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A Long and Weary Way  by Canafinwe 499 Review(s)
obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 75 on 11/14/2015
And so Aragorn's story is told by the hurts on his body. I love this scene between Elrond and Aragorn. It is healer and patient, but also father and son. I think Aragorn will need to sleep for at least a week before he will be more himself. This journey took more out of him than he will admit. Elrond's reaction to what he finds tells more about the cost to Aragorn than Aragorn would ever admit.

Author Reply: I had a wonderful experience writing that scene, and it's such a gift to know that it spoke to you. Thank you!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 74 on 11/14/2015
Finally, they reached Rivendell and Aragorn is home. There is nothing like home after a journey as this. I love the welcome Elrond gives his beloved foster son. He knows that sleep is what Aragorn needs most at that moment. Everything else can wait until the next day. The encounter between Aragorn and Arwen the next morning was heartwarming. Aragorn really came home for me when he entered his own rooms at the end and the bath was awaiting him.

Author Reply: It's wonderful to know that sense of 'home at last' came through at the end! I think that's the moment when it became real for Aragorn as well. Dear Elrond: of course he would set aside his own need for answers and let Aragorn sleep...

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 73 on 11/14/2015
You had to throw not only high altitude sickness at our hero, but also ice cold rain. I keep shivering with Aragorn. I did hiking in the mountains with pelting rain, but unlike Aragorn I had a nice warm bed at the end of the day and not some miserable night is sodden clothing. I just hope Aragon will not develop pneumonia. He is not in a state to just shrug off this kind of weather. I liked the way Aragorn and Gandalf worked together without having to discuss what to do. It shows their familiarity and experience with each other and this kind of weather. When the sun finally broke through I felt relieved for our friends and I hope Rivendell is not far away now.

Author Reply: It was very interesting to write a journey with Aragorn and Gandalf 'alone together'. After so many shared journeys, I'm sure there were many things they did not even need to discuss. I'm glad you liked that!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 72 on 11/13/2015
I didn't think of mountain sickness when Aragorn coughed. But I had a touch of it the first time I went to the Alps. I was by far not as afflicted as Aragorn, but what used to be a simple walk up a few steps grew nearly impossible because I had trouble breathing. Poor Aragorn, that was the last he expected. It takes a few days to get accustomed to the height. I was in a nice heated mountain hut compared to Aragorn and Gandalf spending the night without real shelter. I don't want to switch places with them.

Author Reply: I've never experienced it myself, but all the accounts I've come across make it plain it's absolutely miserable. The Pass is described as so horribly inhospitable in The Hobbit. I tried to capture that very clearly.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 71 on 11/13/2015
The High-Pass is really high if Aragorn gets nose-bleeding again and his cough worsens. Your description of the nightly camp in the middle of the path with no place to stretch out sounds very uncomfortable. I have climbed mountains where the wind was relentless, so that even a shallow hollow in the ground was welcome to get out of the wind. Spending a whole night in that wind makes me shudder and Aragorn is still sick. I just hope he will not catch a bad cold.

Author Reply: Yes, mountain winds are incredible! Majestic, yes, but so very draining. Not a pleasant road home; not at all.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 70 on 11/11/2015
It is sweet to repay for kindness and shame those who were not so kind. I like it that Aragorn gets the chance to repay all that helped him on his journey.

Author Reply: I'm glad! It is quite satisfying for the reader, too, but most importantly it is good for Aragorn's wounded sense of self.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 69 on 11/11/2015
So, I was right, Aragorn is able to help Freya or at least try. But I think it will work. I liked that Aragorn had to think what he might have available in this household and not just assume all his usual herbs grow everywhere.

Author Reply: How nice that you liked the thought process! It was interesting to work through the puzzle in reverse, and then to put Aragorn's reasoning into it. Thank you!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 68 on 11/11/2015
So, nice to stop at Beorn's place once again. This time Aragorn is better equipped to enjoy his stay and he might be able to pay back some of the hospitality he got the first time he was there if I read the signs right.

Author Reply: I'm glad it's nice to be back! Yes, Aragorn is indeed in a far better state to enjoy the visit this time.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 67 on 11/8/2015
What a wonderful description of the feast. The food, the revelry, Aragorn sitting there not quite comfortable and then the song to commemorate his deeds as Thorongil. I can understand that Aragorn is not comfortable with that. Then at the end when he is dozing off from too much food and wine and has to be helped to bed. It was a marvelous feast and a marvelous chapter.

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! It made such a change from all the dreary labour before: it was fun to write!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 66 on 11/8/2015
And the healing continues. I like the way you show how tiresome and irksome it is to interrogate Gollum by having Gandalf develop a headache. At least Aragorn could do something about it even without potions. I know the kind of headache Gandalf has and massage is the best remedy.

Author Reply: I'm very glad that Gandalf's headache had the desired impact! Thank you. (Sorry to hear you've had firsthand experience. They're miserable.)

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