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Once Upon a Meadow  by Grey Wonderer 22 Review(s)
Pip4Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2010
I loved the way this was written, first from the sheep's point of view and then Merry and Pippin describing things to each other, it was fun to read. Also, when Bert first was mentioned the first thing I thought of was the guy from Seseame street but I never would have guessed you were actually going to make Bert and Ernie references. That was priceless.

Author Reply: Thank you. I am very glad you enjoyed the POV. I've written more than a view sheep-related stories but this is the first time I've tried to include their thoughts. It's good to know that it worked.
Bert and Ernie are old friends from when my son used to watch Sesame Street. It was fun sticking them into the story and waiting to see who might catch it. I'm glad you liked it.
Thank you for this lovely review!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2010
“Just exactly what *is* going on?” Pippin asked sitting up.

ROTFL!!! That was great, GW!

It was very funny to look at the events on the meadow from different perspectives.

I especially liked the different interpretations of "stinking" ;-)

I hope that poor Freddy and Bert will be alright in no time, though! Merry and Pippin could have helped them earlier (if they had been less drunk).

One last word to Mr. Woolrich:

See? The sheep were the main characters. Among drunken hobbits, lazy dogs and crazy shepherds *they* remained sensible! Bravo!

Author Reply: Oh, I am very glad to hear that the bit about 'smells' worked well. I do think that animals must have a very different view on that issue considering all of the places that they chose to put their noses into. LOL

Merry and Pippin were really no help at all in this one. They just sat back and watched the carnage. Freddy may have something to say about that once he is feeling better. LOL

Mr. Woolrich is very pleased that you saw the value of the sheep in the story. He finds your review to be very sensible and well written. : )

AndreaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/13/2010
Dear Mr. Woolrich,

Thank you very much for the advice, but I can assure you it is not necessary for as a matter of fact I don't mind if one or two hobbits appear in my sheep story. Those little guys can be quite funny at times, you know.
After all, I know that the important characters in this story are the sheep!

BTW, I have a colleague who was named after you, Lambert, by his parents.

Yours faithfully,

Fan Fiction Reader

Author Reply: Dear Andrea,
I am glad that the hobbits are not a problem for you and I am very pleased that you know the value of sheep. That is always good to hear. So many people miss our importance.

Your colleague is very lucky to have been named after a sheep. Not many folks can claim that honour.

All the best,

Lambert Woolrich XVIII

PS Thank you for reading this very important prologue.

poppymuddyfootReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2010
Well, I must say I can't understand what Lambert Woolrich XVIII was complaining about. Those hobbits didn't steal the story from the sheep. As much as I love Merry and Pippin, I have to say the sheep are the stars of this tale.
Part of me is laughing and part of me is cringing right now. You see, I was once faced with a herd of sheep and I'm afraid I acted much like Merry. The cousin who owned the sheep was vastly amused by my fear. (Hey, I'm a city girl. I'm not supposed to like farm animals!) So your story strikes just a little too close to home for me. (Although Merry is braver than I am- he didn't run screaming from the pan like I did. Maybe I would have done better if I'd been drunk at the time.)
Wonderful story as always. Thank you for the laughter.

Author Reply: Mr. Woolrich is thrilled that you enjoyed the sheep in this story. It is exactly the response that he was hoping to get.

Sorry this was so close to RL for you. I am also a city girl but for some reason I adore sheep and made a complete idiot of myself on two visits to the UK by pointing out the sheep every single time we passed some. It sounds like you have sheep memories much like my husband's memories of chickens. He is not at all fond of them for similar reasons.

Thank you for reading and I'm very glad that this made you laugh in spite of your experiences with sheep.

SaoirseReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2010
Dearest Grey,

Could it possibly be you, my old friend? If it is, indeed, I should just like to say that today I stumbled down the hobbit hole after many a-year wandering past the plains of Rohan, past Gondor, even past Far Harad to new and marvelous worlds. And returning again here to Arda, and through the thicket and over the Brandywine into the Shire for a much-welcome visit, I felt my heart warm to see your name at the forefront of this page.

This story was absolutely quintessentially hobbity-riffic. Merry and Pippin should be sportscasters! I loved the long, meandering way of their conversation and the slow, unhurried fashion in which their carried their hungover discussion, observing poor Freddy. The characterization of the animals was adorable (Ruff, Ready and Fetchit!) and I was laughing outloud at more than one point from Merry and Pippin's back-and-forth banter. What wonderful writing. I loved the sheep.

I will endeavor now to search on for your stories,
May Continued Luck and Well-Wishes be yours, my friend,

Author Reply: Oh, it is so very good to hear from you again, Saoirse! I have missed you and your writing so much. I still re-read your hobbit tales from time to time and I did wonder where you'd gone. I'm glad to know that your journey has been a pleasant one and that you are still out there reading and possibly writing in another part of this fandom or in another fandom. You have such a talent for writing that I hope you are still doing it.

I am very glad to hear that you enjoyed this story of sheep and drunken hobbits and shepherds and dogs. I love it when one of my stories gives someone a laugh or two.

Keep in touch. I have missed you, my friend. Whenever you have time, drop me an email and let me know what you're writing now. I'd love to read it.

Grey_wonderer at yahoo dot com

Take care and all of the very best,


poppymuddyfootReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/13/2010
LOL! I haven't even got to the story yet and I'm laughing so hard my boss is getting worried. (Don't worry, I'm on my lunch hour, so I'm allowed to read fanfiction.) Just getting to read your introductions is a joy, and your stories are just icing on the cake.
I will review the story after I've read it, but I just wanted to let you know the creativity you use in your disclaimers in appreciated, too.

Author Reply: Thank you so much. Some time back I got bored with my disclaimers and since then I have tried to make them interesting and if not interesting, at least different. LOL
I am glad that this one won't be getting you fired. Thank you so much for reading and for this lovely review. It's always so nice to read that someone is enjoying these.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/13/2010
Dear Mr. Woolrich,

Might I respectfully request that this letter is unnecessary on this website? I understand your concern; however, the fact that you are posting this tale on a Lord of the Rings fan fiction archive implies the preponderance of some non-ovine entity in this tale. I rather suspect that most people clicked on the story expecting to read something of Hobbits, or at least Men or Elves, or possibly even Dwarves (though what Dwarves would be doing on a meadow is anyone's guess!).

Perhaps you initially posted this tale at a sheep-fiction archive, and only posted here as an afterthought, merely copying and pasting the disclaimer from that site, as this disclaimer is most fitting for any audience expecting to read a tale about naught but sheep.

However, in the future (should this unfortunate circumstance happen to arise again), maybe you should tailor each disclaimer to the intended audience of the site. This is not intended to be offensive but merely a bit of constructed criticism.

I remain your humble servant,

Miss C. Sagitta
Shire Historian, 4th Age
Infernal Busybody

Author Reply: Dear Infernal Busybody,

A Sheep-fiction Archive sounds like a great idea to me. If you happen to start one or if you know of one already in existence, please send me the link to it. It would be a shear joy to find some well-written sheep tales!

I did *try* to tailor this disclaimer to 'the intended audience of the site'. I was going for a bit of humour on this one and so I tried to set that sort of tone with it. If it missed its mark, then I am very sorry. Sheep don't always understand what humans find amusing. Those who go about on two legs are often a mystery to me.

Thank you for your non-offensive constructive criticism. I shall file it away for future consideration.

Thank you for reading,

Lambert Woolrich XVIII

PS May you never be caught wool-gathering in unfriendly meadows and may your flock increase.

eilujReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/13/2010
"this story contains hobbits" -- Oh my! Thanks for the warning.... I'll be brave and persevere.

Author Reply: You are most welcome. : )
Thanks for reading in spite of the hobbits.

Lambert Woolrich XVIII

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2010
“I don’t think we saw any of it, Merry. We were both passed out over here and we didn’t see a thing.”

I'm glad *I* saw the whole thing! Whatever it was. This is the darlingest story, and I hated to see it end. :D

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoying being witness to this carnage. LOL

Thank you for reading it. Your reviews are always appreciated. : )

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/13/2010
Lovely Sheep story, GW. I especially enjoyed the mutual discussion of how they smell. I thought the suggestion of rolling them in the grass to fix the hobbits bad smell was very wise, though the comment that they would just go wash it off was quite astute.

Thanks for the giggles.

Author Reply: Thank you! I was glad to know the bit about 'smells' worked. I don't write much from the sheep's POV and so I'm glad to know it worked this time.

Thank you for reading, reviewing, and giggling!

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