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Missing  by TopazTook 31 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/30/2007
I do like how well you've done Merry in this chapter--his careful planning and managing ways and his over-developed sense of responsibility have already come to the fore. But he's still young enough to not yet realize that *some* things can't be planned for, and that feelings can't be managed in the same way events are.

But Frodo at least understands that Merry meant well. His last words were so sad, and a bit of foreshadowing as well.

Author Reply: Thanks -- that's exactly what I was going for with Merry! (Wonder what *he's* "missing" in this story...)

Frodo does understand Merry pretty well. He was probably too distracted to let himself realize he was being manipulated into this trip, or he would have caught on earlier. And that foreshadowing...well, I can't help myself with things like that.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2007
Poor little Pippin--he's just trying to help! And so is Merry. But I wonder just how much Frodo is going to appreciate that help--I don't think he's ready to give over his sorrow yet.

Author Reply: Yes, I think Frodo would still be in a type of grieving at this point, since it hasn't even been a year since Bilbo left. And I think this may be one of those instances where the age difference between Pippin and Merry does impact how they understand or experience different things.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/30/2007
Oh dear! What a start!

Author Reply: Nothing like starting things off with a bang, so to speak. :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2007
Pearl's birthday, is it? And Frodo's reminded of Bilbo's going by smoke, is he? Alas, Frodo--he has his share of grief, but also his share of accomplishment.

Author Reply: At this point, at least, Bilbo's leaving and the party that accompanied it are still pretty recent for Frodo -- it was only a few months ago, in terms of when the story's set. And, yes, it is Pearl's birthday.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/19/2007
A good chapter for setting the mood. I see you've chosen a Scottish burr, and set the family of young Pippin within the Great Smial instead of on the farm at Whitwell.

Author Reply: Yes; this is the case in "my" fanfic version of the Shire. See my story "What Child Is This?" for further explanation.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2007
O my.

Took a running leap into LJ this morning (no time for more than a gulp, to mix my metaphors) and saw this recommended.

Ooo, nice setup! What makes me think that Pippin's gone to look for Bilbo?

Author Reply: Thanks. As for where Pippin is (or gets to be, since right now he's running into Merry at the food table), only time will tell...

BeruthielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/18/2007
Just one nitpick. The summary says this is 1412, but if Bilbo's party wasn't long ago and Pippin is twelve years old, it should be 1402.

Off to a very promising start!

Author Reply: D'oh! My brain must have been on vacation there. I fixed it.


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/17/2007
Off to a grand start, Topaz! I'm looking forward to finding out what's next :-)

Author Reply: Thanks! I hope to get the next chapter posted in the next week or so.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/17/2007
OOOO! Good intriguing opening!!


Author Reply: Thanks!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/17/2007
Now, I hadn't thought of that. Frodo wouldn't exactly be thrilled with birthday parties after Bilbo left, would he? This is very interesting all around. I find myself wondering if Merry insisted Frodo come along or if Frodo was simply invited and didn't feel he could refuse? Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: I think it may have contributed to Frodo being a "loner." And I suspect that Merry can be pretty insistent.

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