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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 23 Review(s)
FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
The tittle already gave me an idea something was going wrong here...and so it did!

Falling in love with medical thrillers little less than a year ago myself, I have to to I loved this chapter. Must have been a hard thing to write, unless you are familiar with the stuff.

The Twins can be hot-headed as we've seen in the previous chapter, but at first here we see them showing quite a bit of common sense. Yes, they've been hurt by the attitude the Valinorian healers have treated them, but they're still healers and willing to learn more. It's interesting to see both of them already have a medical degree, they were mentioned as being doctors in EA2 already, it's nice to ge some more background on that.

I like it how Elrohir is slightly more stubborn over this than his brother. They may be twins, but knowing a pair of twins myself who have been on non-speaking terms with each other for over 30 years, it's good to see them having different personalities, a thing too often overlooked.

Eärnur on the other hand, I was giving him the benefit of doubt in last chapter, but now that we see a little more of him, I can't say I like it. 'Elrond all over again times two.' *Hisses* I fear that's the least the Twins will be doing to him after the later events of this chapter!

The Twins show their worth and skills in both Elvish and Human technics when diagnosing Glorfindel, and I was very happy to see they turned out to be correct in the end, even although that meant more problems for Glorfindel.

I never thought I would say it when he first appeared in the series, but I'm really starting to like Kyle Stoner here, he's clinical, taking in things with one glance and drawing his conclusion from that. And his arrogance proves it's worth now, he's not afraid to go against two elves when the sake of his patient is at stake! And he's not happy with them, not happy at all! I hope this will have some consequences we'll see more about later on.

I hope this might prove a turning point where the elves from Valinor will see they too are not without their flaws. This should take an interesting turn for both sides.

Sorry for rambling so long, I can be quite wordy when writing things, I guess that meant I liked the chapter ;)

Author Reply: Hello FV_Whisper. It was in fact pretty hard to write this chapter because I really don't have a medical background, though I've been in hospital enough times that I have probably picked up a thing or two or at least I would hope from my descriptions of hospitals and hospital procedures (at least from the patient's POV).

The Twins, while twins, are separate beings and of course have their own personalities, likes and dislikes. They are definitely not clones. Elrohir is not as outgoing as Elladan, but he can be stubborn when he needs to be.

And Kyle seems to be redeeming himself nicely here. I think having to work and teach the elves has helped him to mature somewhat. I think he'll make a fine administrator when Geoffrey Harris retires or dies, though he still has a way to go before he's ready to take over completely.

We'll see how things progress from here. The dominoes are still falling...

Thanks for taking the time to read and review and letting me know how much you enjoyed the chapter (and I presume the rest of the story to date). I appreciate you doing so very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
Things are heating up again, I see! And it's definitely not good!

The Twins were at least interested in learning the Elven techniques they don't know from the Valinoren Elves. They realized there are a number of things they can learn from them, and were willing to swallow their pride and deal with the condescension of the newcomers in order to learn.

I think all bets are off, now. At least between the Twins and Serindë on one side and Eärnur and Vardamir on the other.

When Glorfindel took a turn for the worse, the Twins started treatment based on what they found using Mortal techniques. Vardamir and Eärnur seemed to automatically assume that since the Twins had not been using Valinoran metods of diagnosing the problem, their conclusions automatically had to be wrong. So they stuck their oar in, and prescribed another course of treatment, which happened to be wrong! Now the Twins are beyond unhappy (which is understandable), because the superior know-it-alls from Valinor have kicked the two of them out of the ICU and are planning to give Glorfindel a treatment that is probably going to kill him. It's a damned good thing Stoner arrived and set things right. But I think Elladan and Elrohir are unwilling to take lessons from Eärnur and Vardamir now. As in, "Hell freezing over" unwilling.
So Glorfindel is slipping his leash again? That's one thing Mortal medicine can't help with. And I guess it is one reason the Elves wanted round-the-clock monitoring by other Elves in the hospital.
Speaking of which, right now Glorfindel _is_ alone there - as in, having no other Elves with him. Have somebody bothered to contact Finrod? He did ask to be informed if something happened. I guess he will be very unhappy if nobody bothered to call him. And even more so if something bad happens because Glorfindel is alone in the hospital. Actually, there was a lot happening that he has reason to be less-than-pleased about. Hopefully he won't make things worse by going all King of Nargothrond about them.

Hi, Kevana, you're definitely right about high SPF. Don't go out without having covered your skin with the stuff. I know how my skin reacts to ultraviolet, and it's definitely a painful reaction. But I guess some people just need to learn from experience, and 2-degree burns would be considered an effective learning experience.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. You're analysis of the situation is pretty accurate. The Twins used a combination of elven and mortal techniques to determine what was wrong, but Mir and Ernie couldn't be bothered and in their arrogance made the wrong decision on too little medical information. This was definitely a case of "a little knowledge is deadly and next to useless".

And while Glorfindel is temporarily alone, I doubt that will last, so let's not borrow trouble. As for Finrod, we'll see how he takes all this soon enough, and you're right: He'll be less than pleased by it all.

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
Arrogant though he is I want to hug Kyle! That's telling 'em bud!

Elven healing techniques are all well and good but we are dealing with Mortal techniques here and the Twins know a lot more about them than Earnur and Vardimar, Master healers though they are. I think there will have to be major groveling done before this is over and the Twins will accept training in Elven techniques.

Finrod is going to be mightily pissed when he finds out! Plus this is going to drive even more of a wedge between the two groups of Elves.

As you said messier, very much messier.

Ah well, back to my comfy spot on the cliff, Oh Cliffy King!


p.s. I am also mightily pissed with VCardimir and Earnur!

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Kyle may be arrogant but he's got good qualities and we'll see him shine later in the story. we'll see how it all falls out over the next several chapters. And yeah, Finrod is going to be mightily pissed. And the mess has just begun. Events are beginning to spiral out of control and the center cannot hold for long.

Thanks for leaving a comment. You know how much I appreciate you doing so. Hugs back.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
Oh my goodness! Poor Glorfindel!

But this is one more blow-up that could have even more repercussions. I think in the short run it will definitely make things worse (though it might prove in the long run to have a salutary effect). If Glorfindel's recovery is jeopardized by this I'm not sure the twins will be able to forgive the interference.

I do love how Kyle Stoner chewed Vardamir and Earnur out; for some reason his "voice" in this chapter sounded to me like Alan Alda in his role as Hawkeye Pierce in M*A*S*H. Those two were wrong on several levels and deserve to eat humble pie.

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. Yep. Poor Glorfindel. The ellon I love to torment. *grin* We'll be seeing what the short-term and long-term consequences of these events are over the next several chapters.

Interesting how you "heard" Alan Alda in his role as Hawkeye Pierce in Kyle's voice. I'm not sure I had an particular "voice" in mind when I wrote Kyle in this scene, but I can certainly see where you're coming from. I don't remember if Alda's character ever chewed anyone out, but I don't remember every episode, so perhaps he did.

At any rate, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. It's very much appreciated.

MonalexReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
It is also worth knowing that the twins have way more experience mixing and adapting elven healing techniques with mortal ones, so I would say they have a more balanced knowledge than the Valinorean Elves who are so dismissive of Mortal teachings. And as someone mentioned before, do these elves think they will just treat Elves?? What about the mortals?? I think in the long run they will have to learn to mix this two ways of medicine (mortal and elven) to have better results.

Author Reply: You're right about that, Monalex, and perhaps eventually there will be a blending of elven and mortal medical techniques and everyone will benefit from it, especially the mortals. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. It's appreciated.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
One minor addition, every time I see Stoner's name mentioned I think of Aragorn's healing abilities and title of "Elessar." I keep meaning to mention it and always forget. Anyway, thanks again!


Author Reply: I can understand how you would make such a connection. Never really thought about it in that respect. Who knows? Maybe Stoner's a distant descendant of Aragorn as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Kevana.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
For the first part of this chapter, I wanted to stand up and clap for the Twins and Serindë - that was very brave of Elladan and Elrohir, and Serindë is brave as well to be able to step back and look at their situation and decide to put aside pride and encourage one another. I think their parents and the Alien Overlords would be very proud of them.

But then that resolve is tested immediately - they really aren't getting a break and neither is Glorfindel. What a roller coaster you have us on, Fiondil! Just when he's getting better..well, it *was* a desperate move using the donor blood.

Mir and Earnur just got a mighty smack in the face, I bet that will tone down their utter certainty in the superiority of Elven abilities, as well as teaching a lesson about why the "locals" - Mortals and Elves - are right to be adamant that the newcomers learn modern medicine and protocol. Thank goodness for Kyle Stoner! His attitude can come in handy when used properly, haha. He and Glorfindel really need to make up after all this.

Well, they call it a learning process for a reason, eh? Evidence that everybody needs to learn from each other. I just hate it's Glorfindel who's being the teaching tool here, but then it wouldn't be any better if it was anybody else either.

I have a lesson to learn myself, and that lesson is "use sunblock, stupid." Apparently I prefer having to spend a day slathered in aloe vera and parked in front of a fan to taking five minutes' precaution. Learn from my pain, my friends. SPF 30 is your ally. The steeplechase was great, but a horse tripped and fell over a fence about ten feet in front of me. The horse was okay but the jockey broke his collarbone. Ouch! It's scary seeing an animal that big, moving that fast, lose control and slam on the ground so closely to you – and much scarier for the poor rider, I'm sure.

Lots of good thoughts to you and to everybody, Fiondil! And thank you for the medical glossary, I had to go back and do a re-read afterward with all the jargon - it made a lot more sense after that, though not knowing most of the terms also gave the chapter a certain ER factor where it was even more thrilling. *grin*

Thanks for the update, have a great week, take care of yourself!

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Roller coaster is a good metaphor and we're not done with it yet, as you will see.

Actually, I think Kyle and Glorfindel have made up, so no worries there. And Glorfindel is always bait of one kind or another, even if it's as a teaching tool for others. It's in his job description as a bona-fide balrog slayer. *grin*

I got a bit of a medical education writing this chapter and Ellie was a real trooper helping me to track down the possible life-threatening side-effects to having a transfusion. Without her help, I wouldn't have been able to write this chapter nearly as well as I did.

Yes, SPF 30 sunblock is your friend. Having suffered skin cancer back in my twenties, I am very careful about that sort of thing myself. So, please don't forget to use it the next time. Skin cancer is no fun, trust me.

Thanks for reviewing and I hope your sunburn improves rapidly.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
WOW! That was intense! And angry and unpleasant. It sucks that the twins were right that they were being ill-treated and dismissed by the other healers for not being pure bloods and for not being trained in Valinor. It is even worse that their diagnosis was disregarded outright and that it nearly cost Loren his life.

Oh my. Finrod certainly won't be happy when he hears about this. Makes one wonder how bad the fallout from this will be...

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Very intense. And angry. And unpleasant. No one's a happy camper and everyone's pretty much at their nadir. At least Kyle read Mir and Ernie the riot act, which should help. And no, Finrod will be royally pissed when he finds out what just happened and why.

Thanks for taking the time to comment, especially when I know how busy you are. It's always appreciated.

MonalexReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
Hello Fiondil,

So they are really underestimating them!! I can see how this will go down with Finrod, in that Earnur and Vardamir nearly killed his brother beacuse they refused to consider the twins' valid and more experienced point. Now it is clear that the Valinorean Elves or at least some of them, don't consider the twins to be on the same level as them, but as starting healers who have no business telling them that they are wrong. I fear that Finrod's plan of having Vardamir teach them just went down the drain... but on the bright side I can clearly see the twins maturity in recognizing that the Valinorean Elves have some interesting techniques worth learning and in pin-pointing who they will even ask to teach them (Laurendil and Manwen). I'm happy to see that the twins consider them not to be snobs and arrogant, unlike some other elves I can mention.

It is also clear in this chapter the level of influence Glorfindel has over the twins, in that they followed his advice in keeping up with their medical techniques and knowledge. I'm sure it will also be a surprise for the Valinorean Elves when they learn that the twins are considered by their mortal counterparts as being nearly full-fledged doctors and that contrary to what they thought, the twins actually have the acreditations to be recognized as such, but are instead taking a crash curse or refresher's course to get up to date sooner. I would not be surprised that by the time the twins are already surgeons the other are just starting medical school. It would also be great when the others remember who exactly are their maternal grandparents (Galadriel/Celeborn), so that they don't underestimate their power and capabilities.

It will be great seeing Vardamir and Earnur eating humble pay for once.

Great chapter as always.


Author Reply: Hi Monalex. It's a right mess all around, that's for sure. And it is very clear just how influential Glorfindel is for the Twins. He's a father-figure as well as their captain and they look up to him more than they look up to any of their other elders. And you've already anticipated me. In a later chapter we will see Finrod reminding certain people just who the Twins are related to. And we will also see Mir and Ernie eating humble pie as well, I promise.

Thanks for reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 29 on 4/7/2014
Wow that was exciting! Kept me on the edge of my seat! But please, take good care of Glorfindel.And oh, now its the Twins...

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. I promise to take good care of Glorfindel and the Twins. Don't worry, they'll all be all right eventually. Glad you found the chapter exciting. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

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