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Between Green Door and Gold Ring  by Larner 129 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/18/2012
Not only is Lobelia greedy, but she is also a thief. No wonder Bilbo ignored her. I'm sure he knew what she had done.

Author Reply: Greedy, a thief, and terribly vain and shallow in her way. Yes, Bilbo would not have considered such a one as a serious match, I fear.

YbILWWIsJFVNANReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/28/2011
Wonderful explanation of facts avalilabe here.

Author Reply: So glad you find it so! Thanks!

TariReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/15/2011
So, Lobelia is up to her nasty tricks again. Good for Frodo; she deserves what she got and more.

Author Reply: Yes, she was. So sorry for the late response, but I've obviously been tardy in adding to this series! Heh!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/18/2011
So *this* is the story of Lobelia and Frodo's red handprints foiling her from "liberating" yet one more thing from Bag End. I *love* it!!

The crowning bit of it though was Frodo's "Petty". Yes, I know he was trying to say "Pretty", but adore the double meaning of it. Particularly as Lobelia is one of the most petty characters in the Professor's World.

This was wonderful and I loved every bit of it. Now off to add it to my Favourites listings. :oD Thanks for brightening up what has turned into a very cold and grey Spring day here.

Author Reply: I'm tickled and honored, Tigger. And love that you see the double meaning to Frodo's few comments! It was fun to write!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/12/2011
What a terrible day for Frodo and for them all, but love the letter he wrote that has now reached its final resting place.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: My niece had made a Valentines card for her grandmother and was preparing to send it to her when we learned Mom was dying. So, it was buried with her. How likely something similar might have happened in Frodo's life, his parents dying so young and unexpectedly?

Thanks so, Antane.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/11/2011
And he seemed to hear Primula whispering in his ear, “Thank you so, Bilbo. I know you’ll always be there for the lad, as long as he needs you. Bless you.”

I completely agree! And I found it very touching that Bilbo let Frodo's essay fall into the grave. A last gift indeed.

Author Reply: It was a thing that belonged with Frodo's parents--a small tribute as tributes go, but one that would have meant the most to Drogo and Primula, I'm certain. And knowing that Bilbo would do his best to always be there for Frodo would have to also have given their spirits peace.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/10/2011
Gosh Larner. This one made me sniffle - which i can't be doing as i am supposed to be getting ready to go to a meeting. One to treasure.

Author Reply: Am so glad to learn this moved its readers. Thank you so, Harrowcat!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/9/2011
*sniff* What a dear story. I like to imagine that Frodo found great love in Bag End, as well as security and someplace to belong.

Author Reply: I am certain that Frodo truly began coming into his own on his move to Hobbiton and into Bilbo's care. He deserved that privacy and caring so deeply, I've always felt.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/13/2011
Well named indeed! That was cute and sneaky and surprisingly moving in a way too. Love wee!Frodo. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I bet that even as a wee one Frodo Baggins was already finding ways to best others nonviolently and yet effectively! Heh!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 1/11/2011
There were situations when I actually pitied Lobelia, but not this time!
What an intriguer she is! And the offending language she uses!

Primula on the other hand pays her back nicely. The way she does it shows her intelligence.

I can understand very well that she did not want to stay in the neighbourhood of Lobelia. But still, it is not fair that *she* and her family had to leave.

Author Reply: Oh, I agree--not fair at all, but understandable that she would want to be well away from Lobelia's malice!

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