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The Best Laid Plans.....  by DADGAD 32 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/10/2008
Oh, I LOVE the irony of that statement! Superb!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/10/2008
They did TRY, at least. And in the end they came very close to accomplishing them--except for one plan the Dark Lord had no idea would ever be constructed against him and his policies....

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/9/2008
Just a little breeze, certainly. And a few little things happening here or there, "chance, if chance you call it" there in Middle-earth.

This is a wonderful set of ficlets--each one a bit of a gem in its own right, but adding them up, one after another, and you came up with a cracking good exploration of the theme of "oft evil will evil mars".

I can think of lots more little gaps you could fill that way. Saruman sending so many off to Helm's Deep, because, of course, Orthanc is impregnable; the Southrons not worrying about an ambush in Ithilien, because, of course, they have mumakil, and who could stand against them; the Nazgul in Minas Morgul deciding that there couldn't possibly be anything trying to get *into* Mordor; Shelob gloating over her little snack, before Sam shows up; Those orcs rounding up those little "deserters"...

But I do love the ones you picked!

Author Reply: Oh no!
just when I thought I'd finished....I wanted to get across the idea of Sauron's far reaching war plans, and how they went astray, which is why I didn't have a Shelob vignette. But I'll have to think about the others.

And you're right, I was thinking of that 'chance, if you call it that' phrase when I wrote this. Manwe's plans are a bit more subtle but rather more robust than Sauron's, because he has better people to carry them out.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/9/2008
Nothing, eh? Once again it's chicken-counting time...

This one's kind of sad, in a way, yet not--a Dwarf would much rather go in battle, I think!

Author Reply: Ah, but he lives on in legend...

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/9/2008
Oh, this is my very favorite so far! It sounds just like the "goblin-song" in The Hobbit! Beautifully done, absolutely perfect!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/9/2008
ALMOST I can feel sorry for the spiders--they really can't help their nature, can they? But they are doomed.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/9/2008
"just trees"? Ah, yes, certainly, certainly...

Author Reply: Yes, I do think this was a missed opportunity in the movies. Show: Theoden riding through Rohan to get to Minas Tirith. Cut to Orcs charging across the Wold to intercept them. Dramatic music as it looks like the orcs will 'cut them off at the pass'. Release of tension as lead orc gets tapped on the shoulder by irate Treebeard... Perhaps it will be there in the extended-extended edition.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/9/2008
Ah! Now THIS one is definitely aptly named!

A friend of mine once wrote this couplet:

No living man may hinder me!
What's that throbbing in my knee?

Go, Merry and Eowyn!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/9/2008
And of course, this one could also be called "counting chickens". It's exactly the kind of gloating that just cries out for Murphy's attention. But I don't think bad guys ever believe that Murphy applies to them...

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/9/2008
I'm beginning to think that another name for this series could be: "Famous Last Words"?

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