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West of the Moon, East of the Sun  by Armariel 44 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2007
Ah, yes--well, well worth the crossing of the seas for this! So beautiful it sounds!

Author Reply: Nothing but the best for our Samwise--yes? We will see to it that he enjoys his stay in paradise...yesss preciousss!! Complete with fantastically carved fruits, lots of delicious food, beautiful dancing girls, spectacular natural displays, relaxing by the seaside, a bit of sightseeing, the adulation of the natives...the whole works! Maybe he'll want to stay a lonnnnggggg time, what?

Thanks Larner once more!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/8/2007
Oh, such a wonderful table. And as much a surprise for Anemone as for Sam and Frodo? That must have taken some doing!

I was a bit surprised you deviated so from canon for Pippin and Merry's endings, taking place in the Shire and not in Gondor after Sam's leaving. But I don't think Pippin would linger very long after Merry if at all possible. They were all they had left of their own generation's love at that point, with probably their wives gone already and Frodo and Sam having left. But it is right.

Author Reply: Oh yes...someone sent me some amazing photos that put ideas into my head;) They can be viewed here: .... And yes, of course they wanted to surprise everyone, not just the guest of honor, and really go all out to make him welcome!

Actually I didn't say where they died, just how...but I did think most likely Merry would have wanted to visit his children and grandchildren at least once in a while, and what with the rugged terrain overall, might well have met with an accident. I'd rather he went all at once than die of some lingering illness or old age. (I think I read a fanfic or two wherein Merry and Pippin both died before Sam sailed, it must have been sticking somewhere in the back of my head although I don't remember the title or author.) And yes, I figure Pippin would follow Merry pretty soon--little tagalong that he is!;) It would be the right way for him to go, surely.


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2007
Yes, most definitely worth making the crossing - being with his heart's treasure again and seeing him so happy. A great blessing for two great heroes. Lovely song, bet Sam blushed from the crown of his head to his toes, but what a lovely welcome to someone so loved because someone they so loved loved him so. Forgot to mention, that was a interesting dream/vision Frodo had of his other two brothers. Surprised Pippin lasted that long actually.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I'll bet he did blush! I dare say he wasn't expecting so much fuss to be made over him, what with dinner, fruit carvings, (they can be viewed here, btw: singing and dancing, and all the rest of it....No doubt Frodo had been bringing him to life for his family for decades, and now they feel almost as if they know him. But the greatest blessing of all was seeing Frodo happy as he deserves to be, certainly!

Yes, the irrepressible Pippin did lead a bit of a charmed life, didn't he? Although I dare say he may have developed bad eating habits that led to a heart condition that would carry him off before his time. Still, I thought it fitting that he should follow Merry into the next world!

thanks once more

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/8/2007
Welcome dear Samwise indeed! He's finding he's well loved already and not just by his Frodo. It's so lovely they sang that song to each other on their respective anniversaries. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Somehow I thought that song would go over well:D Yes, Frodo's family and friends are going all out to make Sam welcome and try to compensate him for all he's given up. Maybe he'll want to stay all the longer now *g* I'm finding the idea of letting them go pretty hard myself, as though I'm one of the family!

Thanks once more for commenting!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/4/2007
Man, I was getting afraid you would drag out that reunion to another chapter! Phew! That was wonderful! All the anticipation and all that and the snatch of poem in the last chapter and this one. Sam and Celebron's conversation was great, so great to hear and see Sam again! How indeed could they stand such pain and such seperation but then they don't reckon time like we do. And of course Lyrien and I have the same favorite scene, don't we? :) More, more!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Oh nooooooo couldn't do THAT! lol Then again it would have been a bit too abrupt just to jerk the ship from point A to point B; there had to be some stuff going on in between! Glad you liked the interchange between elf and hobbit, both parted from their treasures for so long, but yes, how the Elves ever managed to deal with such immense separations is beyond me also. Makes me glad to be mortal, myself.

And yes...I can see you and Lyrien share the same favorite scene;);) and she found her true love and heart's desire by way of it, which must have been a comfort to Frodo. More will be coming this week, I hope...last week having been kind of crazy, though not necessarily in a bad way. Maybe this week will be less so and I can get more done. Maybe!

Thanks so much for commenting!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2007
Aye, small priestesses seeing a reunion blessed, sanctifying the joy.

Ah, Frodo--Sam--one step closer to the greater Reunion that brings all back together at the throne of Love....

Author Reply: Oh yes...but hopefully, they can have a good time in between one reunion and the next, and prepare the ones who will be left behind for the great parting. And I've a feeling that time won't be long. But they will make the most of what they have.

Thanks for the comments!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/26/2007
Squiggles, have they? How dear.

Age takes its toll, but gracefully; and Frodo has probably held on this long only because he was waiting for Sam. He already had so much to thank the Creator for and undoubtedly looks forward to offering that thanks in person.

The greatest thing we can know is to be grateful for the life we've known, I think.

Author Reply: I think squiggles are going to come back into fashion for a while to come, when Sam arrives...which will be a nice compliment to him, surely!

Frodo looks forward, yes, but perhaps a bit backward, as well, and anxiously, knowing he's going to be leaving a lot of grief and sadness behind him with those who love him. No getting around that. But they will know someday that they were the better and greater for having known him. And yes, he will be profoundly grateful for the life he knew, which will no doubt have a great bearing on the life that is to come.

Thanks so much for commenting!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/26/2007
What do you think you are doing, my dear, just leaving it there?! What a cruel cliff hanger! But I am filled with excitement and anticipation. A treasure indeed is arriving and Frodo's love is right not to wonder why her love's brother is coming :) Update soonest, like yesterday!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Ah but you KNOW who's coming! I'll try to get the next bit in before Wednesday. So glad you are enjoying the story and thanks for telling me so! I am trying not to make it TOO teary but it may end up being so....oh well!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/22/2007
no no no, I must remain until he comes, at the least, what would he do if he arrived here and I am not? Give me that much more time, at least. Then we might let go together....

Another chapter - yea! Of course this is the only way they could have accepted the Gift - together. I read somewhere - maybe in one of the professor's letters - that Frodo would have the same gift as Aragorn had, the ability to choose the time of his death. He will still die and it will be a grief to all who remain, but hopefully they will learn also that he is still with them. What a shame that Sam's arrival would signal to Raven the beginning of the end. Her father would have died no matter what, it's not Sam's arrival that is causing it or accelerating it, though I kinda understand what she's thinking/fearing - that he's been holding on just for this one Event and won't need to anymore. That time should be a joyful, not sorrowful. Poor girl.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes, Frodo CAN choose, but when and if he will remains to be seen (the Muse having a habit of throwing me curve balls from time to time, and things in the story may not turn out according to plan). Yes, he HAS been holding on for this...time and again he has been tempted to give in to the pull, just as one may be tempted to fall asleep but wishes to stay awake in anticipation of the arrival of a long-awaited loved one's visit, and so fights off the sleepiness and the bliss of surrender. But after Sam's arrival he will no longer have to resist the call. And as much a joy it may be to him and to Sam, it will be a sorrowful time for those they leave behind--Gandalf having remarked once that after it happened, he feared the Island would be in eternal twilight once more. But since they mostly are immortal, he will live on in their memories, and time will ease the hurt if they allow it and help each other through it.

Yet surely it is a grief to him as well, to know they will suffer when his time comes, a sorrow he expressed in the poem quoted by Raven to herself....

Thanks for commenting! Now maybe I can catch up on some reading after a while........


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/22/2007
Oh, Hughes is my ISP--the ISP from Mordor as I call it. It fails frequently and drives me crazy.

Author Reply: I KNOW how that goes. Stupid dialup, we hates it!! I'm getting cable this weekend if it's the last thing I ever do!!!


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