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Fiondil's Tapestry  by Fiondil 21 Review(s)
LirulinReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
I just had to leave a review to tell you how much I loved this! I was laughing so hard and it was good to have the warning not to drink anything while reading it :) Just the thought of those seven in group therapy with Herr Freud is completely hilarious! And it's of course natural that one of them is diagnosed with an Oedipus complex, although he's still in denial about it...

I wanted to point out one small thing, as one whose mother tongue is German. You would translate "elves" as "Elben". "Elfen" are those small things with the thin wings and "Elben" is used in Tolkien's writing. But that's probably just me being overly pedantic again.

So, thanks for this extremely fun read, it was truly great.

Author Reply: Hi Lirulin. Thanks for letting me know how much you enjoyed this tale. And thanks for the language correction. I am not conversant in German and was depending on an online dictionary to help me. I will change "Elfen" to "Elben" immediately.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
I may have had Frodo encountering Tiny Tim and the Little Match Girl, but this is wonderful--the brothers Feanor and Freud! And now the Herr Doktor would analyze Namo himself? Hehehehehehehehehehehehe! Excellent situation to examine!

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Freud analyzing the denizens of Mandos (including its warden!) was just too good an image not to explore even in this short little piece. LOL

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
Ai, meldonya!

*shakes head at self* How did I miss the fact that you said it was your birthday!! I must have been way too wrapped up in my own problems (and the Feanorionnath' to notice your little note, until I read the other reviews today. *hangs head in shame*

*hugs Fiondil* Happy belated Begetting Day to you from the *cough* Void

*shares strawberry waffle made in the waffle maker from the continental breakfast place in the lobby (the lobby also has this computer)*

*ponders, and sends her second waffle to Finda and Glorfi, but only half. The other half is for Namo and Vorondil* (I think they both deserve it for their trouble!)

ANYWAY, lol, since this isn't an EI2 review but a Tapestry one...I ask you again, meldonya, how would the good doctor deal with my atto? Or would he deal with my Namo fascination? *grin* since he's already got Namo around? Oh, and 'Ros (Maedhros) has pretty hair. I like red. ^_^


*hugs for happy birthday*

PS: Bad earthquake, scaring all of us! Bet you anything it's Sauron's fault. *glares at him*

Author Reply: Well, it's still my birthday even here in China so your greetings are not as belated as you think. *grin*

As for your questions concerning the good doctor... I'm afraid I cannot and will not answer them. Not my ball court anyway. I'm afraid you'll have to ask Dr. Freud yourself. *grin*

And the earthquake did not affect the area where I live, so there's no need to worry on my account.

BTW, I like red hair, too. *grin*

Beruthiels CatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
Oh, dear! (pictures Lord Námo on the couch, talking about the Feanorians and his own family)*grin* Now all we need is for Jung to show about a free-for-all!
Happy Birthday!


Author Reply: I have mental images of Námo on the couch too and saying, "And then when I was two billion years old Melkor...." LOL Don't even get me started on Jung! He'd have a field day with Námo's emblem of the Sun-in-Eclipse. Thanks for the birthday greetings.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
First of all: Happy Birthday! And thank you for this great birthday mathom! (And I hope you're okay after this earthquake in China!)

I'd certainly never ever thought of *this* plot bunny! Freud having sessions with the Fëanorionnath! *ROFL* That is priceless! Though I can certainly understand why Námo has his doubts. At this rate, they will need decades, no, centuries, to get over their animosities, if they *ever* manage that. Nasty bunch, all of them. Somehow I wonder if our dear Dr. Freud hasn't taken more on his plate than he can manage.

Oh, and that he then tried to use his theories on Námo ... *ROOOTFL*

Btw, it was rather odd to see words in my own language in a LotR fanfic *grin* Do you understand German?

Author Reply: Thanks, Kitty. I'm fine. No earthquake where I live.

The scene of Freud sitting around with the Fëanorionnath all in a circle just sort of came to me and it was too good not to do something about it. *grin* And having him try to psychoanalyze Námo was just too funny not to include. I'm sure the good doctor is having more fun than any human shoud be allowed to have. LOL

I studied German at university for two semesters but I can't say I understand it. I know just enough to be able to go to online dictionaries and grammars so I could plug in the odd word or phrase into this story.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
*howls with laughter* That last line is just precious. Thankyou! That was a lovely end to a stressful day. One wonders exactly WHO is getting the most benefit out of these "sessions". XD Incidentally, I love all your other stories, and think I am crushing rather dramatically on your Finrod. *is sheepish* I'm just really bad at reviewing

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. Glad you liked this, especially the last line. *snicker* I'm glad it made your day. I'm delighted that you also like my other stories. Don't worry, I think just about all my readers are crushing on 'my' Finrod... and Glorfindel... and Beleg... and.... *grin* Thanks for reviewing.

ns_tulkasReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/13/2008
This little story is brilliant! The only thing that displeases me about it is that it's not going to be continued. God, now I'm really curious to see how Freud will help all the brothers. And he'll probably involve Feanor in the proceedings down the line when the brothers make a breakthrough, too. I'd love to be a fly on that wall!

When DID Namo decide he had no mother?

Author Reply: Thanks ns_tulkas. I'm glad you liked this. And there's nothing to stop you from writing your own story about what might happen and you never know, I might be inspired to write more if the muse sends me the right bunny. *grin*

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/12/2008
*scrubs tears from her eyes and collapses in silent laughter, glad this was in her inbox to brighten her evening* Ai, thank Atar you are here, meldonya. I needed this after what my atto just put me through. Honestly! With all due respect,!! I do not understand the ones in my RL, particularly my atto.

"Tell me where we are!"
"I don't know, Ada...I've never been here before, either!"
"*insert curse words here*!!! You have the map, tell me where we are!!!"
"But, Ada, it's dark and the words are tiny and I'm no good at reading maps!!!"
"Are you good for anything? TELL ME WHERE WE ARE!!!!!"

I was reduced to tears by the time I figured out that University Avenue, 9th Street, and our hotel's cross street (State Street) were all the same thing. I was SO tempted to yell back at him "We're in the Void!!!!" But it wouldn't have done any good.

Glad to see that the good doctor was in to help the Feanorionnath. I wonder what he'd have to say about MY atto. *wry look*



Author Reply: Sorry your atto was being so unreasonable. Some men are like that (some women, too). At least this little piece cheered you up. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/12/2008
Hm, Sigmund helping out Namo at Atar's insistance, might work, but why a group session, I would have thought individual sessions would have been better, but what do I know about head shrinkers! Just how do you explain to some one that your father 'thought' you into being?
Heard about the big quake they had in China, hope you and yours are O.K?
More please, Lynda

Author Reply: I think group therapy would work quite well here myself. Eru knows they really need to deal with some issues (the Oath, for instance) together. Anyway, I'm sure Sigmund is having a ball psychoanalyzing the Fëanorionnath and Námo. LOL

The earthquake occurred 1000 miles to the west of where I am living. We never felt it and I never knew about it until I stated getting emails asking if I were okay. Thanks for your concern and thanks for reviewing. I'm glad you enjoyed this tale.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/12/2008

ahem. Very humorours, mellon nín. And thank you for the warning. I was eating and thankfully put my sandwich down! Though my dogs are still staring at my hysterics as if I'm nuts. *grin*

Author Reply: Always heed my warnings, you know that, NiRi. *grin* Glad you liked this.

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