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Distractions  by GamgeeFest 222 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/17/2009
“That’s a lovely tree, Strider.”

Now that's the understatement of the Age! Bless those hobbits. I really liked the little ceremony and speech when the new Tree was revealed and planted.

Author Reply: The hobbits are masters of understatement, never ones to embellish without need. :D It's interesting to imagine who would have been there to see the tree planted and what Aragorn might have said.

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/11/2009
Pippin, etc. - a very touching chapter.

And the poem, hah!

Author Reply: Thank you, dear!

That poem was so much fun to think up! Writing corny poetry was surprisingly easy. :P

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/11/2009
That was a wonderful gift Pippin gave to Denethor - and to himself. I hope Faramir hears of it.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I'm sure Faramir will hear of this, and rejoice just as Pippin and Merry did, both for his friend and his father.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/11/2009
Well, I am a Hobbit, Lord, as you know, since you were kind enough to let me serve you without the burden of boots. So if it’s all the same to you, I think I shall die when I am very old and have had lots of children and led a full life, for dying in battle would seem a waste to a Hobbit, not a glorious thing as you deem it to be. Be at rest, my friend.

Well said, Pippin!
I liked that scene very much, especially the song he chose.

And little Gerwinda also found the perfect moment to speak again.

I'm proud of those two :-)

Author Reply: I think that Denethor would have wanted that Pippin as well, and would have happily wished him a long and happy life if circumstances had been different. The song I felt was always ill-placed in the movies. It's such an upbeat and hopeful song; it was nice to be able to use it in a more proper context here.

Gerwinda didn't want to waste her moment. If she was going to speak, she may as well do so when it could help the hobbits' friend. She's a wise young girl.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/10/2009
I love that Pip was able to sing for Denethor and that Merry got to hear it. I also enjoyed the out come of the farm search. It's lovely that she found the letters. Great chapter.

Author Reply: I've had these two scenes in my mind for a long time. It was very satisfying to finally be able to write them and share them. And of course, Pippin would choose a day when Merry would be there. He needed to know his friend was nearby, but he also needed to do this on his own, without anyone hovering. Merry will find this day's post more easy to bear for it also. That box of poems will keep the lasses busy reading for the next few nights. :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/9/2009
How horrible to lose so much, and yet a joy to find that one box that contained such memories of the love she'd known. And I love Gerda here.

And wonderful to see the song sung in movie-verse sung more properly and hopefully here, to help lay Denethor's ghost.

Brave of all of them!

Author Reply: If only one thing could have been retrieved from the wreckage, Ioveta would have hoped for the box of songs - had she dared to hope. This is a treasure worth more than all the gold in the Citadel to her. Gerdy is a dear and wise child. She doesn't understand the politics, but she knows Sador is a friend and she knew that speaking at that moment would help her mother to see it also.

That song was used to great effect in the movie, and sung beautifully by Billy, but it always seemed out of place. It is not a sad or solemn song, and it felt great to be able to use it more hopefully and happily here, as it is used in the books.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/9/2009
Oh. Oh this chapter was just right! I loved Pippin's quiet and solemn determination-- and of course he *would* choose that song! And little Gerwinda's words came at just the right time to make a difference!

Wonderful job!

Author Reply: That song, while sung beautifully by Billy and used to great effect by PJ, always seemed out of place in the movie. It's far too solemn, not how Tolkien originally wrote it. It felt nice to put it in a more fitting context here.

Gerwinda speaking at this moment - she too wanted to make sure it mattered, and she succeeded. Sador and Ioveta may only ever be civil acquaintances, but at least Ioveta can now see that the Haradrim are prehaps not the evil creatures she once thought they were.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/9/2009
A walking song seemed just the thing to send Denethor on his way to wherever he was going.

Pippin finished with a high, clear voice and instantly started again so that Denethor could hear it properly.

What a lovely way to give Denethor what he had wished from Pippin, and to soothe Pippin's spirit. And the box of songs that was unearthed is a nice balance here.

Author Reply: Pippin made a pact, and he always follows through on his pacts. In fact, it was a pact between him and Merry (in my universe) that allowed him to go on the quest in the first place.

The box of songs was a great find, and it was fun trying to come up with a terrible poem! :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/1/2009
Great chapter!
Frodo and Pippin both help someone else to overcome their fears. But they do it differently.

Frodo treats Petras as if he wasn't injured at all and thus shows him that he is still capable of doing his work.

Pippin, on the other hand, puts himself on the same level as little Gerwinda by telling her that he, too, has to overcome his fear.

But what I loved most was that Gerdy gave Pippin back two of the four beads. She knows that he will need them as much as she does!

Author Reply: Frodo knows that focusing on Petras's injuries will only reinforce the man's belief that he is now useless. If he can instead find something productive that he can do despite his injuries, then he has a chance for reintegrating into life.

Gerdy, on the other hand, needed to know that someone else was facing the same fears as herself, and Pippin knew that they both needed an obligation to the other in order to face those fears. Gerdy shows her intuition here also; she realizes that Pippin is putting on a brave face for her, perhaps because she has seen her mother do the same thing for all these years.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 31 on 10/29/2009
I love that Frodo and Pippin are both helping other wounded souls, themselves wounded. *hugs them*

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: By helping others, we can help ourselves. Pippin no doubt has been planning this. By making the pact, they will both have to face their fears, no more excuses. Frodo saw something of himself in the young soldier. If there is hope for Petras, then perhaps there is also hope for Frodo.

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