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Happily Ever After  by Nilmandra 81 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/10/2008
It had to be; and Elladan is so drawn to stay and finish his life as did his sister--and his younger brother.

Author Reply: Or as Gandalf said, begin the next adventure :D

6336Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2008
You mean to tell me they are still practicing!? Well they say practice makes perfect, their new daughter will be perfection!
More please,

Author Reply: LOL, practicing is a good thing. And new life will bring them such joy....

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2008
OK wow. You sure didn't pull any punches with the opening scene. I can't imagine any bigger shock than waking in Paradise with your beautiful wife at your side with the knowledge that your daughter is dead. All the difficult farewells and painful partings and sea crossings and hundred-year-waits couldn't prepare a parent for that.

So thank goodness for comic relief!Glorfindel. I was laughing my tail off at him, half-worried he'd take the wheel and they'd end up on Gilligan's Island or something. Wonderful. Now, Elrohir was another matter and you had me really worried about him for a while, but I was glad to find that what he was worried about was something anybody who knows Celebrian (and we do, we do!) would know was silly. Understandable, I would have felt the same way. You didn't want the reunion to be like this, you're reminded of why there's a necessity to have one in the first place, but you know, we all need to just hug now. OK? Everybody hug. Yay.

Author Reply: Glorfindel decided he needed to live up to Tolkien's description of him. Though, I don't know if he'll annoy Osse and Ulmo again any time soon.

They all hugged. Not sure it fixed everything though.

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2008
Oh my gosh, Nilmandra. You are back and with a vengeance! I bawled and bawled. How bitter-sweet. I was really worried that Elladan wasn't going to sail, and then that he wasn't going to be able to get in! I don't even know where else to comment, everything was so vivid. Glorfindel finding Turgon was particularly poignant, though I was glad to see him back bickering with Erestor. ... and a baby?!?!?! Oh my.

I can't wait! :)

Author Reply: See, I woke up one day and found a few stories still in me. They're sort of pouring out fast and furious too. LOL. I could just hear Glorfindel and Erestor discussing things!

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2008
Ah! This story is so emotional! I found myself crying and laughing numerus times, I think my family thinks I'm nuts, but seriously this story is a treasure and I am enjoying unwrapping each chapter! P.S. I love Glorfindle in this one. Hugs Deb

Author Reply: Glorfindel informed me he is very lovable, LOL. Thanks, I am glad you like it.

NalediReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2008
That was such a bittersweet chapter. First of all there was Elrond and Celebrian's sorrow with the passing of Arwen. I'm glad they didn't have too long to wait before Elladan and Elrohir arrived after that. All the reunions brought a lump to my throat. I especially liked Celeborn's reunion with Celebrian. I'd been so focussed on the twins' reunion with their mother that I'd completely forgotten that Celeborn must have been missing his daughter terribly. I'm glad you put that in.

There are still some unanswered questions - I still want to know what happened between Elladan and Elrohir before they boarded the ship. And what did Elladan do to enable them to get through to Tol Eressea? I'm sure you'll reveal the answers in your own good time.

And finally a new daughter for Elrond and Celebrian - how wonderful! A much better idea than waiting for the twins to give them grandchildren :)

Author Reply: The scene with E&C making babies was written near the start of HLIII, lOL. I needed to see them happy again before I could even write the story. But it didn't fit in that story. It wasn't until Elladan looked at his baby sister that I knew she was indeed meant to be there and not simply fanciful thinking on my part. :D

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2008
The twins continue to be intriguing, tuned in to one another and shutting everyone else out. I'm so glad for their parents, though. The loss of Arwen must have been painful. And those words are inadequate. As a parent, I can't imagine anything worse. But they can still feel joy in the arrival of their sons and the creation of new life.

Still, it's Glorfindel who was most surprising to me in this chapter. He was "full of joy" on the boat. That made me laugh. And I hadn't thought about his difficult choice of houses.

This was a fun read, even the third time. :-)

Author Reply: LOL, you are a very good sport to have tackled what was an old draft! I am still embarrassed I sent that to you and not the real chapter. :D

Glofindel's joy just sort of leaked out. He can't help it.

The twins continue to intrigue me too.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/10/2008
'He could see the thousands of eyes glistening with tears as they watched the only Queen they had known ride away with dignity and grace, and a grief so profound it pained all those who had dared to look upon her.'
'But his eyes had beseeched his great-grandfather and uncles, and he had relinquished her to their final care.' Oh! I love this... poor Eldarion!
'let none delay her with comfort' ... 'the gates to Caras Galadhon were open and in disrepair' ... 'The sea longing rages within him' ... 'I wish the Three had never been made!' ... 'He reminds me of Elros before he made his… choice.”
Elrohir means to intervene,” said Celeborn dully.'

And this paragraph was the final straw that broke my ill-made wall and brought me to tears...
'Celeborn felt rather than heard the small cry from Elladan as he went to his brother. “She will be cold,” Elrohir choked out as Elladan wrapped his arms around him. His heart nearly broke as Elrohir shook; grief, sorrow, frustration and despair radiating from him in waves so intense that Celeborn felt his mind flooded. “She will not have enough to eat soon.” '

Glorfindel kissed her brow. “Estel is waiting.”

I could not post a review besides just pasting the words that moved me to tears... An incredible tale so far. Just breaks my heart and I am not an 'Elf-lover' so to speak.

Well - title is definitely NOT what I would have guessed of the tale that it belongs to. I am hoping that it foreshadows the last chapter of this magnificent tale.

I see Radbooks has already nominated this for the MEFA's - I've put it on my wish list to review!

Author Reply: Thanks, Agape. I am pleased the story moved you. For the peredhil, it seems there are no perfectly happy endings. But then, one of the things I moved loved about Tolkien was that everyone didn't live happily ever after as the fairy tales so often end. They may find happiness, but it takes time and may not look like they once thought happiness would. But then, that is probably true for all of our lives.

Thanks for reading.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/10/2008
Wow! Good to have you back!
This story is so full of sentiment! It is painful to try and stand in the elves' shoes while they try to understand and support one of them going through such ordeal and not kowing what it really was for her to fight her own nature...! Glorfindel was right to send them away, or the wait would have killed the three of them, but it also cost him his strenght...

Arwen's pain and suffering made me thing of FIrod's words to Adreth, something like elves kew that such uions between mortal and inmortal could oly brig great pain, ad so they shied of them out of wisdom, or something like that... And ELrond did kow, did't he? SO it as anoter part of the sacrifice, so that the three lines were united, and it seems to me that Luthien's fate and idril, must have been somehow easier than Arwenn's.
I had to look twice to make sure that both had taken ship, you know... :-)

Author Reply: I can't imagine what it would be for someone over 3000 years old to have to make that choice and go. She did need time and space to do it, but oh, the pain of those who had to watch! Finrod's words to Andreth were wise - there is only pain in such unions. Elves and Men are both children of Iluvatar, but they are not made for each other.

Thanks for reading :>)

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/10/2008
Elrond's family is so bound up in the fate of ME, and have paid such a high price along the way, that Arwen's lot seemed to me to be the final payment (or so I hoped) to Middle Earth - of course that is a mortal view, as the elves would continue to feel that separation. I had always imagined (because I'm happier that way) that the Twins would be together (and sail), as a sort of sign of gratitude to Elrond from beyond, a gift for losing Elros and as a completion of the circle, so although I'm delighted Elladan and Elrohir are both on the ship, I'm worried/intrigued at what may follow.

Arwen's last journey was heart-breaking, and Elrond and Celebrian must have felt her passing and grieved anew, so I wonder what they are feeling/thinking of the twins at this point. The delay she made always seemed "right" to me, she had lost (hopefully not forever) Aragorn, represented a Middle Earth without an obvious continued eleven presence, and mourning the loss of her family (for the last, although probably not the first, time) and going to an unknown destination.
I'll stop now (it is nearly 0130).
Thank you, looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: I am glad you were drawn into the story - there really is a lot of depth around this whole concept of the peredhil and their choices. I am intrigued too, and looking forward to where this particular path may take us. Thanks for reading!

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