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Coalesced Diffusion  by Thundera Tiger 55 Review(s)
FiondilReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/29/2013
You capture Boromir's spirit well with these particular prompts, Thundera. My particular favorite is "Untapped". Love the punning. LOL!

Author Reply: You're the first person to mention the pun in "untapped." Hooray! Someone saw it! I played around with it in an attempt to make it a little more visible, but it's such a terrible pun that eventually I just left "well enough alone." :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/28/2013
Boromir's part in the Quest is truly one of 'fighting the long defeat', but you show his nobility, and allow us to peer into his heart and soul. I especially like Sleepless, Helpless, Faceless, and Felicity.

Author Reply: Boromir is such a fascinating character! I love this guy! He's stuck in such an awkward position politically at home and in the Fellowship abroad, and the forces beating down on him are enough to make anyone break. That he doesn't until Amon Hen says a lot about his valiant character, in my opinion. Anyway, thank you so much for the review, and I'm so glad the nobility came through!

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/28/2013
Your work gave me more sympathy for Boromir than the books, movies, and all the previous fanfiction I read. Outstanding. Thank you.

Author Reply: Thank you SO much! I love Boromir, personally, and really wanted to make him sympathetic to others. He has so much riding on his shoulders and he walks such a fine line between hope and despair. It's a wonder he didn't crack sooner. Thank you again!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/28/2013
In this set it is both 5 and 6 that caught my attention most--the first with a laugh in recognition as to how true this must have been for Boromir, and the second with the realization of how truly lost to so much of Gondor hope must have become. Well caught, each glimpse into Boromir's character!

Author Reply: The cushion is one of my favorites just because it's so...Boromir. He'll endure anything, but his thoughts have a tendency to wander about while he's enduring. As for the rest, I'm so glad you liked the focus on hope, because Boromir himself notes at the Council that they're losing and won't be able to hold on much longer. It's frightening to imagine an entire society sustaining itself on the thought that they need to make their last stand a memorable one.

Many thanks yet again for your reviews! I love your insight!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/28/2013
Again, an exemplary use of each prompt, and oh, so true to my own imagined character for Meriadoc Brandybuck. It was prompt 20 that struck me most this time, the comparison of himself to the fates of the snowflakes that fell too close to their fire atop Caradhras and realizing he is losing himself in like fashion--that somehow strikes close to my heart.

Author Reply: Hey again,

I had such trouble figuring out what I wanted to do with "snowflake" as a prompt! Caradhras was the immediate thought, but it felt too obvious and I wanted to focus more on the latter half of Merry's story. He really doesn't do much on Caradhras or in Moria. Not that we know of, anyway, and a single sentence didn't feel like the right forum to create excessive backstory that doesn't exist in canon. That's when I remembered his sword burning away and thought maybe I could do Caradhras and the Pelennor at the same time. ::shrugs:: It seems to have worked.

Thank you for the review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/28/2013
I tried to respond to these when they were first posted, but my connection to the net was iffy and kept cutting out on me, and it went dead just as I was finishing up my comments, leaving me frustrated!

I love how you have found the means to use these words as a catalyst to examine the various facets of Gandalf's character, and find I especially love the last one. After the many worries and griefs and surprises and all of the responsibilities he'd shouldered for over a millenium and a half, how precious this time must have been to actually sit down and think without having to worry about what might be happening somewhere where he might be needed.

I look forward to reading the rest, and hope I can get through the next two sets tonight.

Author Reply: Hey Larner,

Maybe it was the SoA connection. I was having trouble with it two days ago, and Dreamflower mentioned she ran into some trouble connecting with this site, too. Hmmm...

Anyway, HUGE thanks for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Gandalf, and the last is among my favorites, too. If anyone deserves a rest, it's our wandering wizard!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/27/2013
Another excellent chapter. The last prompt was my favorite, but I also liked "Violating". To see that scene from Merry's viewpoint... *shivers* Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: When I started outlining the events I wanted to depict in the prompts, I was surprised at just how often Merry came up wounded. There's the Barrow, Bree, Amon Hen, and the Pelennor. So I had to include each one, but "Violating" is probably my favorite, too. Someone should look into that and write a bigger story. Volunteers?

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/26/2013
The computer ate my review, apparently! But oh how I love these, and this concept!

You have truly captured Gandalf's personality in each one of these little gems.

Author Reply: I had that problem earlier. The computer kept eating some of my replies. Sheesh! Anyway, many thanks for the review, and I'm glad you feel that Gandalf's character has substance given how short these little sentences are!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/26/2013
Oh my goodness! You truly captured Merry's spirit in each of these, particularly his longing for adventure and his need to be in control of his path and that of those he loves!

Author Reply: Merry is such a fun hobbit! I love that guy! And I had a blast trying to weave a few key aspects of his character into all 25 prompts, admittedly with limited success in some. But he's such a put-together hobbit that it actually came pretty quickly. Would that all the hobbits could be so easy to write...

Thank you so much for the review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/26/2013
Goodness, these are marvelous. What clear and complete pictures you're painting of these beloved folk. "Expert", "Renew", and "Courteous" are especially good, but the way the tale's closure wraps around again to the beginning is quite masterful.

Author Reply: Thank you SO much for the review. As for the tale wrapping around...Merry is unusual in that. I couldn't quite pull it off in some of the other Fellowship members. At least, not to the degree that Merry provided. But I've always liked Merry, so maybe the preference made him easier to write. Thank you again!

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