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Interrupted Journeys: Part 5 Journeys in Mirkwood  by elliska 69 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/21/2009
You are an evil woman!
And to think that all along this story -and the past one- I was so sure you were going to kill Galithil!

But, honestly, you cannot leave us here for two weeks!

As a side note, I had to laugh at the spies' plight! :-) Doubly evil you are!

Author Reply: Hehehe! I like being evil. ;-) I can't deny though, I have no stomach for killing child characters. At one point, in a very early draft, Eirienil died (she had Maidhien's place in this story and was killed by the spiders). Obviously, a great deal changed and that was drastically re-written, but I knew when I drafted it that I wouldn't leave it that way. I hated it. Just can't kill off child characters. I'll wait until they are big enough to defend themselves fully, and then they're fair prey.

I feel for Tulus here. He's in a really tough place. :-)

I am trying really hard not to leave this go two weeks again (I'm a good girl and I'm editing right now, in fact). But this next chapter is also the hardest one so...I'm really trying. ;-)

Thanks so much for the review!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/21/2009

- Barbara, wide-eyed and speechless

Author Reply: LOL! Mission accomplished then. :-) Thanks so much for the review!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/20/2009
EEP! You can't leave it there!

I have a horrible feeling that someone is going to get killed :(

Author Reply: Hehe! This was just a really mean cliffhanger, wasn't it. Couldn't help myself. ;-)

Yeah, some really hard lessons are going to be learned here, you're right.

Thanks so much for the review. I really appreciate them!

DotReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/20/2009
Oh my God. OH MY GOD!!

Author Reply: ROTFL! I think I have accomplished my mission if this is what I did to you. ;-) Thanks so much, Dot! This was hilarious!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/20/2009
There is not doubt that Galithil wil be an amazing warrior, if he survives to adulthood, that is. he is so focus in battle strategies that he is not aware of danger, although at the end he was seeing that because of them, some orcs are escaping North. Now, I know that you intend to show him a lesson, but killing his father in front of him it is a very harsh lesson, and I like Aradunnon, I don't want him to be dead, you don't need to punish me, I have never run to a battle and I have loyally read all your stories, please do not kill him...I liked that Tulus works for them now, he is a good elf, did make a mistake, but has pay for that and deserves a chance. Waiting for more...

Than you, Fantasia

Author Reply: :-) I love your comments about Galithil here. So true that Galithil's cool head for battle strategies will benefit him and others in the future. And so true that he sees the weakness his presence has caused. That will haunt him. He is definitely going to learn a really harsh lesson. Sorry you will have to suffer along with him. ;-)

I'm glad you enjoyed Tulus--I agree exactly with you. He made his mistake and he paid for it. He is really going to have a chance to prove his worth now.

Thanks so much for the review! I appreciate it so much!

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/20/2009
AACK! Absolutely not! No! No killing Aradunnon! *plugs my ears and closes my eyes* LALALALALALALA

Author Reply: LOL! Keep singing to yourself. Aradunnon is in a lot of trouble.

Thank so much for the review--you cracked me up! :-)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/20/2009
I loved the moment when Thranduil wonders if he's capable of ordering orcs to be driven toward where his wife is. That village must be inhabited by determined elves. Actually, it was interesting that Thranduil doesn't know the details of the way orcs have been battled here. He must trust Aradunnon to deal with that completely.

Tulus! He's certainly surprising the children with his commanding presence.

When Galithil notices that Anastor and Noruil are booking it toward the flet, he might learn something. For once, they're doing the right thing. Remember that bloody orc sword, Galithil?

Aaaand a cliffhanger ending. What fun.

Author Reply: Poor Thranduil--he's in for a rough next couple of chapters. I think given that Thranduil has had Aradunnon for so long, it has likely been a long time since he directly involved himself in the command of warriors. But once he has time to think about this particular tactic, he's not going to approve of it much (or at least hopefully that conversation will make the final cut because I like it). ;-)

Galithil is young and invincible. Remember that feeling? But yes, you are so right. If even Anastor thinks it's dangerous/stupid/scary, it is.

That cliff hanger was just nothing but gratuitous meanness, wasn't it? ;-) I couldn't help myself.

Thanks so much for the reviews. I appreciate them so much!

perellethReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 4/18/2009
Very useful! I had forgotten that Engwe was Oropher's brother!
And I had the notion that Maidhien was younger than her brother, but there it says she is Anastor's twin?

As I said, a very useful reminder of who's who!

Author Reply: Yes, these character lists can be very helpful when you've got so many to keep track of. I even lose track of some of my smaller characters and have to look up their names sometimes. Too darn many warriors! ;-)

perellethReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/18/2009
I'm sorry I am late.

This was very exciting! First Dolwon and Dannennion are finding themselves confronted with their kin's stubborness, which they practice only too well. And being forced to draw example from the king and Aradunnon to convince the stubborn settlers? That must have killed them!

The poor spies are amusing, torn between remainig or going to help the king and his brother.. and then finding themselves with LEgolas where he was least expected and in more danger!! At least they now could made up their minds.

BUt I reallyliked the effectthat the NAzgul had on the elves. It was very believable, frightening, paralyzing, numbing. Dreadful!

BUt now you have me most worried abouth galithil and MAidhen!!!!

Author Reply: No worries. With school and work, I was much later posting my update than I had intended. :-)

I'm glad this chap came off as exciting and I hope the rest do as well. The action picks up from here on out quite a bit (I hope). :-) And yes, I rather like to think that D&D were choking a bit on their own words having to deal with Selwon. Turn about is fair play and all that. ;-)

As daw mentioned, the Nazgul are a great enemy. Paralyzing, for those who never have seen them certainly, seems to describe it really well. What a horrible thing to face in an otherwise well planned battle.

You should definitely be worried, I'm afraid.

Thanks so much for the review. I really appreciate them!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/6/2009
Marti, she has been hiding for a lot time, this is not the best moment for her to show up.
Legolas at least is close to the spies, but where are the other children? so,let me see, Orcs, Nazgul, Marti, spies, traitors, missing children, is a recipe for disaster, I'm "waiting on the edge" for the next chapter.

What is wrong with Dannenion and Dolwon? Were they really trying to help Thanduil? I guess that they really can see the danger and at the end they do care for thier people or it is another trap...

Thanks, Fantasia

Author Reply: Hehe! Yeah, this is bad timing all around, isn't it. Definitely a recipe for disaster and we shall have one.

Now that's an interesting question about D&D--and that's the reason why I left that conversation in the chapter. You have to wonder what D&D are really about. Just themselves? The southern forest? Is it just Thranduil they hate? How they'll finally turn out is something you'll have to wait to see. But that is a good question. :-)

Thanks so much for the review! I appreciate them so much!

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