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Sundry Scrolls  by Raksha The Demon 59 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/9/2007
Ah, a wonderful look at a most needed return to childhood for these two, who need rest to deal with their pain and impending loss. And I believe the orcs of Middle Earth indeed learned to fear their names.

Author Reply: I think the sorrow of Celebrian's children at her condition and then her loss must have been terrible; and the twins perhaps the most, since they had seen her after the Orcs had savaged her. Oh yes; the orcs will learn to fear Celebrian's sons. The sad thing is that I think Elrohir and Elladan are losing most of their joy in life along with their mother by devoting themselves to killing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/9/2007
Alas that she endured so much; and I rejoice that in the end he found he could bless the very water that divided them, knowing that it brought her to healing. I'm approaching that part in my own tale, and regret that I must deal with that grief.

Author Reply: I've always admired Elrond; he seems to be both idealistic and pragmatic, and is always kind, but not a pushover. As a healer and as someone whose parents had gone to the West, I saw him sending Celebrian away in love, with hope, and therein came his blessing the waters that would bring her to those who could fully heal her.

Thanx for reading and reviewing!

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/9/2007
Ties in well with the previous vignette.


Author Reply: I actually wrote them at different times; writing Undivided several months before The Blessing of the Waters. Glad you appeciated the tie-in.

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/9/2007
I never knew why Tolkien ended Celebrían's story in Middle-Earth this way. It always seemed so sad.

And I bless the waters: the Bruinen for the joy we found
there, and the Great Sea itself, that will take her far from danger into the
West and the healing that I could not give her.

May it be so.
Short, but it tells much. I enjoyed reading it.


Author Reply: It was very sad; but at least Elrond could hope for reunion with Celebrian.

Elrond has always been associated with water - the Sea that took his parents away for ever and sundered him from his brother, the waters of Rivendell. I think Elrond is broad-minded enough to see the healing side of waters, as well as their more tragic effects.

Thanx for reading and reviewing, Calenlass!

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/20/2007
Ah! I loved Chapter 3. So many times, you see Galadriel depicted as a frigid bitch, or Celeborn as weak next to her. But this was simple and clever, and gave their marriage an entirely different spin. Loved it.

Author Reply: I would never think of Galadriel as frigid!

Oh, I'm glad you liked the drabble; I've never tackled Elven sexuality before; and I certainly was a bit wary in choosing that famous couple!

Thanx for reviewing, Chibi-Kaz!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/18/2007
Hi Raksha!

Oh, I can *feel* the lightness in the air and in his heart! This is beautiful! Thank you!

- Barbara

Author Reply: You're welcome, Barbara - I see it as a day when joy was bubbling up in everyone's heart, if only for a little while; and Faramir would have felt it quite keenly, as someone who had fought the Shadow and been personally preyed upon by it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/18/2007
he looked for the first time upon a dawn free of Shadow

What a magnificent moment.

Sorry, that was me. Forgot to log on!

Author Reply: It had to be one of those great historic moments; and the sense of relief and joy must have been overwhelming.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/18/2007
I am not Maglor; Faramir remembered; feeling the warm weight of his own little Jewel safe in his arms. I survived my father‘s Doom with a clean heart. And I can forgive.

This is a very healing and lovely piece.

Author Reply: I felt terribly sad for Maglor; the only survivor, but broken inside, and unable to return to the West for the healing he needed. Faramir managed, probably not easily, to retain a "clean heart", and I think he had enough compassion to forgive Denethor, especially after he'd become a father himself.

Thanx for reviewing, Shirebound!

Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/18/2007
he looked for the first time upon a dawn free of Shadow

What a magnificent moment.

NestaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/18/2007
She certainly did that. I think he may have spent the next couple of millennia wondering precisely where he went wrong.

Author Reply: Yes, well, Galadriel wasn't exactly 'the little woman' type. They seemed to regard each other fondly enough in FOTR, and have mutual respect; and Celeborn seemed to be quite happy with his Noldor warrior-princess. I still want to know why Celeborn didn't leave M-e with Galadriel...

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