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Coalesced Diffusion  by Thundera Tiger 55 Review(s)
UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/2/2013
Beautifully captures Legolas.

Author Reply: Thank you so much!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/2/2013
I loved ALL the prompts. Oh, Legolas, he's such an Elf, isn't he? LOL! "Creative interpretation", indeed! And I suspect he was doing a lot of that all along the way. I think of all the chapters so far, Thundera, this one is my personal favorite. Thanks for sharing.

Author Reply: Thank you so much yet again! Legolas was one of the easier characters to write, which makes me suspicious that I just got lazy while writing him. :) As a result, I'm relieved you enjoyed his prompts. They were some of my favorite, too!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/2/2013
This was hard to read and I imagine it was hard to write simply because it's Frodo. I liked "North" (so true) and "Rime" had me chuckling. "Reassure" was very powerful and, of course, "Sailing" is very poignant. Good job, Thundera!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! Frodo was among the harder character to write, though I have to confess that Pippin was far and away the most challenging. Anyway, I'm so glad you liked "Reassure." It was a bear to write, and by the end I had completely reevaluated the entire scene between Galadriel and Frodo. Yeesh.

Thank you again!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/1/2013
Frodo's story is, of course, the one I've most delved into in my own writing, so these all touch me deeply. I LOVED "rime." How appropriate. And the last one is so proper for Frodo, of course. How well you have caught his growing awareness of how the Ring is remodeling his soul, and how he has lost so much of himself as a result of Its machinations. And realizing that the Ring was indeed awake and manipulating him, forcing him to reveal himself as Its holder, must have been terrible for him!

Did you do the various word generations first and assign them to the various members of the Fellowship, or was it apparently Someone else's design that "sailing" came out in the list for Frodo?

Author Reply: I actually struggled with this one toward the end because EVERYTHING started to get wrapped up in the Ring. It felt so repetitive, but that's exactly what was happening. So in the end, I decided to let it happen. I'm still not entirely convinced I went about it the right way, but there's definitely a feeling that the Ring is taking precedence and I think that's important.

As for these word prompts, I did them by character. So I would designate a file as Frodo's and head for the random word generator, get it to spit out 25 words, and those were Frodo's words. I would then rearrange the order depending upon what each prompt seemed to suggest, so the fact that "sailings" showed up at the end of the list is all my doing. But the fact that "sailings" showed up in Frodo's list is not. That's just what the word generator gave me when I was getting Frodo's words. I actually remember doing a double-blink when that word popped up. There are a few others that were just perfect for the characters. Misanthropic, for example, is so telling of Boromir's state of mind when he finally makes a play for the Ring. And of course he would be the one to get hypotension.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/1/2013
Oh, in my-verse Dunedain exploration ships have brought back a few plants from other continents that Gandalf suggested the Hobbits might well like, including the potato, many beans, maize, and squashes; and quinine becomes used when the terrible fevers arising from the Dead Marshes overwhelm much of Gondor and Arnor. Much of this was lost in my-verse during the ice ages, I suppose, as most of these plants were supported by the Hobbits and the Elves, and with the loss of these two peoples memories of them were lost with them.

Author Reply: Ah, so much more of it all makes sense. So we've got spuds, an early form of corn, the cinchona tree (or the extract thereof)... You know what would really round it off? Guava. I think Middle-earth would be MUCH happier with a study supply of guava. I'm salivating just thinking about it! (That could also be the bowl of nectarines sitting me and the fact that it's lunch time, but it could ALSO be the thought of guava.)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/1/2013
Oh my! You capture Frodo's increasing descent into darkness and confusion and sorrow so very well here.

I think my favorite ones are the first (because Crickhollow! What a wonderful beginning!), the one about the foot hair and frost (because so hobbity), the one about Galadriel (because it gave me thinky-thoughts)and the last five taken together, which seem to summarize that whole part of the story perfectly.

Great job!

Author Reply: The one with Galadriel actually surprised me because that wasn't what I was expecting at all. The thought came to me mid-writing, and I hadn't previously considered the possibility that Frodo's version of a test wouldn't be if they would take the Ring but if they would trust him to take all their hardwork and sacrifice it no matter how the Quest ended. It's a really intriguing thought (in my humble opinion) that has me considering all kinds of new angles. So I'm glad it rang as something to be considered for you, too, because it makes me feel like I'm not quite so far out on the limb.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/1/2013
Poor Frodo. *sniff* No wonder I'm compelled to write so much hurt/comfortcomfortcomfort for him.

Clumsy, Nurturing, Munches, Antagonist, and Sailings are my favorites, especially the idea of Sam's seasickness seen in a different light, and Frodo seeing himself as a failing steward. Wow.

Author Reply: Frodo is a gimme for just about any hurt/comfort people want to throw at him. Embrace it. It's one of the perks of writing Frodo. :) My favorite is probably "Antagonist," so I'm very glad you picked that one out. It's one of the few that wrote itself and actually worked without much in the way of revision. (Those are SO rare.)

Many thanks for the review!

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/30/2013
You are not making this easy, are you? I could only narrow it to nine! Perhaps a fitting number considering. Aragorn, the name alone brings images of strength, courage, enduring moral valiance, and wisdom. I've always seen him as a type of Christ, one of many in this tale of good and evil. So here it is, my list:

Letter, Potato,(I understand why such kindness with stir Aragorn's heart anew), Stain, Cheer, Educate, Seal, Law(Beautifully expressed and I like that you refer to it as the 'gift of Man'.), Gloves,(Again, another favorite part of 'The Return of the King'.), Smile, tender and heartbreaking all at once.

Author Reply: Interesting... I've heard the Messianic comparisons before, though in all honesty, I think they might work better for Gandalf than for Aragorn. It's Aragorn's stretch of painful indecisiveness between Lothlorien and Fangorn that makes me question how well the metaphor holds for him. But that time period aside, I can definitely see where people are coming from.

Speaking of which, I'm so glad you liked the "educate" prompt, because for me, that was the end of Aragorn's indecision. From there on out, he was the king that he was always meant to be. I don't know how well that came across in the writing, but that was the intent.

Thank you so much for the review!

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/30/2013
I have been trying very hard to keep my 'favorites' list for each character to a minimum of four, but you have made this impossible for Pippen. He is one who really comes into his own on the quest and finds things within himself, of which, he had only an inkling.

Introductions, Ahead (I especially like this one. It shows Pippens perseverance), Without, Discard, Hue, Unbidden (perhaps one of my very favorite paragraphs in 'Return of the King' is when Pippen first sees Faramir), Casualties and immigrate.

Author Reply: I'm SO glad you liked the Pippin chapter. This was definitely the hardest to write because I've never really understood Pippin's character. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. "Ahead" was the prompt that seemed to pull it together for me and made writing the rest of his chapter possible, so I'm thrilled you liked that one. "Discard" is one of my other favorites for that same reason. It helped me make sense of Pippin, so I'm gratified it makes sense to people reading it. The two don't always go together. ;)

Thank you so much for the review(s)!

robbieReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/30/2013
This series is great!
My favourite so far is "potato" (Aragorn): So sweet and thoughtful. It's telling a whole story and so much about three people in so little words.

Author Reply: So "potato" is almost more about Arwen than Aragorn, which is kind cheating on my part. ;) But I think you're right in that it does show how Aragorn can appreciate Arwen's gracious qualities and her intelligence in being able to keep up with someone who is clearly an expert gardener. Thank you so much for the review!

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