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A Pony's Tale  by Kara's Aunty 43 Review(s)
ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/1/2009
Ha!Ha!Ha! It's been a long time since I have laughed this hard! Thank you, I am keeping this in my favorites for whenever I need a good laugh, very well done! Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Hello Elflingimp,

I'm thrilled to bits that you had such a good laugh - and flattered without end that you're favouriting 'A Pony's Tale' for a giggle in the future. Hopefully, it'll continue to put a smile on your face when you need it to ;)

Yhanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/1/2009
Oh merciful heavens! Legolas and Gimli both were being rather brats, weren't they? It's a wonder Elrond did not pull them out of the Fellowship!

Good old Bill! I look forward to seeing more of his POV.

Author Reply: Helo Dreamflower,

Gosh, I hope Tolkien didn't actually perceive the rocky start of their relationship quite as torridly as my own pen does - they'd never have made it as far as Hollin ;)

But you have the right of it: they are a couple of brats, indeed. However, the sharp words of Glóin should go a long way to force them to mind their p's and q's when they're in the same room (and Gandalf will sort out any tomfoolery on the quest, I hope).

Bill's pov will be up in the next chapter, so I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for R & R-ing, m'dear,

M ;)

AinarielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/31/2009
Oh my! This really makes you think about how interesting the early days of the fellowship might have been... Loved Pippin's suggestion - and the aftermath - but REALLY enjoyed Gloin giving Legolas and Gimli a good tongue lashing in the Hall of Fire! (Your Gloin reminded me a little of my own father there!)

This story has been so enjoyable, I almost hate to think it will soon be finished.

Author Reply: Hello Ainariel,

It's great that you enjoyed this chapter so much! Pippin is a bit innocent at this stage of the quest, and that fact is a lot of fun to play around with...imagine, a bald elf! Only Pip!

Glóin's litle display in the Hall of Fire is proving quite popular, to my surprise, I'm thrilled that you and other readers (here on SoA and elsewhere) have taken to it so much! It was a lot of fun to have him publicly berate the two upstarts; I imagine they will be more cautious around each other in the future, thanks to him. (I would mess with Glóin...or your father. Dads, you've got to love them!).

I'm so happy that you have stayed with this story throughout its duration; I am a little sad that it's coming to an end too. But I will do a Gimli/Legolas humour fic again, placing them in the Shire with none other than my hobbit OC Farlibar Barliburn (Valar help them!).

Thanks for R & R-ing, your reviews are a tonic to this author's heart,

M ;)

Author Reply: P.S. Oops! I meant to say I wouldn't mess with Glóin (or your dad).

M :o)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/31/2009
That these two end up best friends to the degree that they are loath to part and go both the Undying Lands is even more incredible and wonderful with all the feuding they are doing here! Love Gloin's making them apologize. Love most Pippin's 'cure' for baldness and the explosion of mirth it caused in Merry and Bilbo. That was the best part. Had some other smirks in here too. The last couple sentences are cute. Thanks, cuz.

Namarie, God bless, Your Tookish bloom :)

Author Reply: Hello bloom,

I find I can have a right good laugh with Legolas and Gimli and put them through all sorts of confrontations with each other at this stage - because I know that, in the end, the will be two of the greatest friends to have ever dwelled in Middle Earth!

And I suspected yu might have a bit of a laugh at Pippin's cheeky diatribes - you've got to love a Took! I know that there is a certain amount of fact behind his 'hairy' words because a lot of butchers etc experience the phenomena of hairy shoulders for that reason, so it seemed appropriate to have Pip make the suggestion (although he did rather digress from the point when he suggested Gimli rub it on his head!

Thenls for R & R-ing, m'dear,

M ;)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/29/2009
Bill the Exploding Pony, heh? :) I don't think you and your muse had any trouble talking this time, cousin dear, because you can just hear all the fun you had writing this. Poor Bill. And poor Asfaloth!

Namarie, God bless, the Imp who is now going to happily run off to read your latest dangerous chapter... :)

Author Reply: Hello Cous,

Fortunately, his explosions were limited to the digestive sort - unluckily for Legolas.

But it was indeed a hoot and a half writing it!

Thanks for R & R-ing, m'dear,

Me ;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/27/2009
Oh, I know how that goes! Took me eight months to get one chapter of Stirring Rings done!

Poor Bill--and worse, poor Legolas. Oh, but I'm certain that Bill just went up several points in Gimli's regard over this one! Heh!

And he thinks to capture the attention of one of the twins' mares, eh? Dream on, little pony! Heh!

Author Reply: Hello Larner,

You may be right about the change of fortunes in Bill and Gimli's relationship...

I couldn't resist giving him a (sort of) love interest. He's had a hard life after all and deserves a break. As for the elven mare...well, it's nice ti have aspirations (snigger).

Thanks for the boost re: my mojo. It was quite an uncomfortable experience for a while there, let me tell you! An eight-month stretch without one, though (shudder. You poor thing. Still, it obviously came back BIG TIME because 'Stirring Rings' is one of the most fascinating and hugely enjoyable fics I've ever read...

Thanks also for R & R-ing,

M ;)

UtfrogReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2009
I am typing this with tears of laughter still wet on my face. This is just lovely and so different. Thank you.

Author Reply: Hello Utfrog,

how excellent to get such a reaction from you! I'm chuffed to bits (pleased as punch, etc) that you like it so much! This was just a silly wee story that came to me to counter all the angst of one of others that's still in progress - keeps a nice balance betwee the two emotions.

I'm actually writing chapter 4 just now (Gimli's pov) and I nearly spat my own tea out thinking of all the things he might do or say in reaction to his pony-encounter...oh the opportunities!

Thank you so much for your lovely words and the great review - you've made my day!

M ;)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2009
That was it! Bill had to find the wizard and convince him to use his magic on the lovely mare (and his long stick on Asfaloth - just for good measure)!

ROTFL!!! Now that pony has an amazing imagination!

Fortunately, Bill will never ever again try to eat the Gimmy's hair. And the Gimmy got his revenge on "Legless". But poor Legolas! It must have been horrible ;-)

Last but not least, the title you chose was great!

Your author's notes confused me a little bit ;-) I've seen a "ceremony" which involved haggis. A man (wearing a kilt of course) spoke lots of words in a lovely accent. I tried hard to understand him, but in the end I failed. During his speech he used a knife to "attack" the haggis, which was part of the ceremony I'd say. Then he left and everyone cheered, but I don't know exactly what was going on ;-) Can you tell me?

Author Reply: Hello Andres,

Bill is a rather clever litle pony, disguised as shy and humble! Poor Legless was horrible - I'm about to start writing chapter 4, so you'll have the chance to see for yoursel just how horrible!

And I couldn't resis the title - the lyrics from that song just popped into my head after I'd covered poor Legolas in pony poo, so I had to use them.

If you want more info on the ceremony you saw (you're lucky, I'm Scottish, but I haven't witnessed one yet - of course, if I acually made the effort, I could, so it's my own fault really!), I've written down some links. The whole event is a celebration of the poet's works and the Scottish identity. The poem you heard 'Address to a Haggis' is read out before the haggis is served and the stabbing may have been the honorary 'first cut' of the dish (although I'm no expert).

For more info on the format of a Burns' Supper:

For general info and history on haggis and a full view of the poem 'Address to a Haggis':

Have fun & thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

P.S. My own haggis was delicious!

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2009
Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! LMAO!ROTFL! You sure have a way with words Kara's Aunty! Was that Legolas that got blasted!!!!! LOL! Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Hello Elflingimp,

I'm laughing at the thought of you ROTFL & LYAO! How brilliant to get such a reaction!! You have made my day, m'dear.

Yep, it was Legolas (he wouldn't really squabble with any other elf like that, they'd probably kill him!). It seemed only fair considering the abuse (ribbing) he's giving Gimli for being bested by a pony - which you'll find out about in chapter 4 (Gimli's pov)...

Thanks for R & R-ing - and I'm SO glad you enjoyed it!

M ;)

TithenaruReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/26/2009
I'm so glad your mojo is back; I laughed 'till I cried! Can't wait to hear more from Bill on Gimmy, Leglass, the prissy elf horse, and flowery scented men.

Author Reply: Hello Tithenaru,

Great name you've got there!

And it's great to hear you're enjoying the fic so much! I was intending to finish it with the next chapter (Gimli's pov), but I might stretch it to one more, just for you...

(I'm glad my mojo is back too - I had to make some serious bribes and it scoffed the last of the haggis before it re-entered my conciousness, greedy sod that it is!)

Thanks for R & R-ing,

M ;)

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