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The Findaráto Diaries  by Fiondil 348 Review(s)
EdlynReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/10/2009
Oh, this was wonderful! So much emotion, the nightmare of waking up in the dark (I'm betting his subconscious was screaming he was back in Morgoth's dungeon), his awe and delight at the stars. Olorin's reassurance that all would be well.

I can especially feel Findarato's frustration as he tries to move his finger, as last night I learned that a long time friend suffered a massive stroke on Monday, paralyzing his entire left side. He's already got some ability to move a couple fingers and his left foot a bit and he's trying to speak but it utterly exhausts him. His wife says his frustration is palpable because he's normally a very physically active man (he's a master archer in the SCA and taught me to shoot more years ago than I care to admit).

Thank you for this fic, meldonya. It was posted at a time that I needed some hope.

Eru bless,


Author Reply: Hi, Edlyn. Yes, subconsciously he's back in Sauron's dungeon where he died when he wakes to darkness. He doesn't remember that yet but it's there, a nameless fear that grips him and won't let him go. Olórin and the stars will help him work through the terror eventually.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know how frustrated my mom was when she suffered her stroke. Like your friend, her left side was affected and she never regained full use of it, though she did recover enough to lead a semi-active life (she did the cooking and could drive a car). I hope your friend finds healing, both physical and spiritual.

JancyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/9/2009
Hi Fiondil

You have me smiling because of this new story. :-D First Glorfindel, and now Finrod. I’m happy to read this first chapter and I am eager to read more.

Author Reply: Thanks, Jancy. I'm glad you like this new story about Finrod and are looking forward to reading more. I will be updating with new chapters once a week, most likely on Wednesdays.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/6/2009
Ah ha! Finrod Felagund.... What a delight to 'feel' that name upon my lips! Looking very much forward to this, dear Fiondil.

I loved the beginning - but don't I love all your works and words and wonders and wisdom. *blushes* I do.

Perfectly logical, though I don't remember Finrod being thus - but he must have been a logical character, before he left his kingdom to another... hmmm - should be VERY interesting reading!

Author Reply: Hi, Agape. I'm glad you enjoyed this and found it delightful and interesting.

And you're making me blush with your praises. *grin* Thanks, though. I do appreciate your kind words and your review.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
I look forward to seeing where you take this. The way I found out about your stories in the first place is that I had written a story about Finrod being reborn in Valinor, and one of my readers suggested I read Elf, Interrupted which I'd never even heard of before.

Author Reply: Hi, Aiwen. I'm glad you enjoyed this first chapter and you are looking forward to seeing how the story goes. I've not read anyone else's "Finrod reborn" story so as not to be influenced by them. Well, I did read, as far as it's gone, the story by Bodkin, but her take on things is different enough from mine and mine is based on what I've already written in Elf, Interrupted. I'm glad that your reader suggested you read Elf, Interrupted. Word-of-mouth is still the best form of advertising. *grin* Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2009
Oh, meldonya! I was not expecting this at all! What a lovely present to find when I went to look at SOA this morning. How do you find the time to do so much writing? Do you ever sleep?

It will be very interesting to see Finrod's experiences as he returns to Life. I definitely liked the voice you have chosen to use and the POV. The initial paragraph grabbed me with its first sentence and there was no way that I could NOT read the rest of the chapter (something I suspect would have happened even if I wasn't already a Finrod fan).

Bravo! I await the next chapter whenever you can post it and I promise I won't nag, honest!

Eru bless,


Author Reply: Hi Edlyn. I'm so happy that you enjoyed this first chapter, and were especially intrigued by the first sentence of the initial paragraph. Once I finished "Wars of the Valar", I began writing this tale along with the Darkening tale which I hope to post later in the year.

Each chapter of this story will begin with an excerpt from Finrod's diary and then I tell the story from a third person omnincient pov, though Finrod's pov is primary (I merely reserve the right to write from other people's povs when I deem it appropriate). I did not want to write the entire story in first person, so I chose this method for telling FInrod's tale.

Anway, I will be posting new chapters every Wednesday (in place of "Stirrings of Shadow" now that that tale is completed). Thanks for your review, Edlyn. It's good to hear from you again.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2009
Me being me, I had to go look it up. It's EI 1, Chapter 119: The First Round.

He felt an old grief at the memory of one of Lord Námo’s Maiar informing him that his firstborn had entered Mandos. The pain of it had been more terrible than learning that his other two sons had also died sometime earlier. He was surprised that that particular memory still held so much pain now that he had Findaráto back.


Author Reply: Thanks, Kaylee. I had been re-reading that section of the story recently and remembered that Arafinwë was aware that his sons had died and were in Mandos, but couldn't remember off-hand which chapter, and I was too lazy to go look it up! *grin*

Midnight PromiseReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2009
Hello, :)

Yes! A 'Finda' story! Fortunately for me, I discovered the story right before I went to bed- it was a good way to go to sleep. :3

I am glad we get to have more of Finrod, he has become one of my favorite characters. I cannot wait until he gets back with his family!

With all this talk of elves and this new story, it reminded me of the story about Maglor you wrote for your tapestry shot. Has the Muse been nice enough to give inspiration or has it been left alone?

Again, I cannot wait for more. With Finrod (and many other characters) I had some apathy towards, I could never properly view them. But your depictions hit the mark, brings them to life, and compliment the characters beautifully!

Blessings for inspiration and *no* writers block! :0)

Author Reply: Hi, MP. I'm glad Finrod has become one of your favorite characters. He's always been one of mine so I'm glad to have a 'Finda' story where he's not sharing the limelight with Glorfi. *grin*

I do have every intention of expanding on the Maglor story, but I think that is something that will not happen any time soon. There are other projects that I'm working on at the moment, including "Diaries", but I think before the end of the year I'll have Maglor's story written. I'm as curious as everyone else to know if he and Denethor and the other Elves find the Straight Road.

I'm glad that my writing has helped you to lose some of your apathy towards Finrod and others. Thank you for letting me know and thanks for the review. I appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/3/2009
Mai omentaina, meldonya!

FINDA!!! *resists temptation to put many more exclamation points*

It's Finda! You're telling us Finda's story!! Yay, yay yay!!! I'm so excited, he's one of my favorite elves!!!

Very well done first chapter meldonya, I can't wait to see what happens next!



P.S. I have to wonder; did Arafinwe know his son was dead?

Author Reply: Hi Kaylee! Yes, Finda's story. I know how much you love him, so hopefully you will enjoy this little tale. In 'Elf, Interrupted: Book One', (I forget which chapter exactly but it's during the New Year Tournament) Arafinwë remembers how the knowledge that his firstborn had died when one of Námo's Maiar came to tell him, had hit him harder than when he was told many years earlier that his other two sons had died.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/3/2009
Ah! Now we find out how Arafinwe was able to cope so well with Glorfindel having been through it before with Finrod!
Could this be considered Caring for the Reborn. A Guide for Concerned Parents?
More please,

Author Reply: I suppose that "Caring for the Reborn: A Guide for Concerned Parents and Other Guardians" could be considered a subtitle to this story. *lol* We'll see how Arafinwë and Eärwen cope with their newly reborn Finda, though we have to get Finrod out of the Gardens of the Reborn and Lórien first.

njomoReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/3/2009
Hi Fiondil,

What a happy surprise to wake up and find this new story of yours waiting to be read!

I like the way you start off with an excerpt from Findaráto's diary. I hope that continues to be a part of each chapter.

Of course we know well Glorfindel's experience as a new Reborn, so it will be interesting to see how and if Findaráto fares differently. I'm sure each reborn reacts differently (in some ways at least) to the experience.

I'm curious to see how Findaráto and Olórin interact. Guess I'm used to watching Olórin and Glorfindel and for some reason haven't thought about how Findaráto and Olórin get along.

Congratulations on an excellent start to what I'm sure will be quite an interesting tale!


Author Reply: Thanks, Joanne. I'm glad you enjoyed this first chapter and are looking forward to the next. The reason for the title is that every chapter will begin with an excerpt from Finrod's diary with each diary entry serving as a kind of summary or setting the theme for what happens in a particular chapter.

Finrod's experiences will be similar but not exactly the same as Glorfindel's and since this story will not be quite as epic as "Elf, Interrupted", I spend a bit more time detailing his experiences within the Gardens of the Reborn and then in Lórien before he is even reunited with his parents. Naturally, the bulk of the tale will center around his trying to re-adapt to life in Tirion as the heir to the Noldorin king's throne.

As for Olórin... well, I wanted at least one canon Maia tending to Finrod. I'm not sure how large a role he will actually play in this story as he will be busy helping Námo to keep Glorfindel in line for the next century. *grin* But, I'm sure he'll pop in every now and then to see how 'Finda' is doing.

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