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Apostate's Ruse by Calenlass | 21 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/16/2007 |
Hadrel is a true brigand, isn't he? And two beatings he's now had? All right--the real Elrond--where are YOU? Author Reply: Real Elrond? What do you mean by the real Elrond? *whistles* All right--He's at Lorien. :) | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/16/2007 |
Is it Saruman in disguise? This certainly is NOT Elrond Earendilion! And I promise I won't send Namo your way, although I might make a visit in Dol Guldur.... Heh! Author Reply: No,not Saruman. But you are close... :) Dol Guldur? I think that's even worse than Mandos. *grin* -Calenlass | |
Fiondil | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/15/2007 |
Do you have a death wish? *grin* An Elrond who isn't Elrond... child abuse... I do hope Estel finds some help soon because you're treading on dangerous ground here, on more than one level. Looking forward to seeing how this works out... and it better work out, else I may have to ask my friend Námo to stop by your place for a little chat... but no pressure! *lol* Author Reply: *coughs and tires to look innocent* A death wish? No, no--I swear by the Valar I have no death wish. But Elrond may want to kill me... Námo? *blinks and tries not to think about angry Valar* Answers are given in chapter 6, which is all I've written so far and plan to upload today. After that, I still have to complete chapter 7. | |
Mopsy | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/15/2007 |
Yay! I first found this story over at Henneth Annun, but the stupid computer I was on wouldn't let me review and I was disappointed to see it disappear. So it was really great to find it here. I wonder what's going on with Elrond, "kind as summer" Elrond? Is he possessed? I'll keep reading for as long as you're writing. :) Author Reply: I took it off HASA because I messed up there-- the chapters were 1,3,2, not 1,2,3, I couldn't figure how to change it. So I took it off for now until I have time to put it back on. Possessed? A common guess, but I won't say if you're writing. Something cliché to say: In due time all will be revealed. :) -Calenlass | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/14/2007 |
I see that Hughes again ate my review before it got posted. This does NOT sound like our Elrond at all. Is he now seeking out the Ring for his own purposes? Okay, now to figure out what is really going on! Author Reply: Elrond is probably going to kill if he finds out about this story. *winces at thought* | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/14/2007 |
Something obviously has gotten to Elrond to change him this much. Okay, now to see what has caused this and what he's trying to accomplish. Or is it a shapeshifter of some sort? Author Reply: Mum's the word--I can't say anything at the moment, or else it will give the plot. But I will say you've got the idea. :) ~Calenlass | |
finafyr | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/14/2007 |
I do not think that it is ELrond that Estel is dealing with.. In view of the fact that the person in question seems to be looking for a palantir ... and possibly a ring.. Hummm I have my suspisions.. I am thinking that it may be a shapeshifter of some sort.. and there are very few beings in Middle earth that can do that.. I wonder how long it will be before Estel realizes that it may not be his Ada????? yes very interesting.. (grin) Author Reply: *returns grin* I won't tell you if you're right--it'll give the entire plot away! -Calenlass | |
Fiondil | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/14/2007 |
Ooh, the thot plickens! _Corma_ is the Quenya word for "ring" and by the laws of linguistic consonant shifts as they apply to Eldarin languages, the Sindarin form would probably be *_corf_. Allowing for soft mutation of the word after the definite article, the title of the book would then be "I Gorf Min Pennas". Admittedly, *_corf_ is unattested, but most Tolkien linguistic scholars would probably allow it as neo-Sindarin. Author Reply: Thank you very much. When I get a chance I'll correct that... -Calenlass | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/13/2007 |
This would be unusual behavior for the Peredhel lord.... Intriguing. Author Reply: It certainly is. This fic is also posted at FF.Net, and over there I had a number of warnings that Elrond will appear OOC, but that all will work out in the end. -Calenlass | |
Fiondil | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/12/2007 |
Interesting beginning of the story, Calenlass. So what has the elf-lord acting so tetchy about? Hopefully, this is the real Elrond being mysterious and not his "evil" twin. *grin* Author Reply: *innocent look* An evil twin? As far as I know, Elros is his only twin. But I will that your guesses run close to what I have in mind... *grin* -Calenlass | |