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The Cusp of Victory  by Kara's Aunty 53 Review(s)
Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/29/2010
Oh Thank the Valar - I couldn't have taken much more suspense!


Author Reply: Hello Raksha The Demon,

ROFL! Loved the Wizard of Oz quote. I laughed out loud when I read that. So, so funny :o)

Glad to have relieved you of the suspense m'dear - but even gladder I managed to put you in that state in the first place.


Bad me!! I should be ashamed of myself.

But I'm not.

Thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/29/2010
after this mad writing frenzy

Well, what shall I say? You had promised me one chapter, and what did I get: 3 chapters!!! I like your mad writing frenzy :-)

So, poor Frodo lost his ring finger after all? But we can't blame Sam for that. That was not the effect he had hoped for.

I found it very fitting that The Dark Lord Sauron claimed his Ring at last. Even without a body he would have found ways to communicate with his servants - and with Sam, I think.

I also liked it when Sam's thoughts strayed to the Shire, the old times and his original profession. That's typical of Sam!

And at last he did the right thing and threw the Ring into the fire! Bravo! But now, both hobbits are in the middle of chaos. Will they escape as easily as in the original story?

Author Reply: Hello Andrea,

three whole chapters ... don't you love it when you get more than you expect?


Sam did not expect Frodo to lose his finger - he'll be devastated (especially after pronising that he'd never maim his master in such a way). Of course, it wasn't his fault, but *shrugs* try telling him that!

I think Sauron actually was able to communicate with the Nazgūl telepathically, because they accepted the Nine Rings of Men from him before (?) he made the One Ring. They fell to his command shortly after, becoming the Ringwraiths. And although Sauron later lost the Ring to Isildur, the wraiths survived because the Ring did; so Sauron, even in sprit form (or whatever form that is), was still able to command them through thought alone.

Or something like that ...

Sam's really missing the Shire, poor soul. A natural enough path for his thoughts to take given he can barely believe where he is, and barely believe everything that's happening to him and Frodo in that moment. In such moments of duress, people's thought usually tend to turn to the comfort of their homes/families, and they lament what they've left behind them.

Poor wee Sammy!

But whether he and Mr Frodo will ever escape to enjoy that cup of tea, or bit of mulching, is anyone's guess! Don't worry though, I'm in the middle of writing that chapter just now, and it'll be up soon ...

Thanks for R & R-ing, m'dear,

M ;)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/29/2010
Wow, he actually did it! Throw the Ring in! I wasn't expecting that. And loved also the effect of more holy water on the Nazgul and his fell beast. Sam certainly is a fast thinker throughout all this as he is thrust in doing things and being places that are so contrary to his life before the Quest. And of course Frodo would make one last try to keep his Precious. I wonder if he will have any memories of this most terrible of all the rapes he had to endure. And what will Sam say to his beloved about the injuries caused to him and that he was the one that inflicted it, even though the loss of his finger was unintentional and I was rather confused by that chapter actually which is why I didn't leave a comment. And who was that voice that Sam heard telling Frodo to take off the Ring? Sounded like Gandalf did at Amon Hen but was it?

Namarie, God bless, Your bloom who happily waits for the next update and thanks her cousin for being so great! :) No need to apologize for the word count - the more the merrier! (no pun intended) :)

Author Reply: Hello again!

So you found the next chapter all right? Good! You'll know that Sam has chucked the Ring into the fiery chasm which birthed it those long Ages of Men ago. What a wee star, eh?

But poor Frodo! He was robbed of his finger when the Light of Eärendil - which is part-Silmaril - reacted against the filth that was the Ring. I imagined it would burn the Ring (as it has been known to do to any work or being of impurity or evil intent) with a fury so cold, that it might warp the very fibre of it, constricting it, trying almost to choke it.

Unfortunately, it constricted the Ring so much that it bored through flesh and bone, thus the loss of Frodo's finger.

Hope that's cleared that up!

As for the voice, well that was Sam. If you recall, he heard Frodo (well R-F) screaming "No!". Sam recognised his master's voice - knew that he, as well as the Ring, was reacting to the Water of Light Sam had poured on his hand, and he didn't want any more harm to befall his master. So Sam (not Gandalf - sorry) yelled at him to take the Ring off.

Alas, but the damage had already been done ...


Okay, I won't apologise for the word count *grin*. I had just hoped to make this a mixture of varying drabbles. Alas, but it seems the theme of the story will not allow me to capture it in so few words. Still, at least you're enjoying it!

I'm working on the next chapter right now, so it'll be up in an hour or two (cats permitting, Sam and Rosie keep clambering over my keyboard, sofa, feet and - in Sam's case - chewing at my wrist ...).

Thanks for R & R-ing, m'dear Tooky bloom!

M ;)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 14 on 8/29/2010
Poor Sam! Just as torn as he was in Shelob's Lair but he will sort it out I'm sure. That hobbit is certainly resourceful and God has given him a great heart and a great mind. So glad you are updating so quickly and two chapters at time now! *runs right over to next one*

Namarie, God bless, Your berry :)

Author Reply: Hello berry,

he is resourceful, isn't he? I don't even know if he's thinking about what he's doing half the time - he's just reacting instinctively. Thank goodness his instincts are so good ...

This theme for this fic has grabbed me so much, that I just can't stop writing it. It's consumed my entire weekend, and then some! Hence the quick updated ;)

Hope you enjoy the next chapter, m'dear,

Cousin M xx

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 8/29/2010
Now it's off Frodo's finger, can HE manage to kick it, accidently or on purpose, over the edge? As for the Fell Beast snapping at Sam's buttons....

Oh, dear! (And it's a change to have 450 words, eh? Heh!)

Author Reply: Hello Larner,

it would be great if Frodo defied canon and managed to do what he couldn't do in the book: destroy the Ring. It's something I have given serious consideration ...

Sam's in a spot of bother too, now (just for a change). But will he manage to escape, or will he all his valiant efforts see him becoming nothing more than a tasty treat for a vugly beast?

Haha! The 'just for a change' remark was me poking a little fun at myself. Most of these chapters seem to have turned into 450 words in length, despite my best intentions to pen drabbles or multi (or fractional) drabbles ranging between 200-450 words. What can I say? It seems that the day I master a true drabble is the day Haldir proposes ...

Thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/29/2010
The combination caused the Ring to burn off Frodo's finger? Ooh! This IS a surprise! And Sauron himself is now seeking to intervene!

Author Reply: Hello Larner,

yep. That finger was coming off one way or another, I'm afraid. I had envisioned that the Light of Eärendil mixed with Galadriel's water would burn the Ring with a deadly cold heat, corrupting it and making it constrict until ... well you get the idea. Bye bye finger. The fact that the Light in the Phial is part Silmaril seemed to support this, but I may or may not have stretched that a bit (or not stretched it enough - who knows?).

Sauron is not a happy bunny, it's safe to say. His 'telepathic' connection (or whatever it is) with the Nazgūl means he knows that Sam is the one who 'washed' his filthy gem, thus wounding it, and if he ever gets his hands on that hobbit ... oh, boy. That would be less than pretty ...

I'm pleased that Sam manages to keep surprising you! He's a wee gem of a character, just soldiering on, doing the best he can to save his Mr Frodo, and pulling one shocker out of his bag of tricks after another. They're all pretty desperate measures to him, and he's just reacting instinctively with whatever's available, but heavens! Isn't he resourceful?!

Thanks very much for R & R-ing, m'dear,

M ;)

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 14 on 8/28/2010
Your ability to think up new cliff hangers (no pun intended) is amazing. Excellent story though.

Author Reply: Hello UTfrog,

gosh, the ides for this fic are flowing so thick and fast, that it's as much as I can do to write them down before another one hits me. Poor Sam and Frodo - I'm really putting them through the mill ...

But I do love a good 'what if?', and the effect that a possible absence of Gollum in the Sammath Naur during that critical phase of the Quest intrigued me. It's also forcing Sam to be creative - though for him, it's more like just using his simple hobbit sense (of which he has plenty).

I'm so glad you're enjoying this AU, and thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 14 on 8/28/2010
Well, the drama is unrelenting, hah! I don't think I would feel very comfortable knowing that Sauron knew my name and was shouting it at me, angrily. ;o) I usually think of the Light as containing merely "light" but, yes, I do realize it contains magical water... and the idea of a stopper and being able to use the magical water itself as a weapon is a novel interpretation. I can tell you are having fun with this one.

Author Reply: Hello cookiefleck,

I wouldn't be comfortable either, if Sauron was shouting my name ...


The Light of Eärendil in the Phial is part-Silmaril, I think, so that's why it has the effect on the Ring that it does (and, by default, the Nazgūl, as they are tied to the Ring). Plus the water in which it's captured is from Galadriel's Mirror, so it's actually packing quite a powerful punch. Almost makes you feel sorry for the Ring, eh?

Okay, maybe not ...

And you're right: I am having so much fun with this story. In fact, I've been bitten by a mad writing frenzy and just can't get the chapters out fast enough in case I lose all my ideas!

BtW, I don't think I ever thanked you properly for that lovely list of links you sent me, which was disgracefully remiss on my part. Apologies! I had a brilliant evening after work reading them. They really made my day! So thank you very much for that! And thanks also for R & R-ing, m'dear,

M ;)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/28/2010
I knew it - splashed with some holy water! What a neat idea and now there's another chapter waiting already! :) You are too good to me, cousin. *skips right over to read next chapter*

Namarie, God bless, your happy berry :)

Author Reply: Hello bloom,

so you knew it, eh? I'm not surprised. For all your tomfoolery (and love of pub brawls), you Tooks are a clever lot! But yes, the One Ring has been baptised by the light and is no doubt burning with the cold fury of Eärendil as we speak ...


Thanks for R & R-ing, m'dear & hope you enjoy Chapter 13,

Cousin M ;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/28/2010
Ah, the idea of "defiling" what was already defiled by Sauron himself is somehow delightful! Just what form can this "defiling" take? And am glad to aid you in finding the right words!

I love that the Nazgul themselves know fear here! Excellent development!

Author Reply: Hello Larner!

Thanks for letting me pinch your word, and for being so nice about it, too!

The Ring is just arrogant enough to assume any hurt to its person (can I say that about an inanimate object? Might work, 'cos it's sentient, I suppose ...) is a defilement - a bit of cheek on its behalf, considering the amount of destruction it's caused during its existence!

And yep! It is about time that the Nazgūl got a taste of their own medicine! Hah! Fear the Star-glass! Fear the hobbits!


Next chapter's coming right up, m'dear. Thanks very much for R & R-ing this one,

M ;)

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