seen. I'm sure Finrod will insist that he stay in the hospital at least for a little bit until they know for sure he won't suffer a relapse.

Anyway, while they are all dealing with Glorfindel in Wiseman, we'll be heading south to Fairbanks in the next chapter to see what's up with the Twins and Sarah.

Thanks for the review. I appreciate it very much.

LegolinReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
Glorfindel is finally awake!! *happy dance* I love that he is being his stubborn self and causing problems from the git-go. Loved the below scenes as well! They made me laugh.

“At the moment, they are where they need to be,” Námo replied. “Manveru and Erunáro are keeping an eye on them.”
“So Fionwë told me,” Olórin said with a nod. “Twin troublemakers to look after twin troublemakers. Now there’s a recipe for mayhem if there ever was one.”

I can't help but hope that the twins will all meet face to face haha. Their shenanigans would be hilarious!

“But I don’t look like that… do I?”
The Being chuckled. “Yes, I’m afraid you do.”
“I’m not very handsome, am I? I thought I was more handsome than that.”

Poor Glorfindel. Seeing ones self in disarray would be so disheartening. But his reaction made me chuckle.

Can't wait for Friday's episode.


Author Reply: Hi Lin. Yes, Glorfindel is awake and he's not a happy camper and making sure everyone else knows about it.

As to whether the two sets of twins will meet face-to-face, that remains to be seen.

I'm glad you liked the humor in this chapter. It has to be disheartening to see oneself not at one's best. I know from reading reports of near-death experiences, that people often have a difficult time recognizing their own bodies.

Anyway, thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
That Glorfindel's able to sit up just a few days after nearly being killed/enduring major surgery is another of those "wait a minute" moments that you throw in your stories that helps bring home how tough the Elves are. Imagine recovering that quickly from something that awful!

And now he wants to go dashing off after the Twins and Sarah, well, as bad an idea as that might sound, he's usually been right about it before in your other stories.

Stubborn is for sticky door hinges, Glorfindel is in a class of his own, LOL!

So nice to see Dr. Harris again, I really like him for all that he's a minor character. And that nurse is a trip.

Two quotes that stood out in particular:

"Of course, they also couldn’t see me, but that’s a minor point.” *undignified snort*


"not caring if I lived or died" Oh honey, that bad? Was that really all about what Helena said to him or were there other things going into play with it? :( I hope maybe we get to hear more about what was going through his head that night.

I know they've got to be giving a giant sigh of relief that he's out of immediate danger. Whether he's about to go right back into it again in Fairbanks..? Can't wait to find out.

Thanks for the wonderful update! This string of calmer chapters has been a very nice restful part in the story pacing. You have a spectacular week and take care, and feel better from that pesky hanging-on cold!


Author Reply: Hi Kevana. You gotta love those Elves and their amazing healing powers. Glorfindel is definitely in a class of his own when it comes to being stubborn, that's for sure. I think everything just sort of piled up on Glorfindel emotionally when Helena gave him the whammy, so he was pretty much at nadir at that point and probably just wished everything would just STOP! I've been there myself at times. We'll see how Finrod and the others deal with Glorfindel's demand to hie unto Fairbanks at best speed.

Have a great week yourself. Thanks for leaving a comment. It's appreciated very much.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
Aha. Story is beginning to move forward again. It's been in something of a holding pattern for the last few chapters -- not stagnant, that's not what I mean, for a great deal of importance happened while Glorfindel was sleeping (and now I want to haul out "While You Were Sleeping" and watch it again... silly random me). But the momentum is beginning to build.

UTF -- I'll be happy to bring good strong coffee (NorthWest style, only tastier than Starbucks) and perfectly brewed British-style tea (part of the secret there is to warm the pot before brewing)... One of the other readers I happen to know is partial to Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade, so do add a little of that to your stock, if you please. As for me, I'm very happy with Pina Coladas made with fresh pineapple and fresh coconut milk -- none of this canned or concentrated stuff. But then, when you're reading good writing, it's always good to have the best of the best to go along with it.

Author Reply: Hi Lindelea. I know what you mean. We've been in a holding pattern for the last few chapters watching Finrod get things under control but now that Glorfindel is awake, things will start moving again and pretty quickly. Next stop, Fairbanks. Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 4/28/2014
O.K. seat belt is buckled and we are taxiing to the runway, preparing for take off.

I see a wild ride ahead.

Glorfi is one stubborn little sun of a gun isn't he, never did like to be laid up or listen to his healers.

Just why does he need to get to Fairbanks? (I know, I know wait until Friday!)

I wonder if Namo ever answers any of the prayers he listens to.

Nurse Callahans technique is almost as good as Kyle's when it comes to unruly patients. Wonder if they teach it in Med School, How to Control Unruly Patients 101.

Having a Healer with him at all times is a good idea, some times Glorfi is an accident waiting to happen!

Have a good week,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yes, Glorfindel is indeed very stubborn and we'll see why he feels he needs to go Fairbanks soon enough. We'll actually be lookikng in on the Twins and Sarah in the next chapter to see what's up with them.

I have no idea if Námo answers any of the prayers he listens to, but I would like to think he does as long as doing so does not interfere with anything Atar has planned in the meantime.

I think Nurse Callahan learned her technique the hard way, in a war zone. That's probably the most effective way to learn rather than in a classroom.

And you're right that Glorfindel is an accident waiting to happen. LOL!

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated. Hugs back.

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