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Fey  by Thundera Tiger 51 Review(s)
BeverlyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2011
Bravo! Excellent mystery. Your imagination and descriptions were wonderful. I hope we can look forward to another story from you soon. Maybe about Legolas? Sorry, he's my weakness.

Author Reply: Well, I do enjoy writing Legolas and Gimli, and I've got a couple of one-shots currently in the works about them. So I'm sure I'll post something about them again. Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2011
Even at the end, you managed to surprise me, Gandalf! didn't think about him. I'm glad that you explained why he couldn't be clear in his dream, it was hard to understand all those messages.
This story, it is one of the best fanfics ever written, IMHO. I hope that you keep writing and that you finish some of the old ones. And I hope that you keep writting Faramir and Legolas, they were great.
Thank you very much, great story

Author Reply: Thanks so much! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story, and I'll definitely have to take Faramir for a drive again. He's a scary character to write, but he's also a lot of fun. Thank you again!

Laeriel OranorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2011
Gandalf....I should have known!!! Awesome story...for your first foray into mystery, you did an awesome job!! I have placed this story as a favorite at and on my computer. Job well done!!!

Author Reply: Thanks so much for the compliments! I'm glad you liked the story, and I'm blushing that it made it to your favorite list. Thank you again!

TurvainielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2011
Having read some of your older works, I must say this is your best so far. I found it yesterday and read all the chapers in a row, completely unable to tear my eyes from the computer! Itīs so well written and intriguing. I donīt usually get captured by fanfiction in that way, but this is extraordinary.
I love the language you are using; the short, fragmentary sentences gives that eerie feel of creeping madness but also brings speed to the story, it made me hold my breath several times ;) I feel just as confused as Faramir in the earlier chapters, desperately trying to figure out what do to as if I could help my favourite elf, but he seems to have figured out a solution before me. I half know what he is up to, and half not ;)
There are a lot of things in this story that is simply epic. I can clearly see those elves huddling in the mist in front of me like a film-scene, and boy, that is a creepy scene! Your descriptions are short but manages to give the right feeling and almost make my room feel damp, misty and cold. In a good way, of course. And although many of the happenings and thoughts are abstract or takes place inside dreams and minds (not exactly sure how to put words on it, but I hope you understand) I understand perfectly what is going on, at least when I am meant to. I am drawn into the story and the characters because I feel like well, thatīs probably how Iīd react too, even if something near this has never happened.
The theme is great; itīs original, but unlike some sorcery/mystery/magic-ish stories Iīve read this doesnīt feel un-Tolkien. It feels canon and safely rooted in Middle Earth, and yet I havenīt read anything like it before. Now all I want is that you keep up the great work instead of reading immensely long reviews, and update soon! :D

Author Reply: Now I'm terrified to ask which of the older works you might have read! There are a few that are sorely in need of serious rewrites, but I'm so embarrassed by them that I can't sit down and make myself do it! :)

Anyway, I'm thrilled that you're enjoying this story. The short sentences are deliberate: faster pacing, more fragmented, and they seem to lend themselves well to present tense. But I worried that I was getting too choppy, so it was good to hear your insight into this style. And it was even better to hear you thought this could fit in canon. Thank you so much for such a detailed review! I cherish things like this! Thank you again!

Anonymous almostReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2011
Faramir to the rescue! What a great chapter, this story is really deep, lots of connections to be made, seriously great. Although I feel sorry for the men who were killed. Can't wait for the next chapter, when the connections will be revealed and Aragorn and Legolas can be saved :DDD Thank you Thundera Tiger.

Author Reply: You're very welcome! And thank you for the review! Congrats on making all the connections, too. Or at least many of them, from the sound of it. The rest should be cleared up next chapter. ::crosses fingers:: Thank you again!

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2011
What a chapter! The action is great in here and the last part with Faramir actively fighting the creature is so very interesting! I wonder who is screaming his name though... this is a great story! So chilling and scary with the bones and guts... that part is icky but the tension and suspense are great!
It's a relief to know that Aragorn is alive in here too... where is Gimli though?
Can't wait for more!!

Author Reply: Thanks so much for your review! And yes, there are some icky parts in this chapter, but I couldn't think of another way to give Faramir some means of lighting fire. Besides, it was vengeance of a sort for those who didn't make it out alive, so I don't they minded too much. Thank you so much again! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story!

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2011
wow. just wow! what a cliff-hanger! I knew you would pull one of those classic, Thundera cliff-hangers on us... WOW!
I don't know where to start with saying how great this chapter was. Dialogue, action, adventure, chilling suspense-- it was all there!
I was so into the moment when Faramir, Mablung and their men were going to find out what happened to Aragorn... that kept me on the edge of my seat because you kept on finding possessions without knowing where the men are.
And the ending part is quite interesting writing because you do not know what exactly is going on but you feel the darkness, the reek, the fact that a lot is happening at one time.
It's interesting again, that you make Legolas affected but not to the extent of not being unhelpful-- i think you like picking on poor Legolas (example-Fear No Darkness story ;)
Looking forward to more! Wow! I hope to know what happened to Aragorn soon and to see what is happening to Faramir! I half expected him to also fall into a dream when he was in the Nindalf... you had an interesting juxtaposition between him being in the dream and not when you wrote the part of Gimli being in there.

Author Reply: Eh...yeah, sorry about the cliff-hanger. Kind of. The original intention was to build the cliff-hanger around finding Anduril, but the pacing was never right. This cliff-hanger seems to work, though, so I'm happy.

As for picking on Legolas...well, he was there. And convenient. And I like to imagine that he and Faramir formed a very close friendship in Ithilien. Plus he and Faramir or more or less equals, which means there's more give and take between them when they're in the same scene. It makes writing easier, anyway. :) Thanks so much for the review!

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2011
I'm beyond humbled.

And yet there is still much to be explained. I've always loved Faramir, his courage, nobility, and his wisdom. Your portrayal has served him well.

An unqualified masterpiece of suspense, creepiness and second guessing. . .

Bring on Chapter 6.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review! And I'm so glad you liked the Faramir characterization! I've always admired him, and he's easily one of my favorite characters from Tolkien. I haven't been particularly nice to him in this story, but I still love the guy. ;) Thank you again!

AzureSkyeReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2011
They're Mewlips! Gah, should have seen that sooner...I have to say the only way to describe this story is deliciously creepy. Seriously, well done. So the fire Faramir fears is the fire of his heritage, the fire that drove his father. I feel like I'm still missing half the story, as I still can't figure out why the elves were left alone. When Faramir accepted his heritage it seemed like it was the Numenorian heritage, the idea he could see farther, clearer, and deeper. That would explain the elves...But not why Aragorn is asleep. Anyway, I suppose I'll find out next chapter!

Author Reply: Yup, go Mewlips. I've wanted to get them into a story for a while and this seemed like as good a time as any. As for the elves, Aragorn, and everyone else, hopefully most of that will be cleared up next chapter. The clues dropped throughout weren't so much about them, so that's a part of the story that wasn't meant to be figured out ahead of time. The Faramir part was the crucial part. At least, that's what I decided. Thanks so much for the review!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2011
I'm speechless, great, great chapter. I finally understand, at least I think that I did. At the end, he needed to become whole, to claim that fire that drove his Father forward all those years of wars. It is fire, both, figural and real that can battle and drive away those creatures (what are they?). So, he feared fire, real fire and the fire of his mind, which I believe that is that force of mind that his Father had and kept enemies away for long time, his Father power of mind, that battled Sauron. He feared to become his Father, because the madness, but he was denying his strength too. I love, love this story and your Faramir.
I wish that foresight can be less complicated, why can "Gimli" could not be more specific? No wonder almost everybody got killed, so hard to decipher all those dreams...It could have been so easy to say: Open your mind, use the Force :-)
Very touching the loyalty of the Rangers, you can feel what Tolkien said about Faramir, he was a master of man, a man of quality.
And finally I understood what place he was supposed to go and why no one couldn't help him...very creepy the detail of using bones as torches. This is a story that I will re-read in order to get all the hidden details and clues. Did I tell you that I love this story?
Waiting for next chapter, I hope that the dream is over and his waking more gentle. Wait, is he burned?

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