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Brotherhood  by Bodkin 21 Review(s)
ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Oh, delicious....those twins...AND Aragorn--er, Estel! I can just see the three of them together...and the "brothers" teaching him how to be a kid.....this is gonna be really interesting......heheh..........


Author Reply: I think the twins will be surprised how much they enjoy seeing the world through the eyes of a child. And they did a pretty good job in making sure that Aragorn grew up with a well-rounded personality!

I can see Elrond and Gilraen becoming quite a parental team, too. Which has its amusing side, considering the differences between them.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Oh this is so touching Bodkin. Powerful and brilliant. Loved the last line on so many levels.

Author Reply: Thank you! Elrond will be so pleased to see youth and playfulness return to his sons - even at the cost of having them acting like adolescents! (Although I feel that they will be able to resume maturity at will - the playing will come naturally, but it won't replace their adult personalities.)

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
As always, I love how you portray the twins - or in this case, Elrohir. I particularly like the contrast of them as cold eyed, remote or angry (not a sight I'd want to see either) with Elrohir's sudden boyish mischief and memories of his own youth.

I think a series of ficlets with the twins as big brothers to Estel will be delightful!


Author Reply: I feel they were probably past the worst of their vengeful elven warrior phase by the time Gilraen met them - but they would have been on patrol and doubtless seemed very single-minded and alien to a young girl. She is about to learn a completely different side to their personalities! One that will have a woman of less than 30 treating these warriors of around 3000 as exasperating teenagers!

The second one is already done.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
To see some--humanity--return for his sons would be, I'm certain, a blessing in the eyes of Elrond. Too long have they thought only to avenge their mother, and borne the hatred for the creatures of the dark her torture and removal left in them. Now, to relearn humor and silliness and innocence once more--as much a gift to them as it will be for her son.

Author Reply: To my mind, the twins are long past the worst by the time Aragorn is born - but they have not really had joy return to their lives. Estel, I think, provides that. Reminds them that there is a world beyond the fight against the dark and that it is important to take pleasure in the good things.

I suspect their decision to be 'brothers' to the young Dunadan will be to everyone's delight. Even if it proves to be rather wearing at times!

EnvinyatarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Excellent start - and the promise of more to come! I am looking forward to this very much. I particularly liked your suggestion of how the twins might move from the vengeful warriors of Tolkien to the mischief-makers of fanon.

Author Reply: I tend to think the twins are adventurous and ingenious - and that they were ... probably ... very tiring to be around as they grew up. Now? I doubt they are deliberate mischief-makers - but Elrohir has decided that they are the closest Estel will have to friends and brothers, so they might well indulge themselves a little. Possibly with the collusion of the adults around them. But I think that they can put off the playfulness and be the adult warriors they are when it is necessary.

seleneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
**grin** Oh I think Elrond will be grateful. Until the pranks start flying that is. And poor Gilrean does not know what she is getting in to but she will learn fast. **snicker**

Author Reply: Elrond will be glad, I think, to see the more joyful side of his sons re-emerge. Even if it does lead to trouble here and there! I'm not a great 'prank' fan - but I have no doubt that the twins spent their growing years in trouble. They are far too adventurous, inquisitive and ingenious not to try anything at least once! And I wonder how long it will take Gilraen to start treating them as if they're about fifteen!

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Oh, a promising start. I hope there's more to this!

Author Reply: Thank you - I'm glad you feel like that ... because the next part has already presented itself to me!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Now that's both touching and scary. I liked Gilraen's sense of the twins as remote and ancient. That's a view of them we don't often see. But she's becoming an insider at Imladris now, and up close, they're going to look a whole lot different.

Author Reply: The twins are, I think, mostly over the cold-blooded killing spree that followed their mother's wounding - but they are almost as old as the Third Age, while Gilraen isn't even thirty. To her, they must be legends.

You're right - she is going to get a whole different view of the whole collection of Imladris elves. I can see her going into partnership with Elrond the adar - in a way that she will never be able to explain to the Dunedain to whom he is as old as time and as powerful as ... summer.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Oh, Bodkin, this is so sweet. I felt so sorry for Gilraen as her heart ached for this son of hers doomed to always be alone and different. But then I smiled at the offer of two ancient, deadly, and yet very willing playmates. A lovely way to start a Monday.

Author Reply: I'm glad you like the start of it! I feel as sorry for Gilraen as I do for Aragorn really. She must be so lonely - and there's no-one around to be her friend. Not now, anyway. But Aragorn must play - and learn to be human - and, really, the twins are the only people who know of his presence who can offer him an aspect of care that is at least as important as his education.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2006
Ah, Bodkin, that is a wonderful idea! You're right, this could - no, should - grow into another series. Gilraen is right, her son needs someone to play with, to get into mischief and to evade the consequences, and I can't imagine anyone better able to do this than the Elrondionath. They have quite a reputation for it after all.
Elrohir is right, of course - it may be Gilraen will regret it, but it is for Estel's sake, and he will have a much happier childhood than if he is mostly alone. And Elrohir was very nice and understanding.

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you like the idea. Poor Estel needs children - and the twins are the best offer he's going to get! By the time he's adolescent, all Imladris will be in dread of them - although I don't really go with the pranks. Maybe - a bit - when they were little, but I tend to think that most of their adventures came through high spirits and endless ingenuity.

It's a shame there's not someone around to be a playmate for Gilraen, too - I tend to think she must have been quite lonely in Imladris. Maybe the adoption of a pair of rather long-lived 'sons' will help her, too.

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