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Another Moment of your Time  by Larner 508 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/6/2010
Oh yes, the star-strewn sky is such a beautiful sight, and I can see how Frodo does enjoy it even more after the Fair. I'm not overly fond of large crowds myself, after all.
Well, Frodo didn't get to see the stars from Tirion, but at least from Tol Eressëa, which is pretty close, after all.
And Bilbo was so right about the reason why Frodo in the end would leave the Shire.

Author Reply: I don't mind crowds much usually, but still feel relief when I'm on my own again. I'm sorry Frodo had to have such a reason to leave the Shire, but rejoice he was granted what he obviously needed so desperately! Thank you so, Kitty!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/6/2010
Well, he still lives, but how? It's rather depressing, isn't it?

Author Reply: It was depressing at the time, but more hopeful soon after, in spite of the enforced separation. Thank you so--so glad you are able to read again. It has been some weeks since we heard from you last. Hope the coming school terms are pleasant.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 7/19/2010
LOL, alas, poor Sam!

Would this be a case of "hoist on his own petard"?

Author Reply: Oh, but I suspect that this is true, Lindelea! Heh!

Hope to be down weekend after next. See you then!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 7/19/2010
Our Lord Strider insists that if he must dress up to meet these new envoys, so must you.

*grins* That was VERY clever of Lord Strider! That way Frodo can't back out easily.

Author Reply: Oh, I know. Heh! Thanks, Andrea!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/7/2010
What a lovely image of the two Hobbits watching the stars! At least we know their dream will come true one day!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you appreciated it, Linda. Frodo would never in his life see the stars from Tirion, but that the two of them should see them from Elvenhome must have seemed merely a daydream at the time, never to be taken seriously.

Thanks so!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/7/2010
Poor Frodo and Sam.It must have been so hard for Sam to witness Frodo's decline.

Author Reply: I do suspect you have the right of it, Linda. Thanks so!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/6/2010
A reflection that comes a little to close to past reality for Sam. Poor Frodo.

Author Reply: Unfortunately, this is true. Frodo at this point was nearing the end of his tether, I suspect.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/6/2010
This is truly beautiful Larner. I wish I could go star-gazing. It is over 80 degrees in my little bed-sit at 4am. But I think people might raise a few eyebrows if I was found lying in the street looking at the sky!!! *grin*

Author Reply: We just had our first true day of summer this year, with temps that reached into the low seventies. Tomorrow it is supposed to reach the eighties, and we are NOT ready or acclimated for it at all. They are expecting for there to be a good number of cases of heat prostration tomorrow, and I'm likely to end up one of them--I don't do well when it's particularly hot.

I could go out and lie on the lawn and watch the stars tonight, but need the sleep as I must be at work early tomorrow to ferry a client to the doctor's office. It's going to be a stressful day, I suspect.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/5/2010
his eyes reflecting the sparkle of the river of glory overhead

What a gentle, lovely scene. I always enjoy the quiet moments between Bilbo and 'his lad'.

Author Reply: Thank you. There was a good deal of contentment between the two of them, I suspect. And there had to be a reason why Bilbo told Gandalf that Frodo was still in love with the Shire, including its little rivers....

Thanks so, Shirebound!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/5/2010
What a sweet story and how true that he will see stars from a different vantage point later in his life as well. I love the peace of this.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Perhaps a bit of foreshadowing of what was to come in the end, at least.

Thanks so, Antane!

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